Shinobi Thieves Quest Line
[BRE]Baudry/Gman Aug 27, 2023 @ 2:22pm 
This still work?
Mommy Motoko Dec 18, 2020 @ 3:42am 
I dont get what I am suppose to do with this mod, I am sorry if I sound dumb. But I get to the Black Dragon HQ, they seem to be randomly running in and out of the building odly, there is only 1 NPC that has the prompt I can talk to them called Zuri, but when I talk to them nothing happens, no dialogue nada. Am I missing something?
falloutgod13 Jul 18, 2020 @ 8:58am 
Eh.... some building ended up with a random barrel stuck in the floor... I couldn't find the assistant trader... bleh
RaRaRasputin Jul 27, 2019 @ 6:17pm 
I'm liking the mod so far but I had one question. The guy I used to buy thieves backpacks from in the Hub no longer has them. Is this intended and is there somewhere else I can get them? Thanks for the mod!
JugoWolf Jul 25, 2019 @ 9:17am 
I'll check out the youtube. I tried talking to the boss again but it won't let me talk to him either. Thanks for the quick reply
Havie  [author] Jul 25, 2019 @ 8:27am 
Im not sure man, its been awhile, you could try finding my youtube channel and watch me make the mods to retrace it all.. or Id just go back to any in town shinobi thief guild and talk to the boss, see what they say
JugoWolf Jul 25, 2019 @ 7:58am 
Would you mind adding a guide or sorts?
I joined by bringing hash, helped with the 1st mission in the swamps. Talked to the ninjas about the next mission to help the black dragons out, went to their tower or at least its the only place in the border zone where I can find them, but they wouldn't talk to me and I went to sleep and now I don't remember what they asked me to do in the first place other than talk with them and I'm not entirely sure how to find out how I'm suppose to help.
Winters Jul 7, 2019 @ 10:53am 
ohhhhh ok thank you
Havie  [author] Jul 7, 2019 @ 6:37am 
its only for certain unique NPCs if i remember- such as faction leaders
Winters Jul 6, 2019 @ 8:58pm 
im not able to see the heart in the people I KO. Do i need a higher skill or didI do something wrong
Havie  [author] Jun 11, 2019 @ 9:59pm 
weird, feel free to fix it , I dont have the game installed tho so i cant reUL

he comes back at night
jhwisner Jun 11, 2019 @ 8:04pm 
Yeah sorry that screenshot didn't really explain where that stray entry ended up. It's not from one of the layouts in the level data, it's in the component definition for all storm houses.

It's in the BUILD_PART object "Storm_House_01_Interior" as a 'part entry'. Normally the only entry there is "Storm_House_01_Interior-Floor"

So yeah it's not adding a random barrel, it's telling the game to incorporate the mesh+material of the barrel as part of every storm house floor. The result is what looks like a barrel half-sunk in the middle of every storm house floor - you can't remove it under ctrl f12 because it's just as much part of the building as the floor.

Benta1995 Jun 11, 2019 @ 7:15pm 
i cant find the white eye dude, any tips ?
Havie  [author] Jun 11, 2019 @ 7:04pm 
Im confused, whats the problem w a random barrel ? lol
jhwisner Jun 11, 2019 @ 2:50pm 
@Ignorance -

Thanks for figuring out it was this mod, it was driving me crazy!


Love the mod.

There appears to be a edit that causes barrels to appear in the middle of storm houses. I found the change that causes it here by loading this mod in FSC, and searching the change list. This appears to be the cause

I've reverted the change locally after copying the mod to my mod directories. Removing this changed fixed the issue with the stormhouse interiors without needing to import.
Benta1995 Jun 10, 2019 @ 7:07pm 

Thanks !, i find out about your shek questline now, going to test it,
I dont know if you can do compilations or not, but if you can maintain your profile public will work , i guess !

so thanks again for your great work, looking forward for more questlines, maybe you can do hive missions ?

