Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Keep Upright Advanced
Mornedil TTV  [author] May 4 @ 4:42am 
The way keep-upright constraints work in the source engine makes them always able to rotate around their local up/down axis (not something I can change, it's just how the physics behind them work).

So if you want a prop to hold a specific angle, I would suggest using wiremod for it, you can apply physics to props with an E2 chip, other people have done this before so there should be code for it if you search for it.

If you want to hold a specific angle for a prop using only keep-upright constraints, you'd have to get a bit creative with how you use keep-uprights, and possibly weld multiple props together at different keep-upright angles so they lock each other out of being able to spin around their local up-down axis.
Theo May 1 @ 11:54am 
can you add a keep angle?
I try to stand something up on its end and it still just falls over :(
Mornedil TTV  [author] Apr 12, 2023 @ 11:08pm 
@Polish Tea Enjoyer
"I Have A Question, Where Is The Original Keep Upright?"

it's been years, but iirc "keepupright" was a vanilla tool in earlier versions of Gmod.
But at some point, the tool was removed and replaced with a "keep upright" checkbox in the context menu when aiming at a prop and holding C.

However, the context menu version of it sucks, as it has no options at all, and is generally too strong and makes things spazz out.

So in 2014, I tried searching for the tool version of a keepupright, but could not find one anywhere (since it seemingly was a vanilla tool that had been removed), so I decided to make this tool to provide something similar to the OG vanilla keepupright, with some QoL additions to make it even easier to use.

So... I guess you could say that this is the new OG Keep Upright after the removal of the vanilla tool, since at the time of making this the only other option was using the context menu.
Polish Tea Enjoyer Apr 9, 2023 @ 7:36am 
I Have A Question, Where Is The Original Keep Upright?
Makarylli Mar 12, 2023 @ 8:58am 
That working on saves?
TheRedBryant112 638 Dec 15, 2022 @ 4:52pm 
does it make it so it stays upright without forcing itself to face one direction
Mornedil TTV  [author] Jun 16, 2022 @ 3:27am 
"Does it work with ragdolls?"

"Keep upright constraints only work on props, but not special entities like ammo boxes, vehicles, chairs, NPCs or ragdolls. That's just how the constraint works in the game engine, and has nothing to do with this tool.
However, you can bypass this by adding a keep upright constraint to a prop and welding it to the special entity you want to keepupright, then disable the prop's collisions and use the color tool to make it invisible."
Yes Man Jun 13, 2022 @ 1:39pm 
Does it work with ragdolls?
Im autistic Oct 26, 2021 @ 2:24am 
Thank you so much
Mornedil TTV  [author] Jul 10, 2020 @ 10:06am 
as mentioned in the notes at the bottom, you cannot use this tool on entities. That's just how keepupright constraints work in the game.
If you want to keep a pod upright, use the keep upright tool on a prop, and weld the prop to the pod. You can make the prop invisible and no collide it afterwards too.
sggaghghwaghwghwgh Jul 9, 2020 @ 4:50pm 
*Doesn't work on "pod"
NextKuromeThe76Soldier Jan 31, 2020 @ 8:36am 
bet it replaces keep angles, since it doesn't work anymore
The Trollge Feb 20, 2019 @ 6:57am 
this could be useful
Mornedil TTV  [author] Oct 24, 2018 @ 7:38pm 
Set the "angular limit" setting higher than 0, and make sure you're using the tool on a prop, and not an entity. Gmod's keep-upright constraint will not work on scripted entities (such as chair, vehicles, guns, ammo, etc). If you need to keep-upright an entity, you can use the tool on a prop and weld the prop to the entity
Götz Oct 22, 2018 @ 5:53am 
Up-Right does not work
Deadbunny Jun 25, 2018 @ 2:25pm 
This will help greatly with flying machines. I always had that problem where a flying car would go upside down or just go crazy! Thank you!
Herr Doktor May 30, 2017 @ 3:43pm 
Has anyone seen that commercial where some scientist taped a buttered toast and a cat together then dropped them? I'm going to try that. No really, this addon just openned up a few possibilities. Commercial for reference:
[λG] Westeh Sep 28, 2016 @ 7:02am 
I can imagine funny sketches, like the houses prop-pack workshop with this! :D:
Goober Sep 26, 2016 @ 9:40am 
Hey, I might know a guy who could help you with Advanced Duplicator support. Add me on steam if you can to discuss things in more detail.
Goober Sep 25, 2016 @ 1:11pm 
The developer of Toggle Shadows tool seem to have a very good understanding of Advanced Duplicator compatibility implementations. Its a good place to start because I remember when I first asked him to implement such feature to his tool it took him literally minutes to do it...
Goober Sep 25, 2016 @ 11:04am 
Hello, its a great tool. But overall "Keep upright" as a function in garrys mod suffers greatly due to no duplicator support.

Anything that has the effect applied to it cannot be saved. I don't suppose you could look into it and add Advanced duplicator support? It would be really nice to save your creations while having Keep Upright as part of it.
Dafuq!?Boom! Oct 19, 2014 @ 6:33am 
Very nice. Great job man.
Mornedil TTV  [author] Jul 15, 2014 @ 2:42pm 
just weld another prop to the chair and keep upright that.
Bananan Guiter Jul 12, 2014 @ 11:20am 
ahh well the prop is a chair so...:'( thats why, thanks for the response.
Mornedil TTV  [author] Jul 11, 2014 @ 2:08pm 
It's probably the way you're using it. Like, if you have lots of props welded to each other, it matters a lot which prop you're using this tool on. Try using it on the most massive prop in the contraption, or you can use the weight tool to make something more massive. Or simply just increase the keep upright strength (angular limit). Remember that you can type in silly huge number like 9999999 if you're using the tool on a smaller prop in a group of welded props.
Also, keep uprights doesn't work on certain entities, like the airboat, chairs, or other vehicles.
Bananan Guiter Jul 8, 2014 @ 10:54pm 
Im having trouble with this i tried to use it on a jetpack thing im making but it did nothing. I messed around with the settings but nothing changed, am i doing something wrong?
Crazy Rabbit Jul 7, 2014 @ 10:44am 
I'll try ti, thanks
Crazy Rabbit Jul 1, 2014 @ 12:05pm 
This is very useful, but, if I use it to do some dupe, and I post the dupe. The person who downloads the dupe would use the with this properties? (Assuming that he haven't this addon)