Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

marziks May 26 @ 7:02pm 
Oh lmao okay, I was so confused when the disc mag was missing. Thanks for letting me know!
JohnathGuitar  [author] May 26 @ 6:17pm 
Haha the DPW-N3R actually is the upgraded Lewis. The reason it looks so different is because the red dot sight removes the iron sights, and then the disc mag is replaced with an extended mag variant... probably not historically accurate :buzzed:
marziks May 26 @ 6:48am 
Hey man, loving the map even though it's kinda kicking my ass to do the ee solo lol - Just wanted to give you a heads up on something, I just put the Lewis LMG into the pack a punch and I got out the DPW-N3R, which I believe is maybe the pap'd version of the MG 15? It definitely doesn't look like the Lewis. Just thought I'd give you a heads up in case this is something you'd be able to fix at all. In any case it's a great map! Thanks!
KFCgamingFR Apr 29 @ 2:21pm 
J'ai bien aimé la map, mais je la trouve très dur, après c'est peu être parce que je suis nul ? :)

Je met 9/10
JEKay Apr 14 @ 1:22pm 
Skill issue
rOsR Apr 14 @ 10:34am 
Shit map, dodo
dretorres47 Apr 13 @ 12:09am 
Very high quality map though
dretorres47 Apr 13 @ 12:09am 
I don't 100% know if this is a glitch but I'm assuming it is. I got a death machine as my mule kick weapon for some reason. I might've downed with it but don't remember. It never went away or ran out of ammo and when I died and got mule kick I would get it back (don't know if bo4 mule kick is in base map but was using AAE mod) The weirdest part was it let me packapunch it. Once I paped it, it suddenly had ammo. 999 in clip and 999 in stock. It was really weird.
SuperChubbS Mar 28 @ 5:00pm 
@moq Me and all of my friends have played this map multiple times without any frame drop issues (one of them has a RTX 2060 btw...). Try turning you graphic settings down a bit if you haven't tried that yet.
moq Mar 26 @ 10:38pm 
One of the best, if not THE best custom zombies maps unfortunately ruined by very poor and borderline unplayable performance. Such a shame because I really wanted to enjoy this map :( RTX 2060 btw
fl3tch Jan 29 @ 6:37am 
Bonus 35,500 points on solo! Anyone else know about this? I accidentally discovered it. It may not need to be done like this exactly, but this way definitely works. Buy quick revive, survive until first panzer making sure to keep starting pistol and turn on power, at first panzer spawn lead him to the jewel case at the perk near fire room, quickly open the case and take jewel, immediately let panzer kill you, then you kill panzer while down, you will self revive with 35,500 points.
Saif655 Jan 28 @ 10:40am 
Saif655 Jan 28 @ 10:39am 
Ezyom Jan 23 @ 12:02pm 
it's a good map but the wave gun step makes it a thousand times worse.
i hate rng steps with a passion and the wave gun step can ruin a run.
I've spent 120 thousand points and got to round 32 without getting it.
if this map ever gets changed there needs to be a guaranteed wavegun side EE
wondrous Nov 29, 2023 @ 5:51am 
fps drops, sry, this is shit
Fecal Fantom Nov 28, 2023 @ 9:09am 
@aciidz get good or play co op its alot easier with friends solo this map is ruff
aciidz Nov 26, 2023 @ 11:58am 
also panzers have way too much health for no reason, it's not even interesting or difficult, it's just making them bullet sponges for the sake of making them bullet sponges, which is completely awful design
aciidz Nov 26, 2023 @ 11:57am 
cool map, it's clear a lot of work went into this, but the last phase of the bossfight is pointlessly difficult, and as everyone else has said, the optimization of the map is pretty bad. AATs shouldn't have been disabled, just made everything 10x more annoying than it needed to be.
xNjckk- Nov 9, 2023 @ 1:43pm 
I'm not going to act like I'm the best at zombies, I'm new to PC gaming in general so that doesn't help either, but this map gets ruined by how unnecessarily difficult it is. If it isn't the hell hounds spawning incredibly quickly, it's the Panzer that's thrown at you and is just a bullet sponge. I'm down for a challenge and I'm okay with things being difficult, but both paths to power are like 10 doors and you can't get jug to help at all. Even with it the Panzer is just such a bullet sponge that if there are zombies next to it you are guaranteed dead. Forcing the player to get downed to use the mustang and sally to kill the Panzer is just bad design. It also seems like this map is only really playable with friends which just sucks. I feel like this could be a perfect map if just a few simple things were dialed back.
boy i'll whip ya head Oct 13, 2023 @ 2:54pm 
map is super challenging and fun but the nonexistent weapon variety, annoying panzer, and the optimization issues ruin it for me
mc12345 Oct 10, 2023 @ 5:10am 
What an incredible map! It’s very difficult and I’m going to enjoy learning to beat it. I’d say for most this is enjoy the journey not the destination kinda map. 10/10
LayZee_Vibes Oct 3, 2023 @ 4:08pm 
I like the map but man you cant make the zombies come from literally everywhere and the worst part is how many doors there are.

