Portal 2
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Aperture
11 opmerkingen
Steve3Dx 6 nov 2023 om 9:26 
mino76.FR 21 jun 2014 om 3:01 
De bonnes idées pour ces salles casse tête.
Good ideas for these head break rooms.
Prenez des idées
Bayram 29 nov 2013 om 8:46 
This was enjoyable, so thumbs up. But, I do have some comments. 1) GLaDOS's comments are particularly off-base and annoying. 2) To get the sphere, I simply stood on the reflection cube . 3) I dragged the reflection cube through the entire map only to find I did not need it. 4) This map suffers from the same quicksave problem as No Mercy Part Two, i.e. after a save/load cycle a large number of angled panels which should be open are closed. You can see this clearly in LPChip's video, starting at 4:25, where he misses the speed gel jump. He restores to the crusher room (presumably an autosave) but the panels are all closed. He has to make his way to the long excursion funnel room using the behind-the-scenes passages. This must have something to do with the lasers you use to control large numbers of angled panels.
Stagger Lee  [auteur] 30 aug 2013 om 10:15 
The mod I used is BEEMOD and Stylemod. BEEMOD gives you extra toys, triggers and savepoints. Stylemod breaks the PTI entity limit (giving you the Hammer limit instead) and can also let you change your map to look like the different era's from the single player Portal2 game if you so choose.
Stagger Lee  [auteur] 30 aug 2013 om 10:11 
Strange again because it does have antlines where applicable. There aren't many because aside from the opening room, there are no puzzles to solve. You just have to get back to the opening room with a sphere. Making your way back through hazards is your puzzle.
Jethro Q.Walrustitty 30 aug 2013 om 10:04 
no idea, i tried reloading the map and it seemed to load ok the second time round. All i would say is its a little confusing as to what each button / trigger does. Maybe some indication with antlines or signs. Lol they may have been there to be fair but lost to another glitch, i don't know. Apart from that a very nice map. I assume you used hammer or a mod. If a mod which one as I'd love to incorporate the smasher and vacuum tube in my own maps.
Stagger Lee  [auteur] 30 aug 2013 om 9:59 
Wow. I have never seen graphics go that crazy in Portal2. I don't even know what to tell you to try doing to fix it.
Jethro Q.Walrustitty 30 aug 2013 om 9:11 
I failed to complete this mainly because of some serious graphics glitching (see here - my uploaded images I had to upload as artwork because of some strange inability to take normal screenshots meaning i had to do it via console and save to my desktop.) I did watch LPChips video and it looks like a great level. If only I could actually play it lol
Slordar 26 aug 2013 om 19:01 
Here we go oh yeah
LPChip 26 aug 2013 om 12:19 
Great map Stagger Lee :)

Can't really say I felt a death run as I could take cover, but regardless of that, the level is nice. It really felt like an Indiana Jones map. I did a blind-run recording too, which you can see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPZjQKIhy1o
Jade BGE 26 aug 2013 om 11:31 
really nice adventure. I had a great time in there. Thank you!