Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Modern Polish Tram Stops
15 σχόλια
annamathys  [Δημιουργός] 6 Ιουλ 2023, 1:25 
Hi, I had already fixed this issue but as forgetful as I am, I didn't upload the fix ^^

I just updated the stations, passengers should now occupy both platforms
Jens@Saxony 5 Ιουλ 2023, 13:37 
Hello and thanks for the long tram stations. I build them everywhere, because I use trams with 3 waggons.

Small bug report: I build the long double sided station. Unfortunatly the waiting people are visible on only one side (the side with the laterns) and do not use both sides. Maybe you can have a look to it.

Many thanks for the mod.
filliar 8 Δεκ 2022, 10:06 
Unfortunately, the night lighting of the station lights does not work.
Vimes 2 Δεκ 2022, 0:36 
Thanks for making and sharing this station. How you have designed it means that you know what side the poles within it are placed before you actually put it in position.
annamathys  [Δημιουργός] 27 Οκτ 2022, 6:00 
I fixed the problem with police cars blocking the station and trams leaving the wrong way. But you unfortunately have to rebuild them in order for them to work
Szwarc 26 Οκτ 2022, 15:45 
Byczku, wszystko fajnie ale zbugowany jest ten przystanek bo radiowozy się wieszają na wjeździe przy interwencjach, jak kolega poniżej pisał.
Stele 17 Οκτ 2022, 16:43 
Every tram stop can connect to buses. Just run them on the same line. ;) I know, you want two parallel lines.
Adil3tr 17 Οκτ 2022, 13:14 
There's a need for a larger tram stop, the largest one is the one in the game that can handle like 150 people waiting, we could really use a 500-1000 one or one that can connect to buses.
jarekchoro 17 Οκτ 2022, 12:27 
Cześć! Nie wiem czy to tylko u mnie ale na przystanku jeśli dojdzie do interwencji milicji to radiowóz nie może z niego odjechać i blokuje cały ruch tramwajowy. Na przystankach dwukierunkowych ten problem nie występuje.
Stele 15 Οκτ 2022, 17:16
Tram flipped on stop 12, wraped to right track, got to stop 13, flipped again and exited on left track, coliding with next two trams. None made loop arround central building as they were supposed to.
After reload I removed those stops and they made loop without stoping, so track are fine all arround.
Looking into files, it's vanilla small tram stop with removed one vehicle station, two pedestrian connections and waiting area. Everything else is the same. :/ CONNECTIONS_AIRPORT_DEAD_SQUARE defines background I guess.
☭SZPIEG GAMING☭ 19 Σεπ 2022, 8:13 
dzieki mordo rób więcej jesteś wielkik
annamathys  [Δημιουργός] 14 Σεπ 2022, 23:50 
mogę, dziś opublikuję warszawską i jak idę dodam skiny innych miast
Kalmoire 14 Σεπ 2022, 22:57 
Wystawisz je?
annamathys  [Δημιουργός] 14 Σεπ 2022, 10:29 
Sam zrobiłem
mattslodki 14 Σεπ 2022, 10:15 
Skiny tramwajowe skąd?