XCOM: Chimera Squad

XCOM: Chimera Squad

A Better Arsenal
lolic_lol Nov 13, 2020 @ 2:39am 
With this mod, I can increase the number of attachments for weapons and armor? There are many types of attachments in the game, but there is nowhere to put them.
Online Addict  [author] May 10, 2020 @ 7:26pm 
Women sure will! Lol
Scuba Steve  [author] May 10, 2020 @ 6:26pm 
Haha, thanks for the kind words.. There are so many things I need to be more smart at... money, career, and women. I believe it will take a life time to get smart about those things. I fear that is the point.
Online Addict  [author] May 10, 2020 @ 1:35pm 
You're so smart! :D
Scuba Steve  [author] May 10, 2020 @ 12:24pm 
I believe so, there is an association of the media assets by template and that template is associated to the gun. I would think that it is very possible to just repoint the epics to another template. Search in the WeaponsData.ini and also go take a look at the GameCore.ini from the default game config folder. Weapon behaviors are determined in the WeaponsData but things like visual and audio components happen in GameCore.
KELVEENO May 8, 2020 @ 10:47pm 
is it possible to make epic weapons use the graphics and animations of the standard weapons?
Thumper May 4, 2020 @ 2:13am 
Could you make a mod so we could produce epic weapon in the CNC machine, playing through 1/3 still cant dind a single part of those.
Z405 May 3, 2020 @ 4:35pm 
Hey Steve, sorry for the late reply and yes I can understand that me talking about A Better Start, in the comments section of one of your other mods can be confusing :P Sorry about that.

As for the mod you suggested, I've already tried that one. It's okay, but not what I'm looking for ;)

thanks for thinking along though.
Scuba Steve  [author] May 3, 2020 @ 3:52pm 
Vegik, I'll go see if I can find it and drop the change in a comment here.

Cybil22, thanks for the feedback. I did miss a few things when it came to number of charges. I'll see if I can fix that and put out an update.
Vegik_Bloodfang May 3, 2020 @ 12:50pm 
Hi Scuba Steve, I am able to find TalonRounds but I am unable to find the TranqRound there
cybil22 May 3, 2020 @ 11:17am 
@Scuba Steve, I just checked on a new game, and skills like fan fire still has one charge only, but run and gun only has 1 turn cool down. No big deal though, now we already have a looot of other actions anyway, thanks again :)
Scuba Steve  [author] May 3, 2020 @ 10:36am 
Yeah, it's possible to add more damage type ad attribute buffs to a single ammo round. Unless I get a lot of folks asking for it I don't want to mess with it as I can't have both ways. If you want to change it look in the XComGameCore.ini under the path shown in the details under DIY modding. search for tranq or talon and you will see it. Just add a "+" to the front of the line to add a new value.
Vegik_Bloodfang May 3, 2020 @ 8:03am 
@Scuba Steve, can you make a combine TranqRound and a TalonRound? If so, which did you change?
Scuba Steve  [author] May 3, 2020 @ 2:23am 
When I updated the A Better Agent it buffed the abilities. Which means it should also buff the epic weapon based abilities. Not completely sure though. I'll go look it up. Let me know if you find out differently.
cybil22 May 2, 2020 @ 7:09pm 
Hi there, thank you for your amazing work! Just a quick question please, does this mod also increase the number of times you can use the epic weapons ability? Or gives them a cool down time or something?
Online Addict  [author] May 2, 2020 @ 5:47pm 
Hmm... I wouldn't mind a mod that lets you pick both. Corse, I guess if you get the "reset button" mod, you can just switch back and forth. Kinda dumb, but you have to live with what you got.
Scuba Steve  [author] May 2, 2020 @ 2:40pm 
Oh and also, I never responded to the first part of your original request. I did not easily find in the configs a place where one could choose both abilities at a promotion. That would probably require some scripting that I have never tried. For what its worth there is a great mod out that allows you to reset your abilities at any time.

