Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

San Rafael
Quelmotz Jun 6, 2021 @ 12:20am 
:) I will try to post some!
j_nobbs  [author] Jun 4, 2021 @ 1:35pm 
Your'e welcome. I sent you a friend request. I'd like to see what you do with the map, if you ever post screenshots. Happy city building :)
Quelmotz Jun 4, 2021 @ 1:00am 
Thank you!!
j_nobbs  [author] Jun 3, 2021 @ 3:11pm 
I've uploaded San Rafael without roads. I also needed to smooth some of the coastal edges and I added a few more trees. I hope it loads for you.
Quelmotz May 31, 2021 @ 8:04am 
Thanks so much for doing this! :)
j_nobbs  [author] May 30, 2021 @ 11:51pm 
Hi Quelmotz,
It's been a long time since I loaded up this map and it's also been a couple of months since I have even played Skylines, but I will load up San Rafael in the Map Editor and look at removing the roads and reloading it as a non infrastructure map.
Quelmotz May 28, 2021 @ 3:19am 
Would you mind uploading a version of the map without any networks (or using alternative networks, but it's probably less work to just use move it and select all networks and delete them)? I love the look of the map but Network Extensions 2 is now incompatible with many new mods so I'm unable to load the map. Thanks! (Totally understand if you're too busy to do this).
Lion Apr 13, 2020 @ 10:49pm 
Thanks for sharing!
j_nobbs  [author] Sep 24, 2019 @ 12:16pm 
It's an 81 Tile Map, but you could just play the core 25 tiles if you are limited.
ShoW Sep 23, 2019 @ 9:41pm 
Is the area greater than 25 Tile?
||||||||||||||| Jul 12, 2019 @ 12:11am 
hapori aroha !

that would be super if you were willing to try, the map is so good, it would be amazing to be able to play it with full functionality :D the intersections / junctions you have used are very smooth and dynamic, and they look great !
j_nobbs  [author] Jul 10, 2019 @ 2:21pm 
I've never been asked that before. Even though i live in New Zealand and we drive on the left, like you guys, England, Japan etc....when i make U.S maps, i always choose the right-hand drive option in keeping with the location and i always build the city in right-hand drive for realism too.
I could try to create a Left-hand drive map version and test the functionality of the roads in Test Mode? Maybe that's the best way to deal with it.
||||||||||||||| Jul 10, 2019 @ 7:01am 
@j_noobs would you be interested in editing the map for left hand drive ? CS is very popular down under, as you may already know by the amount of youtubers from australia who are making the vids with the studio right now on the game.

there are some issues with the layout of the junctions not working correctly when we use the in-game option to use left hand drive, and we often have to edit these to make them work, which i feel takes away from your hard work.

just a request, wont be to heart broken if you choose not too mate :) thanks in advance.
j_nobbs  [author] Jul 9, 2019 @ 8:40pm 
Thanks. I have been away for two months. Will check the review.
Hendrik aka Lucky Pants Jun 30, 2019 @ 5:37pm 
Hey j_nobbs ... I think this is my most favourite map you created. I tis fantastic!!! And BonBonB reviewed it on youtube ... here is the link :-)
||||||||||||||| Jun 20, 2019 @ 2:36am 
just subbed after seeing this on bonbonb's youtube. looks good, cant wait too sink my teeth into her !
Jensoo Jun 8, 2019 @ 8:50am 
Awesome map! You could only improve it if you smoothed the riverbanks and shoreline a bit more. :)
abuzavi2 Apr 21, 2019 @ 9:23am 
And no marker for Skywalker Ranch. So much potential there....
This is nice, though. That 'airfield' though... LOL.
thedave25 Apr 17, 2019 @ 4:04am 
100%, this is one of my favorite maps to be published recently. Lots of fun building little villages up in the craggy hillsides, while also being able to build some larger regional centers on the flatter areas. I'll shut up now but thank you again to the author!
j_nobbs  [author] Apr 9, 2019 @ 2:44pm 
Thanks a lot Dave. Glad you like it. There are indeed lots of interesting natural features. I think it's my best map actually.
thedave25 Apr 9, 2019 @ 8:39am 
This map is fucking fun to play on! Love it, great work and beauty everywhere you look!
cedriccraig Apr 4, 2019 @ 11:22am 
Yeah, I used the 81 Tiles mod too, so that's not a problem. I just think that a flight path doesn't exist (but just wanted to make sure). Is the only solution to use a mod to add one in?
j_nobbs  [author] Mar 29, 2019 @ 12:13pm 
That's actually a good point, because i cannot remember if i added a flight path? I certainly should have done. It's also a real life airport in that area. I normally just use the unlock tiles mod, so i do cheat quite a bit with this game.
You can create an airport anywhere though and add your own flight path.
cedriccraig Mar 29, 2019 @ 8:38am 
Is the airspace only accessible by that airstrip you created? I haven't bought all the tiles yet so I haven't been able to properly explore the map, but was curious if I could create an airport at any viable location on the map. Or are we subject to that one region of the map? Thanks, and great work!
j_nobbs  [author] Mar 24, 2019 @ 11:28am 
Awesome :) I really love the area. Such a great mix of mountains and coast. It's probably my favorite map so far.
Grunkle Joey Mar 23, 2019 @ 9:50am 
hey this is my town! You've made me play this game again heck yeah man
trunkbizzness Mar 16, 2019 @ 10:50pm 
bay area baby
j_nobbs  [author] Mar 8, 2019 @ 7:41pm 
Thanks. I just wanted to make it as the present day version, and also because there needs to be a good amount of flat building land. So much of the map is mountains and also sea, that i think it's better as it is. There are also 588K trees. I could have used more, but did not want to push it too much. It's also difficult to create natural marshland, so i just placed the resources in those positions. My PC is quite powerful, but not at the top end.
GodsBadAssBlade Mar 8, 2019 @ 6:40pm 
I really like the look of this, especially with the road system you've made. If I were to give you any constructive criticism it would be to make another version that takes out the flat pieces of land that are sticking from the real land in order to give players the option to start fresh with a natural map(because those pieces of land is man made land :p) I also have to give you a medal for giving random looking tree placement instead of making it blank or filled to the brim with them. Also did you mean 60K trees? because I used the max 250K trees and holy Jesus you'd need a beefy computer to run the map without it yelling at you.

Cheers and best of luck,
A steamy dude
j_nobbs  [author] Mar 7, 2019 @ 7:17pm 
I've only just made the map, so have not had time to build much on it yet.
thiccdaddy Mar 7, 2019 @ 11:46am 
Do you have a saved game version of this? If so would you mind uploading it? I really enjoy your save games - thanks again for the fantastic upload :)
Alecthelm Mar 3, 2019 @ 5:34pm 
map looks great so far, doing it plobable not growable, so it takes time. only- very litte flaw is that some of the smaller streets are flodded by default, but nothing that isnt corected in some minutes.

started over after i got the feel ill try it in an asian setup. love it so far.)
j_nobbs  [author] Mar 3, 2019 @ 1:43pm 
Great. I'm happy with the map, although i had a lot of tree assets disabled for some reason. I had to enable all my mods again. There are probably better trees that i could have used, but even so, they look pretty good. They are also all Vanilla, which makes it easier for players who hardly use any mods.
Jensoo Mar 3, 2019 @ 1:14am 
This is where my next California project will be set. Very good work! 😊
Alecthelm Mar 2, 2019 @ 10:40pm 
And as mentioned in FB....give it an go , and try to let the Streets stay;)