The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Marriageable Dragon Follower: Ziisosgein
Sexy Fat Nips Dec 30, 2019 @ 12:59pm 
gray beard: hay dragon born how you do... WHAT IN THE NAME OF AKATOSH ARE YOU DOING". dragon born about to get married to a dragon: UUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i can explane
super monkey claws2223 Aug 26, 2019 @ 8:29pm 
I'd say akatosh didn't really intend for this to happen but if this makes you happy then who am I to judge?
Peppino Spaghetti Aug 18, 2018 @ 4:33pm 
XD perfect for my second game play file.
cristoferlentsch Jul 22, 2018 @ 12:54am 
I do really like this, though, and I may actually marry her and just chose the option to "live with her." I'm a writing, music and hiostory guy, not so much math and science. I could write some bad-a** story-lines and maybe collaborate with a bad-a** programmer to produce some bad-a** mods???
cristoferlentsch Jul 22, 2018 @ 12:50am 
I'm not so much into travelling with a bunch of followers as dropping them off at my various homes and having a bunch of "crews" at all my cribs. They trend to jump in and kill stuff, preventing me from leveling/skilling up. I like my stealth, so all my stealth is at 100, fully perked right now, along with most of my magicka being up there. I have a greatsword with heavy armor on. Keep going to giants or getting the "kill the giant" mini-quests with Guardian Stone Warrior chosen. Got extra health, magicka and stamina. Let the giant hit me while hit with greatsword 'til heavy at 100, then hold down right mouse button until block at 100, then legendary both, legendary 2 handed when at 100, heal other when giant low, then legendary restoration at 100. In this way, I'm over level 350 and barely into the game and lots of extra perk points. Don't know why I'm telling you all this, but I guess I'm just trying to make friends and have conversations here on Steam?:steamhappy:
cristoferlentsch Jul 22, 2018 @ 12:50am 
Love your screen name, Sexy, and the first line in the description. I love the idea of having a dragon follower/friend, yet I'm not so sure about marrying one (not one for bestiality, but love my dogs as children). Actually, I was trying to explain this, the game, modding, etc to my friend and that it's not really a "bestiality thing." I gave myself all 3 words of Bend Will, so I'm wondering if I can fly her around like to those mountain peak spots and other difficult mountainous places? It's unfortunate about the other follower mods like AFT because I fully intend to use them, ESPECIALLY "My Home Is Your Home." :steamhappy:
AvoidMeh Mar 11, 2018 @ 9:59pm 
is this female?
SexySexPistonSexinator420  [author] Jan 28, 2017 @ 10:02pm 
@Shephard it won't ever be. This mod is 4 years old and I don't even have skyrim on my pc anymore.
KhanuHydra Jan 26, 2017 @ 11:28pm 
Sometimes when I entered combat, she flew off somewhere and didn't come back. Her combat AI needs to be fixed.
Not an Automaton Spy Dec 14, 2016 @ 2:35pm 
*Finds dragon whenever I realise this mod isn't installed.* Dragon: *In perfect normal english* "Oh, do you need something?" It was at this moment I realised this dragon was a better girlfriend than my real girlfriend: Air.
AKR0M10N Dec 11, 2016 @ 8:25am 
i have always wanted to marry a dragon. i will just need a VERY big door to my house. lol. :steamhappy:
Microsoft OneNote Dec 9, 2016 @ 2:39pm 
how do you resize dragons?
Nightlock Aug 16, 2016 @ 6:55pm 
This is very creative, I aplaud you on your idea.
SexySexPistonSexinator420  [author] Aug 3, 2016 @ 11:52pm 
This mod is 3 years old and was made when I was 18 on the first try with the creation kit. It will never be updated and it's buggy as hell. Many have had a laugh, it's worked for some, not for others. Everything i know of, and all the bugs i know how to fix are in other comments (x900). You can read it. This mod will never be fixed or updated. maybe someone will come out with a better one some day but for now, it is what it is. Just so you know tho, I love all you guys who are diggin the mod be it for comedic value, follower usage, or your kinks, whoever has enjoyed this, even for a time. Thanks.
killer_950 Aug 3, 2016 @ 2:54pm 
Oh my gawd. I've always wanted to marry a dragon. I didnt think someone would acully make a mod. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANKI YOU
Arken Jul 27, 2016 @ 2:22pm 
There was always something about you, the way you shuffled across the ground like a retarded skeever, it was entrancing, I... *Blushes* "Shh, I understand dova--" Wait wait, you're a woman?