greetings from argentina :lunar2019coolpig:
Havie  [author] Jun 10, 2019 @ 1:56pm 
not sure how to post a compilation on steam? is it per game?
I turned off private for now for u
Benta1995 Jun 10, 2019 @ 1:33pm 
Can you post a compilation of your works ? because your profile is private xD
Ignorance May 23, 2019 @ 7:03am 
i just write to let you know that this mod caused a barrel in my storm house, both old and normal version, but only the stormhouse, once i removed the mod no more barrel, not sure what it is or why it did that, but now you know. never got to try your mod but it sounds great.
T0tal-Paran0ia May 16, 2019 @ 7:38pm 
Dude your my Hero! i've been waiting ages to play with and be apart of the Swamp Ninjas!!!! just Subscribed, ill give it a go my Group is already in the Swamp any how. Thanks a bunch :D
Havie  [author] May 13, 2019 @ 2:36pm 
Also thanks for asking to translate, so many ppl on my other mods just demand I do it . Its like what makes them think I know their language(s). Im not a developer, i dont have to support diff languages lol
Havie  [author] May 13, 2019 @ 2:34pm 
Go for it, im pretty done with modding kenshi,I;ve moved on, so feel free to use any of my work.
Crediting it would be cool if applicable.
WolfGunt May 13, 2019 @ 4:22am 
Hello, can i post translation of your mod? People asked.
Feba May 10, 2019 @ 2:25am 
i dont know unfortunately... i suggest (even if i think this doesnt relate with the bug) you to remove the part "(costum camp)" from the name of the camp you added. seeing the part between ( ) ruin the ingame feeling
Havie  [author] May 9, 2019 @ 7:37pm 
Hmmm.. if it has something to do with the white eyebrow custom camp i added that could make sense, but I have no clue what exactly the issue would be.
shame >.<
Feba May 9, 2019 @ 6:36am 
i have absolutely no idea. everything worked 100% fine untill i went to that place in the sk's roam (the White Eyebrow Clan camp). i tried at least 20 times but always sooner or later the game went always down. it's a pity. i liked your mod a lot
Havie  [author] May 8, 2019 @ 5:25pm 
Sorry for your troubles guys, not sure why that would be?
Feba May 7, 2019 @ 3:03pm 
Hi. Like North down here, after trying to figure out which of my 30+ mods was causing my game to crash while trying to move around in skinner's roam, next to the "mysterious outpost", i've narrowed it down to this mod. Just letting you know.
Nørth May 6, 2019 @ 2:03pm 
Hello. After trying to figure out which of my 30 mods was causing my game to crash while trying to move around in the venge, ive narrowed it down to this mod. Just letting you know.
Havie  [author] Apr 13, 2019 @ 6:12pm 
yeah not sure whats going on there, try coming back in 24h ingame time, Idk why hes somtimes flooded w all ninja rags. If anyone knows anythin ab vendor generator.. lmk cuz I dont see a reason why he would pick so many rags when he has access to tons of other items
Magic Nerd Apr 13, 2019 @ 1:52pm 
the shinobi trader dont sell anything else other than some mediocre black cloths.
Havie  [author] Apr 11, 2019 @ 9:08pm 
Sorry for the typo spelling nazi.. yesh. thanks for the comment.
Yes.. i added death items to the two targets you must kill for the quests. Red Bandit/sabre leader, and the white eyebrow leader.
So yeah U dont have to carry them around scheming ways for them to die. Simply KO them, loot the heart, done. "you're" welcome spelling nazi
Super Senor Gojo Apr 11, 2019 @ 7:42pm 
assassination targets will be unique? (no worry about running around with average npcs just having them?)
Also you forgot an an s in assasination (i copied pasted)
Havie  [author] Apr 11, 2019 @ 6:07pm 
Things I would like to add:
More w Zuris story, his medal, interaction with other ninja clans.
Swamp ninja quest continuation.

Likely hood is low as im losing interest and time in Kenshi
Havie  [author] Apr 11, 2019 @ 6:05pm 
----Big Update----

looked at alot of stuff, did alot of tweaking.
2nd quest is still a WIP as the white eyebrown town behaves oddly.
added 3rd final quest line (totally untested)
Ability to get ninja BGs upon completion .