Scuba Steve  [author] May 2, 2020 @ 2:32pm 
Hi Z405, Just to double check, you are using the A Better "Agent" mod, correct? Because these comments are on the A Better "Arsenal" mod. If you are not using the A.B.Agent mod then subscribe to that and let me know. Also are you using the LITE version or full version.
Z405 May 2, 2020 @ 1:55pm 
Hi Steve and thank you for replying. Your mod is the only mod I've got activated and the time for training is still the mentioned 2, 3 and 5 days, which is why I suggested it. I assumed that it's supposed to be like that, because maybe I am overlooking the reference to it in the "under the hood" description of that mod?

Anyway, choosing both abilities on the 2nd and 4th, is that something you know how to do with just config ini adjustments? I simply don't know where to start looking.
Scuba Steve  [author] May 2, 2020 @ 11:57am 
Hi Z405, yeah, right there with you. Steam doesn't make it easy to send direct messages outside of a chat session with an invited friend. Probably some wisdom in that. Easy enough though to answer you here. So check out A Better Agent. Those times for training away scars and buffing stats are reduced with that mod. A Better Agent LITE still does it but the are only a bit faster than vanilla.
Thanks for the feedback and question.
Z405 May 2, 2020 @ 9:04am 
Hey there Steve,

I see, nor know of any other way to contact you, so that's why I'm doing it like this.

I'm wondering if you know of any way to make it possible that I do not have to choose between 2 abilities on the 2nd and 4th level-up. I'd rather just have both abilities. Are you familiar enough with the config file overrides to make this a thing?

Also, with the "A Better Start" I was kinda hoping you would also have hastened the time spent on researching the agents their 3 personal skills or scars. First skill cost 2 days, second 3 and the final costs 5. Scars as well cost 2 days. Reducing the wait would be great, as I simply do not want to be forced to using other agents.
Scuba Steve  [author] May 2, 2020 @ 8:25am 
Thanks all for the feedback and an "amen" to Sumatris. I guess I should put the disclaimer about this being a big EZ button right at the top of the details as I get the complaint that these mods make the game too easy. (Which is the intent.) There are some really great game balancing mods out there that improve the play without giving such a heavy advantage against the opposition as my mods do. In fact, by a similar name you should try DerKB's "A Better Ai" series. He puts a lot of time into his mods to make sure he changes the game without overkill. Since he focuses on the enemy side one could say he makes the game even harder.
(continued below)
Scuba Steve  [author] May 2, 2020 @ 8:25am 
(continued from above)
There are a litany of mods that push the game to one extreme or the other. My mod series, going all the way back to early days of XCOM 2's initial release came out of my impatience to get to the "good stuff" in the game without the tedium of grinding. That gave way to the evil joy I had in one shot killing pod after pod.

Yep, my mods are not for everyone. I enjoy them and I really appreciate the fans who ask for more with every new iteration of XCOM. I created the LITE versions for the majority, but in my own play through I load up the blood squeezin full versions.
Sumatris May 2, 2020 @ 1:28am 
@ Weird-Face-Avatar: Some people just want to relax and enjoy games for their core gameplay, not the challenge of putting up with RNG rolls that punish any mistake. If these casual gamers feel that advantageous mods like this one improve their gaming experience, it's their decision alone and should be respected, just like they shouldn't mind those who like their game more difficult.
Cahos Rahne Veloza May 2, 2020 @ 1:00am 
Waiting for the Lite version of this one as I use the lite versions of the first two mods in this series of yours.
T00much May 2, 2020 @ 12:25am 
In what ways is this pleb easy mode "better"?
✚ Anajamois May 1, 2020 @ 11:47pm 
Are you sure we need all of these "a better" mods?

I don't see why anyone would need so many advantages. Why wouldn't they just play on easy mode?
SilverKappa May 1, 2020 @ 11:04pm 
I love you.
Fixter May 1, 2020 @ 10:51pm 
been waiting for this, thanks man