"Uhh, yeah...?"

I don't do girls.
4DoorsMoreWhores Jun 6, 2016 @ 2:51pm 
I███████████████████] ( if you see this you must copy and PAST on at least
◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤ 5 differnt steam chats/comments
Heinrich the Techpriest Jun 4, 2016 @ 1:42pm 
The message obviously say's "Fuck off" but, What is wrong with you?, as a general question not an insult.
amo1981 May 21, 2016 @ 5:00am 
how do u talk to her
Killjoy May 14, 2016 @ 9:31am 
Why do you think is this messed up?
Mina May 1, 2016 @ 3:42pm 
this is messed up
Attacan Nykos Apr 30, 2016 @ 3:41pm 
so, i had her with me when i went to get the werewolf power in the underforge, but then when i went back to get her she was gone. i keep hearing a dragon flying around and roaring, but i dont see her. how do i find her?
redangel778 Apr 4, 2016 @ 1:14pm 
where is the mill?
QueenBee Feb 20, 2016 @ 7:28pm 
well I downloaded him and went to play. like everyone else says, he's seriously in your face. and then.. some how his body forms a circle.. as if he's cuddling eggs of his and I get wrapped up in the midd. so I had to let him go. didn't even get to see him fight. forgot to take pictures, Im sorry. I would have done so so you could see. but now I have to unsubscribe. thumbs down for now. sorry love.
QueenBee Feb 20, 2016 @ 1:29pm 
ok I really want this mod but I have a few questions first. Im a new mod user so bare with me. I just started 2 days ago, and I already have 11 mods... but I want a dragon follower. ever since I was playing on PS3 (10 or so years.. I think I know its more than 8years).
1. can I marry a female dragon being a female myself? or do I even HAVE to marry her?
2. can I keep her small all the time or does that stop her from certain things?(never mind I read the answer)
3. so I guess the only question I have other than do I have to marry her, is... does she carry like a follower.. carry items?
I think Im going to get her even before you answer.. just to see what she's like... thank you for this..
Microsoft OneNote Feb 8, 2016 @ 8:09am 
i marred her =)
DonnyDingo Feb 7, 2016 @ 5:58am 
nice im downloading it is there more then 1
Punished Cirno Jan 11, 2016 @ 7:30pm 
I realised you have to use the Silent Voice thing, and then it works.
SexySexPistonSexinator420  [author] Jan 11, 2016 @ 7:14pm 
@Mantoisful it's a conflicting mod. This mod is old as sin and cannot be updated so I am aware it's buggy and annoying. Try turning off follower mods one by one and see if there is a conflict.
Punished Cirno Jan 7, 2016 @ 4:24pm 
I know this is a dumbass question, but I can not talk to Ziisosgein, even with the Amulet of Mara
The Noble Dumbass(◕‿◕✿) Dec 20, 2015 @ 7:41pm 
always wanted a to fuck a dragon XD
ZypherTheCrow Nov 24, 2015 @ 2:35pm 
XD i love the first line of the description
Lucynatic Nov 14, 2015 @ 4:27am 
I can't talk to her
Reefresocotias Oct 23, 2015 @ 10:47pm 
I laughed so hard. Furries! Er... Scalies! It's a scaly! heh heh heh...
Mardröm Oct 12, 2015 @ 12:46pm 
Always wanted to marry a dragon.
Press the button under 'Esc' (which is `), click the dragon (or desired item/NPC) and type 'setscale (scale)
DeadFish Sep 7, 2015 @ 12:21am 
how to make smallscale?
