Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

Polytheism Reborn
Tom5667  [author] 22 hours ago 
With latest update the mod is also available in German
Tom5667  [author] May 17 @ 4:19pm 
You can join the discord link in the description.
or click this one (it's the same)
落としたהת May 16 @ 11:09pm 
What's your Discord? Are you comfortable DMing me it?
Tom5667  [author] May 16 @ 3:06pm 
Rice has arabian paganism, so not really for the time being.

It has a low priority at the moment, as I'm busy with other stuff , but if he wants to talk about it he can always send me a message on discord or here.

Gui modding is one of the most difficult things in ck3 in my opinion
So yeah there could be some issues, but they are really tedious to solve.
落としたהת May 16 @ 9:00am 
And any plans to add Arabian paganism?
落としたהת May 16 @ 5:40am 
Also, I'm working with the creator of Paganism Plus on that exact thing (splitting the Slavic faith up), maybe you can get in contact with him?
落としたהת May 16 @ 12:39am 
The religion view stops looking like normal if you take too many doctrines?
Tom5667  [author] May 14 @ 11:46am 
Will look at it later on.

Some side information, I'm working on a translating of the mod for the German language.
Hopefully it's done in a few days
RavenFox May 14 @ 6:28am 
Is there any chance for adding Slavic faiths to the mix? Like, South, West and East Slavic, for example?
Tom5667  [author] Apr 5 @ 4:45am 
I think it's best you join the discord, it's easier to help there.
As there should be no reason the mod crashing the game.

What you could try in the meantime is verifying the game files via steam just to be sure.
SiegeThanks Apr 4 @ 5:26pm 
Love the idea, but I've also had the game crash every time I start a new game and select a character. I've disabled all other mods, still crashes.
KingoftheSewers Mar 27 @ 10:47pm 
ok i will try to figure it out
Tom5667  [author] Mar 27 @ 4:53am 
This sounds more like a load order problem to be honest.
KingoftheSewers Mar 26 @ 11:52pm 
the mod crashes whenever I get done selecting my character
Tom5667  [author] Mar 23 @ 4:00pm 
Not really, unless you use total overhaul mods then this mod is mostly loaded before the total overhaul mod.
Juggernaut_Johnson Mar 23 @ 3:06pm 
Hey Tom is there a load order for this mod?
Tom5667  [author] Mar 13 @ 12:30pm 
We are getting close to the day the poll is going to close, so if you still want to bring out your vote
don't wait to long and enter the discord !
Because it could be that your favorite religion will have to wait for extra flavor until a later update or maybe even the next poll (What depends on the success of this one)
Canaanite is at this point leading with 1 vote over the celts, if they will still lead by Friday is up to you.
Tom5667  [author] Mar 10 @ 12:23pm 
@Альфа 1918 It should be already compatible with the coas mods as far as I know.
Tom5667  [author] Mar 10 @ 12:21pm 
Sure can change that, the colors are always a bit of a thing.

Also as info for everyone, in the polytheism reborn discord is an active poll
about the religious flavor to be added next, I would like to ask everyone one who can
to come to the discord and vote it would help the mod forward a lot.
Thanks !
Beorhthere Appleby Mar 10 @ 12:00pm 
Mind changing the color of the Hittite culture? It is the same color as Greek.
Alpha-1918 Mar 10 @ 11:15am 
Make it compatible with Cat's COAs and Patrum Scuta + More Cultural Names pls
Tom5667  [author] Mar 10 @ 7:01am 
Was wondering that myself too for a test I was doing for the epe compatch a moment ago
Seems it's a bit bugged at the moment, hopefully it's a quick fix and the decision will be back shortly
Always ShieldBreaker Mar 10 @ 6:45am 
How do you create the high kingdom of ireland? normal ireland kingdom don't work for created the celtic empire, but the high kingdom of irelend does not have any land and can't be created
Tom5667  [author] Mar 9 @ 8:58am 
It's based on chance, your learning needs to be high
I always try to have 18 or higher myself so it has a high possibility to succeed.
I don't want to set the requirements to low as it would be to easy, and well convincing a court chaplain shouldn't be easy.
Kareo Mar 9 @ 8:51am 
hi! quick question, what are the rules to convince your court chaplain when reconstructing a Polytheistic faith? I try to revive kemitism, but each time my court chaplain refuse even if he has very low learning, and my only option is to repent...
Tom5667  [author] Mar 8 @ 4:03am 
That mod is integrated in this one, you only have to enable the game rule and you should be good to go
caraliang123 Mar 8 @ 2:07am 
There is an updated version of more tenet slots and customize sins, did the compatch works for the updated mod as well?
Tom5667  [author] Mar 7 @ 12:56pm 
Great to hear you like the mod :) , about the request it's possible to move the holy site away from
Dublin. Don't want to place it somewhere random, if you don't mind I take some time to search for a better place.
Best would be a place where they found some archaeological evidence of offer pits or something else. Maybe you know an important place by any chance ?
Cianog Mar 7 @ 12:21pm 
Hi there just want to say great mod and have a small request, any chance you could move the gaelic holy site from dublin itself to kildare temple? having it as a special building in the holding capital makes it dissappear with other mods such as arcane legacy or found university anywhere. Thanks again for the mod get great enjoyment out of it :)
Tom5667  [author] Mar 7 @ 5:51am 
A minute ago
Roblox man Mar 7 @ 5:49am 
is the court postions issue fixed?
Tom5667  [author] Mar 7 @ 5:49am 
Great to hear you enjoy the mod!
TsumaTek Mar 7 @ 4:20am 
Love this mod.....most certainly when I pair this with Bookmarks+ for the older timelines I like to play in. Cheers
Tom5667  [author] Mar 7 @ 4:10am 
Will fix that part today.
Zalthor Mar 6 @ 11:42pm 
There still seems to be an issue with court positions with this mod.
Tom5667  [author] Mar 5 @ 12:01pm 
That's a good question, could be that changing back from lite to full with an existing save could give some gui problem, I''m not sure though