The panzer spawns way too early to even have time to prepare for him i spent most of my money trying to get to power. And im not really that bad at zombies at all.
Cutbacks Aug 10, 2023 @ 3:50pm 
would have been one of the top maps in the game if the zomb mechanics werent wack. u cant make a the whole hoard respawn right in front of ur face, literally the only thing wrong w the map but ruined the map.
poorman Jul 20, 2023 @ 10:10am 
I will also add the intro is way too long, the dogs are too tanky, and the ripsaw is useless.
poorman Jul 15, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
Map is poorly optimized, too dark, and not enough preparation for a round 6 panzer. Could've done a lot better
GodFatherOmar Jun 10, 2023 @ 11:14pm 
Not fun at all
MyTitanBalls510 Jun 3, 2023 @ 8:06am 
This map seems really cool, but despite me tweaking graphics etc, this map runs so poorly
[cobalticus] May 28, 2023 @ 1:12pm 
door opening simulator
Lordess uwu May 19, 2023 @ 12:32am 
i love how difficult this ee is tbh. the gameplay is smooth and theres a lot of play time for this map, i love it.
Kat Apr 23, 2023 @ 1:52pm 
Sadly Doesnt work with AAE
christopherdohaniuk Apr 8, 2023 @ 1:57pm 
Watched and thought on this map and would be amazing to have it as cannon. Like have the crew teleport in and Richtophen saying it is off and the team will have to look into it. Have it turn out the pyramid of this universe has an old corrupt Great War keeper in it that pulled them in. After defeating the keeper, have it sucked into the kronorium and then the crew teleport back to the boat yards where the game ends but a cutscene triggers. An have it be an announcement of the boat pushing off for Japan.Leading to the crew stowing away with zombies at the docks but about to be found by the boat crew. That would be a great way to bring this into cannon. :)
Trashpanda115 Mar 29, 2023 @ 7:25pm 
Hearing about the panzer camping issue, playing solo its real easy to just let him down you and then use mustang & sally and just blow him up, but even with waveguns on round 8 is difficult to kill him
Scouseleemini1 Mar 27, 2023 @ 7:16pm 
im not going to lie a lot of mods look like I should pay for it and this is one of them. it looks so good and is very hard solo, but I highly recommend it
JohnathGuitar  [author] Feb 26, 2023 @ 6:42pm 
Haha it is a bit easier in co-op, yes. Keeping the later rounds engaging was definitely one of the major goals with the map; glad you liked it! :jug:
Fecal Fantom Feb 25, 2023 @ 10:40am 
I will say I maybe commented too early. After playing co op with my brother who is pretty mid at zombies, we made it too round 45. Playing with friends makes the panzers way easier to slay. All in all despite the very intense challenge on solo this is my favorite map on the workshop . The reason being the mid to late rounds unlike other maps still stays very interesting! I feel too many maps after you get pack and perks it like brain dead easy until you get to late 40s-50s+. This map from round 1 and beyond keeps you in fear and its very refreshing.
JohnathGuitar  [author] Feb 24, 2023 @ 8:11am 
Unfortunately I no longer have the map files intact, so Der Hafen is kind of set in stone I'm afraid. And yeah, the Panzer camping you while downed (in solo) was a super annoying bug I could never fix back in the day.

