Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

TTT2 (Base) - v0.14.0b
1 368 kommenttia
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 25.9. klo 3.30 
For anyone having an error with timeBegin: Keep the loading screen enabled until 0.14.1 is releaed. You can set the display time really short if it annoys you.
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 22.9. klo 12.09 
Just an update for those reading comments: The issue was resolved, it was due to an incompatible addon that tried to overwrite the shop
Voxel | Julia 22.9. klo 10.21 
Interacting doesnt work anymore (corpses, doors, etc)
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 21.9. klo 11.16 
TTT2 v0.14.0b just got released. It packs loads of bug fixes and features. Check out the changelog:
mexikoedi 5.9. klo 2.31 
@Taichi85 You need to be superadmin (via ulx command or users file) to see more menus in the F1 menu.
Would be best if you could join the Discord server. It's easier to give support there.
Taichi85 5.9. klo 0.43 
@mexikoedi I tried to look in the F1 menu but there is nothing, while I did not find new medikit addons for TTT. then I see that the F1 menu is very limited compared to what I see in the photo, I have a server purchased from a provider and it does not see me as admin, so I do not have many items in the F1 menu
mexikoedi 4.9. klo 13.30 
@Taichi85 Try another medikit addon, maybe there is another version which works better for TTT2.
Maybe you could go into the F1 menu to the equipment settings and see if you can fix your issue there.
Taichi85 4.9. klo 12.35 
this new TTT setting is very nice, but I noticed that the medikits are set to post 3 and therefore are dropped to take a weapon, can't you keep the medikit fixed like in the original TTT? because honestly we are used to playing always having the medikit available and I would be sorry to go back to the old setting just for this problem
mexikoedi 3.9. klo 10.17 
@Tronus Maybe join the Discord server for better support.

@Flomoo Create a collection, put TTT2 in there and select the terrortown gamemode at Nitrado.
Flomoo 3.9. klo 10.00 
sm1 knows how to set it up with a Nitrado Server?
Tronus 1.9. klo 5.34 
hi, i have the issue that i always have the select class screen from garrysmod, how can i disable it? (the one with default skins)
mexikoedi 18.8. klo 5.32 
It's an issue in v0.13.2b. It will be fixed when v0.14 will release.
Psychotrickser 18.8. klo 4.56 
Only having TTT2 v0.13.2b enabled, I can't pickup certain map props like ore blocks on minecraft_b5 or music discs on mc_mineshaft. Seems to be a closed issue on github ( . Issue persists.
Can anyone confirm?
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 15.8. klo 3.39 

About your first message: This is currently not possible. Feel free to contribute or open an issue on GitHub
RE your second message: Something like this is actually planned. If we find the time to rework the shop. A lot of backend work was already done in the last months
Hegelus 13.8. klo 16.16 
And would it be possible to add a function to categorize traitor weapons. For example, healing, attack and movement. These categories/classes can then be further configured. For example, you can only buy items in the "attack" category/class once per round and healing twice or something similar. And the option to say you can only buy an item/category if a certain number of opponents (like more than 2) are alive.
Hegelus 13.8. klo 14.18 
Sry, if I missed something, but is there any way for evil roles, to confirm a corpse without taking the credits? Especially a Detective or a Survivalist can easily see who is traitor/evil by that. We use the setting that you need to click on "confirm death" in the corpse interface. But searching it just with "E" gives you still the credits, even if it says next to the "confirm death" sign "+ X Credits".
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 5.8. klo 0.37 
Feel free to join our discord for more help with your problem, it is not easy to troubleshoot within the comment section
[TFWS] GreenARMY 3.8. klo 7.57 
i dit check the addon checker and removet all mods that make problem and it have now the same problem no guns spawns and no D&T Shop
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 3.8. klo 1.36 
@GreenARMY: They do work. Check your addon checker output and make sure you have no addons installed, that create errors
[TFWS] GreenARMY 2.8. klo 11.37 
the D and T Shop Dont Work and no Guns Spawns on the maps
K31npest 15.7. klo 9.47 
it ceeps creating errors
SirJaeden 13.7. klo 12.27 
@mexikoedi figured but thanks. Also fixed the issue with the voting issue so my message does not apply anymore
A Beast Playr 1.7. klo 14.33 
Is there a way that I can hide information at the start of the round like the, "There are no jesters this round." I like mind gaming that I'm jester sometimes, but now I can't do that.
Hero05IT4 9.6. klo 9.18 
I tried typing "addonchecker" in the console, but even if I uninstalled some addons, it doesn't work.
mexikoedi 9.6. klo 6.34 
You can ignore these warnings.
These are for the role authors.
The warnings you have posted are caused by the following roles: Defector, Blocker and Sleeper.
If you want you can inform the role authors so they can update their roles.
Hero05IT4 9.6. klo 6.02 
OMG which addon could be that causes this bug?
SirJaeden 8.6. klo 15.36 
[TTT2 (Base) - v0.13.2b] [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Loaded language file from 'lang/', this folder is deprecated. Please switch to 'terrortown/lang/'. Source: "lang/en/defector.lua"