SexySexPistonSexinator420  [author] Aug 27, 2015 @ 5:42pm 
@Forehead Because of you, I'm now doomed to death by juggling cactuses inside a canyon pit filled with bears because I vowed to the mod gods that never again would I answer stupid questions for people who have asked the same question as you 700 times when it's right there. Alas, I must submit to my fate, for I'm too graceful and hath broken the code. See you never, guy. Come to my execusion, don't shed a tear, laugh. I'll blow you a kiss.
dilbert Aug 27, 2015 @ 5:33pm 
again, uncalld for, i dont know what your problem is, all i asked for was a damn console command
SexySexPistonSexinator420  [author] Aug 27, 2015 @ 4:44pm 
@Forehead whatever helps u sleep at night my special snowflake. *Casually drops this here like a sick beat*
dilbert Aug 27, 2015 @ 2:49pm 
congratulations on finally adding that to the description, i hope you dont treat everyone else like theyre mentally retarded when they ask a simple question
SexySexPistonSexinator420  [author] Aug 27, 2015 @ 6:30am 
@Forehead The Imperial Court of Idiotville has jested, over a couple of bendy straw juice boxes and an arm wrestling match over the last pringles in the tin, and have decided that after much mac n cheese and laughing at your comments, you must be from a different planet, and therefor need help reading English. As unfortunately we don't know your native planet, we can't actually help you read english, but mayhaps as we took into consideration, you are from a planet of sickly old men who have collectively lost their biological monicles, as they would make you and your species appear too smart. Thus we have deduced, you cannot see a damn thing, so together we played some mario party, painted each others nails, laughed at you some more, then made this blatant screen shot so you really can't miss it this time:
dilbert Aug 24, 2015 @ 3:00pm 
are you not taking the time to look back and see you didnt put it there or do you just want to believe youre right?
SexySexPistonSexinator420  [author] Aug 23, 2015 @ 8:33pm 
@Forehead I'll take that as a "no"
dilbert Aug 23, 2015 @ 3:10pm 
the console command is not in there
SexySexPistonSexinator420  [author] Aug 23, 2015 @ 2:24pm 
@Forehead Do you know how to read?
dilbert Aug 22, 2015 @ 3:22pm 
cant you tell us how to set the scale for the npc instead of just telling us that we need to do it? i dont know the console command
SexySexPistonSexinator420  [author] Aug 16, 2015 @ 2:37pm 
@IllusionistsVessel Also, when it comes to any modding, I would back up your precious saves, as they can be pretty fragile with mods.
SexySexPistonSexinator420  [author] Aug 16, 2015 @ 2:35pm 
@IllusionistsVessel If I am understanding you properly, what you're asking is if you download/subscirbe to Zii's mod, will Krent be there too? the answer is no; Unless you download both mods, (krentvensaviik and ziisosgein are completely seperate mods) only one of them will be there depending on which you choose. they are both "personal" mods as you put it. If you do choose to download them both, though, (I stress tested this mod before release and did have them both enabled), Yes, they will both show up near chillfurrow farm, but they won't be clipping through each other or anything. I only put that thing about rescaling them both in the description for people who have downloaded both mods.
Almacon Aug 16, 2015 @ 2:24pm 
Okay, so I'd really love some help with this mod so if anybody is confident with the exact details please let me know. So, I would really to utilize this mod, but out of concern for my poor save file, I'm walking on the side of caution before downloading this. The description claims that in order to prevent any crashing of the game during the marriage ceramony, one would have to set BOTH dragon followers to a smaller scale so they fit within the temple, BUT, I'm curious as to how I find the other dragon from this authors other mod, AKA, the male counterpart of Ziisosgein. They said he could be found "here" on a link, but the link only guided you to his personal mod, and only gave you his location as the exact same space on Chillfurrow farm, therefore I'm baffled as to wether he will simply spawn with Ziisosgein if I download her mod, or if I have to download both in order to set them both at a smaller scale. If anyone can assist me, I'd be very greatful.
HEXAGONmonkey Aug 13, 2015 @ 10:02am 
it wont let me marry her ive got the amulet