There is actually a way to insta-kill the Panzers, it's tied to one of the unlockable hats. Like DE, there's 3 Panzer claws around the map that going flying when you shoot them, and if it hits a Panzer it kills it. Holofya made a video on it here. Besides that, Double Tap, headshots (very important), and maybe a shotgun (particularly the Walther Auto) at close range are your best bets to take him down.
Fecal Fantom Feb 23, 2023 @ 4:06pm 
idk how updates work for these maps and it is kinda old but even a 5%-10% nerf to panzer hp would make this map great. Also the panzers will camp you when you go down so in 20s the mustang and sallys do not kill the panzers as soon as you are up you die. Please all mighty map creator come back and adjust this, one of the best maps on the workshop imo!
Fecal Fantom Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:51pm 
super fun map. I do not like easy maps myself. But dang the panzer has too much hp than normal idk even with wave gun he takes a million shots
Keliane68k Jan 30, 2023 @ 9:21am 
50k and i don't have the wavegun !! Stop h'ive test the easter egg 8x and i can't have the wavegun in the box !!!
人類最弱・人間失敗 Jan 11, 2023 @ 8:05am 
trash, so angosto map tonto, dumb :GDInsane:
Pack A Puncher Dec 29, 2022 @ 1:09pm 
Absolutely amazing map. Treyarch quality 100%. Although boss fight is a PAIN.. died 5 times in it on the final wave so far :(
El Jefe Oct 20, 2022 @ 10:01pm 
make zombies a little slower they start running in round 2
Pancake Sep 11, 2022 @ 9:41am 
rework the panzer, the thing has way to much heath comes way to often and the fact it pushes you when your down is awful, you can get trapped in a corner simply because it walks into you pushing you. map is cool and what not, but the panzer is ruining it with its state right now. i suggest you learn how to balance a fucking boss zombie
Ben_meistro Sep 5, 2022 @ 11:53pm 
Great style great play BUT!!!!. Would be AMAZING i you removed Panzer soldat. Most annoying part of any zombies map. You killed your map with this.
BabyGap Aug 28, 2022 @ 2:29am 
I'd rather play tarkov every day for the rest of my life than play this one lane ass map again.
FlailingWombat Jul 24, 2022 @ 7:21pm 
Maybe you're just not skilled enough for it 🤷
Desperado Jul 24, 2022 @ 7:01pm 
this map kinda sucks. panzers are unbelievably tanky and if you do not complete the dragon steps by round 6 or 7, you will likely die. All of the dragons are in super tight spaces. ALSO, I was playing with my friends and we got to the Avogadro step and the platform where we need to knife him is TINY. But dont worry, zombies spawn from ALL OVER. Like you can run from one end of the platform to the other in 3 seconds. With 3 players there, it was impossible. Glad to have spent 2+ hours doing this map twice to die to a stupid tiny arena.

Also, why tf make an easter egg just to get electric cherry? bruh im already spending 2+ hours on the map why do this to me. honestly there are way to many steps, the steps are way to challenging, and the map is super tight and has 0 places to train.

The map looks incredible, but that is the only good thing about this map.

Archeus Jul 22, 2022 @ 4:57am 
This map is stupid amounts of hard, I get obliterated by the panzer
Zonbaw Jul 18, 2022 @ 8:40am 
no thanks, i'd rather play geomerty dash, this shit is way too hard