Took a look at vendor items, increased max amount vendor has to 45, decreased chance at base ninja gear appearing *slightly*
I saw once instance of him still having like 30 ninja rags in inventory. Unsure how to fix. Need someone w exp in setting up vendors to chime in / take a look.
Havie  [author] Apr 11, 2019 @ 3:02pm 
I don't recall if I added more ninja's .. Maybe?
I did not see a way to make people in a squad have a different vendor . It's very annoying that the squad all shares same vendor/cats.
The vendors should not be altered too much from vanilla , only adding the maps and MAYBE some extra ninja's gear so the first discount ticket allows the player to get the base gear.
I tried increasing the max items the vendor has to allievate this but it's super unclear how this works w the ghetto squad sharing everything mechanics
Listerx Apr 11, 2019 @ 8:28am 
A few questions after playing the mod some more:

Did you add a 10-12 Shinobi squad to the tower to beef the faction up?
When I load the mod the squad keeps walking in and out of the tower and crowd blocks the entrance.

Also, is it possible to give the assistant NPC a different vendor list than the vanilla Shinobi trader?
It is replacing what otherwise would be possible MKIII or standard gear with trash items.

My impression is that this mod has great potential, as long as it is not intrusive and blends with the world on Kenshi in a seamless way. My 2 cents and ty for the upload.
Havie  [author] Apr 9, 2019 @ 12:38pm 
There reason the weapon/armor/map/blueprint cant be given free is because there is no way to give these types of items in Kenshi FCS.
You can only give generic items such as materials, or food.
So the best I can do is make an NPC that sells/buys things 90% off and allows u trade w him once.
Listerx Apr 9, 2019 @ 12:36pm 
Yes, the assistant NPC was right next to the boss and it is named differently than the SHinobi trader. I will try and explore the mod further.
Havie  [author] Apr 9, 2019 @ 12:34pm 
yeah its a "discount ticket" you got it for 90% off.
If you did this at the "trader" and do not see an "assistant" then this will require an import.
The ticket is for the shinobi "assistant"
importing will probably allow you to trade with him one time (granted you still have the ticket)
Listerx Apr 9, 2019 @ 12:27pm 
Yes, it did. I talked to the Thief Boss and he gave me a ticket to give the nearby agent trader for a piece of armor. Although, I didn't get a free piece of gear so I had to buy it.
Havie  [author] Apr 9, 2019 @ 12:02pm 
Yes, the second 2 should be available as there condition is you are an ally.
Why don't you try it and let me know as - as stated this mod is very much in a beta state and I'm looking for feedback
Listerx Apr 9, 2019 @ 11:30am 
I am interested in exploring the available quest chains here but I have already joined the Shinobi Thieves normally prior to finding this mod. WIll the mod offer the quests to me?
Havie  [author] Apr 9, 2019 @ 5:20am 
I don't think so, why don't you just try it?
professoremperor Apr 9, 2019 @ 1:42am 
Hi. I think this mod is a fantastic idea. Just wondering, it won't bugger anything if I install the mod but have already joined the Shinobi thieves, will it?
Havie  [author] Apr 8, 2019 @ 7:11pm 
@murma the discount ticket is used to trade the shinobi "assistant" who sells things to you at a discount . Don't sell things to him. Closing that trade and trading the shinobi "trader" should give the usually 50%.

Interesting other ideas . I like the ideas of sacred items.
Next quest is for sure going to be stealing relics from the major factions tho
YellowLotus Apr 8, 2019 @ 3:47pm 
It's been a couple of days since I played so my memory is a bit hazy.
1) I thought about having different ninja factions to have their own sacred weapon or item. When you reach a certain world state, the player can be awarded these. Nothing too op, but better than what they are right now. Like the Trade ninjas could have a backpack that stores a good amount of stuff and doesn't reduce stats. The Black Dragon Ninjas could have a belt that raises martial arts but also strength and dex. Not sure about the others, but just another idea.
2) The Sand Ninjas could help you take over the United Cities.
3) While thinking this, Idk how feasible this is. But, you could have each ninja faction take portions of the the world as their own territory. And they would consider the player faction the rulers. Giving you massive discounts to shops and pretty much everyone being friendly to you regardless of what you do.
Candalf the Waxy Apr 8, 2019 @ 10:24am 
Great idea that adds depth to the game, wish there were more like this
Murmaqua Apr 8, 2019 @ 9:12am 
Hey just wanted to say the mod didnt require an import working fine right now, however the discount ticket you are given means you sell items to the shinobi trader at 90% discount as well.
Murmaqua Apr 8, 2019 @ 8:05am 
does this mod require importing your savefile or no?