Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Elevated Train Hub - Train Only Version
SergJack  [author] Sep 30, 2021 @ 5:53am 
Glad to hear that :)
CoolJay78 Sep 26, 2021 @ 11:20pm 
Good news, I got it to work!! Basically I used the game's native Asset Editor to remove the tracks and replace them with station tracks from the ETST set. With the help of the Find It mod, select any one of the elevated STATION train tracks, set at 10 to 12 meters height for the lower level, 20 or 21 meters for the upper level (the Fine Road Tool mod will really help). Remember, 12 units long maximum per segment before the crossovers occur, so play around with the rail placement to get it right. Save as a new asset with a new name. You may have to unsubscribe from the original asset to prevent reduplications. Load up the game, find and plop down your saved asset. I tested it and I got it to work! I suppose you can use Bloody Penguin's Spawn Point Fix and Advanced Building Editor, but that's way too advanced for my pay grade! I'm really over the moon I got this to work, this cross-track station is by far my favourite, and I can finally use it in my city.
SergJack  [author] Sep 26, 2021 @ 7:57am 
No, he only updated the MOM version.
CoolJay78 Sep 25, 2021 @ 10:50pm 
Did @Nickayz also apply the updated spawn points for this train-only version, too. I don't use MOM so I'm hoping to use this. When I first subscribed this station last year, I had trouble placing stops on the lower platforms. This is the only cross-track station design that I really like and has such a tremendous potential.
SergJack  [author] Sep 2, 2021 @ 11:17am 
Press down Shift when placing stops. That should allow you to fine-select where you want your stops to be.
电子烟我只抽瑞克五 Sep 2, 2021 @ 7:52am 
it seems that i can't place a stop at the lower level, the stop point always appears at the higher level even though i click at the lower one.
Groggybear Apr 30, 2021 @ 4:54am 
Im struggling to be able to place stops at 3 of the 4 lower stations, even with advanced stop selector. i can only place a stop at the station that bends off?? HEELLLPPP
SergJack  [author] Dec 19, 2020 @ 6:39am 
It could be that the station's pedestrian connections get "disconnected" from the platform in-game. That's a vanilla issue and I can't do anything until CO update it.
Schawafelschwamm Dec 18, 2020 @ 10:36am 
Is it possible that some of the tracks arent working correctly? The second track (lower level, the first one is the one adjacent to the white ramp) doesnt get used by my citizens, instead they take a detour by taking the train in the opposite direction and then coming back.
SergJack  [author] Oct 6, 2020 @ 12:09pm 
That's really odd, seeing as it loads for me and a bunch of other people that I've tested this with.
Check LSM's compatibility report, and see what causes it to not load.
Viva la Fiesta Oct 6, 2020 @ 12:05pm 
Sorry to say but this version doesn't want to work too...