callback - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/client/cl_main.lua:200
LoadFolder - lua/ttt2/libraries/fileloader.lua:99
unknown - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/client/cl_main.lua:199
SirJaeden 8.6. klo 15.36 
hi! since roughly a month i keep getting the same errors for this addon and i wanted to inform you about it. As of now it does not break anything but just in case:

[TTT2 (Base) - v0.13.2b] [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Loaded language file from 'lang/', this folder is deprecated. Please switch to 'terrortown/lang/'. Source: "lang/en/blocker.lua"
1. callback - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/client/cl_main.lua:200
2. LoadFolder - lua/ttt2/libraries/fileloader.lua:99
3. unknown - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/client/cl_main.lua:199

[TTT2 (Base) - v0.13.2b] [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Loaded language file from 'lang/', this folder is deprecated. Please switch to 'terrortown/lang/'. Source: "lang/en/sleeper.lua"
1. callback - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/client/cl_main.lua:200
2. LoadFolder - lua/ttt2/libraries/fileloader.lua:99
3. unknown - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/client/cl_main.lua:199
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 28.5. klo 10.31 
You probably have an addon that overwrites files from the TTT2 gamemode
Hero05IT4 27.5. klo 11.05 
Apparently the red hand disappeared from Traitor's POV. Now it's impossible to activate traps in a map.
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 14.5. klo 9.08 
@Fitzen: To have them all on one layer is correct. You probably want to set the random of all of them to 100. Because the role layering first select a role from a layer, then checks the random. If the random is only 10, you have a 90% chance that no role is selected.

You should additionally set the percentage to 0.17 (rounded up) so that it is always true for 6 players.

> I'm guessing I simply do the same thing for detective, traitor and innocent layers to randomize it. But if I want to leave some chance for a non-upgraded base traitor do I lower the odds for sub-roles in that layer?

yes. If you have a random of 50 for the hitman for example, then on average there will only be a hitman every second round. But the overall traitor count stays constant.
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 14.5. klo 9.04 
@ErpipaKNIFE: Subscribe to it and/or put it in your server collection. It basically works as any other ttt addon as well
Fitizen 14.5. klo 8.26 
Hello, I'm struggling to wrap my head around role layering and distributions (sorry if you get this question a lot).

I have 6 players and want to guarantee a detective, 2 traitors and a neutral role plus two innocents. If I want one random neutral role, do I assign the neutral roles I have in a layer all an equal fraction in the 'chance of this role' slider (e.g 10 out of 100) and set role distribution per player to .16?

I'm guessing I simply do the same thing for detective, traitor and innocent layers to randomize it. But if I want to leave some chance for a non-upgraded base traitor do I lower the odds for sub-roles in that layer?

I appreciate you guys still responding to comments after all this time so thank you.
ErpipaKNIFE 13.5. klo 12.45 
how to use this?
DeCeddy 12.5. klo 15.48 
Hi, I'm getting the following problem in my "Problems" tab:

"TTT2 Warning: CS:S does not appear to be mounted by GMod. Things may break in strange ways. Server admin? Check the TTT readme for help.

1. unknown - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/server/sv_main.lua:409"

I believe this problem to be the source of my issue that on many maps, weapons refuse to spawn when I am hosting a peer-to-peer server from my machine. This is what I am trying to fix in the first place.