It's better to finish the game on lite and just start again when the update is out
as you will always miss the new doctrines and as a lot will be changed with V3.0 of the mod
there is even a chance the an existing save game will crash
tilarium Mar 5 @ 11:56am 
@Tom How does this play with being added to an existing save? Once the update is done I'll add back in if it shouldn't have issues. Or since the game is early still, maybe I'll end it and add the lite and switch to the full when done.
Tom5667  [author] Mar 5 @ 11:23am 
The update is about 80 % done, Best to use the lite version in the meantime, as that one is has almost no issues with the latest ck3 update except the only thing you will miss there is the funeral doctrine for the added faiths.
tilarium Mar 5 @ 11:03am 
Fair warning friends, while the mod appears to be working in 1.12 it is overriding the court positions. This is while using Catholic Trinity and the compatch, so might be OK on it's own but night not. Best to wait for an update..
Tom5667  [author] Feb 28 @ 1:58pm 
Yes it's added by this mod, The localization thing is a known thing and is solved for the next update.
The decision can be taken multiple times is new thought I gave it a check, I will check it.
will also look at the durability of the artifact.

Thanks for reporting
SgtPeppersSoul Feb 28 @ 12:50pm 
There is a decision for Zoroastrians added by this mod (as far as I can tell) that is somewhat broken. "Commission the 3th Avesta" (should be 3rd) has no check for whether the decision has been taken before. This means that it can be taken an unlimited number of times.

I'd also mention that the artifact it gives should probably be illustrious. The effects are good, but the longevity is incredibly low.
Tom5667  [author] Feb 28 @ 3:29am 
Yeah there is a bit a problem with dynasty names, though some cultures already have a reworked dynasty list, the ones you name indeed still have the let say "placeholder" names from vanilla cultures. The first names are correct though.

So all will be fixed in updates to come as it is a lot of work
Mace Feb 27 @ 6:21pm 
scythians have arab family names, dacian and thracians have hungarian family names :(
Tom5667  [author] Feb 18 @ 5:55am 
Other possibility is to use the Polytheism Reborn Lite mod
That version doesn't have More doctrines included.
Tom5667  [author] Feb 18 @ 4:18am 
Do you have the extended marriage doctrines active ?
As the mods together cause this problem and a perfect fix for it isn't there (yet)
Nic05 Feb 17 @ 11:13pm 
My game keeps showing two duplicates of the concubinage doctrine and when I’m playing as a concubine faith, one will always say trigamous concubinage and the other will say disallowed. What do I do??
Óðinn Feb 7 @ 1:51am 
Hello, is there a way to change our culture through in-game mechanics other than the character creation screen? I can only change religion.
Tom5667  [author] Feb 5 @ 2:33pm 
Berber not really, Arabic not because RICE already added those
Oni Guy Feb 5 @ 2:21pm 
Have you considered adding Arabic paganism or Berber paganism?
Tom5667  [author] Jan 31 @ 4:12pm 
Sadly thoset are one of the most difficult cultures to add, mostly because of the lack of names
let alone dynasty names. So unless they find names for males and females in the near future I have to say no.