Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

BobSP4: Sub Species
LegoRobot  [author] May 8, 2017 @ 4:45am 
Sorry to hear that, TheChiaGod. Are you running eDuke32 with Atomic Edition? There's also one more map in this series, BobSPX, which you may enjoy.
TheChiaGod May 6, 2017 @ 4:46pm 
Unfortunately every time I enter the spa area the game crashes so I can't complete this map. The little I saw of it was pretty nice though.
LegoRobot  [author] Sep 10, 2014 @ 1:40am 
Thanks. IMO, There's really nowhere else to go with the franchise at this point. It is too distinctly 1990s to succeed if they try to play it straight.
Chucker Sep 7, 2014 @ 9:53am 
I was reading your (caption) ideas for where Duke could go in the future, in terms of satire, genius dude.:B1:
LegoRobot  [author] Sep 4, 2014 @ 9:47pm 
No, all standard enemies/art/sounds.
Chucker Sep 2, 2014 @ 1:16pm 
Are there any custom(new) enemies in this series?
LegoRobot  [author] May 22, 2014 @ 10:13pm 
The platforms are simply made with flattened sprites. eDuke32 now supports actual stacked sectors as well, but I have not yet seen a reason to use that feature.
Flalaski May 22, 2014 @ 3:59pm 
amazing design. I could never figure out how one does multiple landings and such.