Interestingly enough, the folder "server" in my "gamemode" folder strictly does not appear in my files, therefore I cannot investigate the Lua in question.
I have all CS:S resources in the "addons" folder of Garry's Mod. The base game TTT does not produce the error, all weapons are spawning as intended, even with different weapon packs like Lykrasts or Fuzziks.

Appreciate your help, thanks in advance!
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 6.5. klo 8.11 
@TTV this appears to be a recent incompatibility with ArcCW. I'm not sure yet what is the cause, but we'er aware of it:

@Strawberry: Hard to tell, seems to be a mod conflict. Make sure that the addon checker output is clean
Strawberry 5.5. klo 18.16 
hi! i'm having a problem where when i attempt to search bodies, it gives me this message.
is this something i can fix? is it a mod conflict? no other mods are showing errors, so i'm just very confused!

[TTT2 (Base) - v0.13.2b] lua/ttt2/extensions/util.lua:259: attempt to index local 'color' (a nil value)
1. utilGetDefaultColor - lua/ttt2/extensions/util.lua:259
2. SkinHook - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/client/cl_vskin/default_skin.lua:1872
3. unknown - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/client/cl_vskin/vgui/dprofilepanel_ttt2.lua:308 (x53)
Neuro Holden 3.5. klo 21.36 
Not sure if this has been answered yet, but the scoreboard keeps getting stuck on players screens. Not sure what caused this, but it goes away after reconnecting but this is obviously a problem since it happens to me while im hosting. If theres any solution to this, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 2.5. klo 9.25 
check 3 comments below yours. It is a deprectation warning, the addon dev of ttt_push has to update their addon. Nothing we can do about that, but also nothing you have to worry about
Domini02 1.5. klo 4.30 
[TTT2 (Base) - v0.13.2b] [DEPRECATION WARNING] Using `AccessorFuncDT` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
1. AccessorFuncDT - lua/ttt2/libraries/none.lua:35
2. unknown - lua/weapons/weapon_ttt_push.lua:49
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 22.4. klo 2.55 
@Krieger No, I have no clue what could cause this. But id you'd join our discord, we could likely figure this out together
KriegerSan 21.4. klo 8.17 
[TTT2 (Base) - v0.13.2b] lua/includes/extensions/entity.lua:369: bad argument #3 to 'SetFunc' (number expected, got nil)
1. SetFunc - [C]:-1
2. SetFOVTransitionTime - lua/includes/extensions/entity.lua:369
3. SetFOV - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/shared/sh_player_ext.lua:1293
4. unknown - addons/temp/lua/weapons/weapon_pwb_akm.lua:113

With the [TTT] PWB weapon packs, there is a screen jitter before sprinting. This problem is not present with other sprint addons. I'm also modifiying the PWB packs and disabling the custom sprinting animations for all the weapons, but the problem persists. Figure it's a long shot, but any advice?
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 12.4. klo 2.59 
jo, ist ne Deprecation Warning, dass sich der Entwickler von dem Addon darum kümmern soll. Aber du kannst es ignorieren.
cry. 9.4. klo 9.46 
[TTT2 (Base) - v0.13.2b] [DEPRECATION WARNING] Using `AccessorFuncDT` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
1. AccessorFuncDT - lua/ttt2/libraries/none.lua:35
2. unknown - lua/entities/ttt_tstation/shared.lua:36

Das bekomme ich immer wenn ich dem Server join
Hero05IT4 8.4. klo 8.55 
Ok, thank you!
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 6.4. klo 4.56 
for weapons that have already a pretty small cone the crosshair is clipped. That means the improved cone is not shown (I think this is true for the deagle for example). This is how it was in base TTT as well and it seems to be the best tradeoff. Otherwise you might end up for barely visible crosshairs for highly accurate weapons.

But there are also weapons that don't change their accuracy when aiming. So this depends on the weapon.
Hero05IT4 4.4. klo 13.24 
Hello! I just noticed that when you Aim Down Sight the crosshair's cone doesn't become smaller... Does it mean that the weapons have the same accuracy when you don't aim? Or is it just a visual issue?
Julien4z 1.4. klo 7.39 
Ok actually nevermind, it works now for some reason.
Julien4z 1.4. klo 7.09 
Alright, will do
Tim | Mineotopia  [tekijä] 1.4. klo 6.39 
are there any errors? Also please join our discord if you need help