The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Arod's Better Containers: Hearthfire Patch
24 comentários
Apple35Jack 13 abr. 2018 às 3:49 
hey guys i dont know if im just being stupid but when i select the container:configure spell it says its equipped but never shows in my hand
genghis1964 17 mai. 2015 às 6:46 
I cannot believe you have so few ratings. this is a fantastic mod and a really big help in game. thank you for your work
cowboywraith2013 20 out. 2014 às 22:28 
U r the 1st AUTHOR I hav commented on EVER. I hav liked ur mod and think its awsum that there are people like U making such gr8 contributions to gaming. Because of people like U and ur fantastic additions to skyrim, the immersion becomes pure. Thanx 2 U and others, Skyrim cood b the last game I ever need! Yes, I hav a life but it takes a lot to impress me and MODS F'n RULE!!!!!!!!
Doctor William Von Tacos 3 jul. 2014 às 17:53 
This is great for my basement im building with my new sorting system :D
gsladier 11 set. 2013 às 17:34 
hi arod Snaux
great update thank you. Everything worked perfectly now :D
Arod Snaux  [autor] 3 set. 2013 às 19:23 
Can you be more specific? They work fine for most users, although the effect is very subtle, mostly dealing with targeting issues and presets.
ribell47 2 set. 2013 às 4:01 
The three suporrt patchs of arod's will not run. I have Arod's Better Containers 1.40 subscribed and it works fine. what is the problem?
gsladier 17 abr. 2013 às 17:07 
hi Arod!

i accept your invite but i think i have press the wrong wrong key :S i have send an invite instead. Could you invite me back pleeeease.
I have find again the power "container configure" but your book to help with the container is still missing. I am sooo confuse it is not funny lol . love your mod.
Arod Snaux  [autor] 17 abr. 2013 às 0:35 
Hmmm. It's possible the main file got deleted from a glitch in the update. I'd double check to make sure "ArodsInventoryControl.esp" is still in your Data folder.

Make sure you are still subscribed to the main mod (see link in description, above). I've just updated it, and details are on the main page. Make sure you allow Steam to update you before hitting play.

I think I fixed the issue that was preventing you from getting the spells - I had forgotten to update the version number in the file, of all things. As for the book, there's a spare copy in the mages office table in Dragonsreach, Whiterun, and another copy in my test cell (inof on that in the main mod page).
gsladier 16 abr. 2013 às 20:04 
I have try the command console as suggested. the file "Arodsinventorycontrol.esp" is no where to be found.:((
I have 6 lines with LCRT commands, under the LCRT commands are yours: QUST Arodsinv_Rename quest container,next line is QUST Arodinv_shared(0B0222fb),then next to that there is 'Arodinv_shared containers next line is QUST Arodinv_Storedcontainerfinder(0801f209) 'Arodinv_Storedcontainerfinder than the last line is NPC (0B0136E5) 'Rename container' . Any suggestions as to what can i do to get my book back and container configure please.
gsladier 16 abr. 2013 às 19:29 
thank you Arod i will try that
Arod Snaux  [autor] 16 abr. 2013 às 1:33 
There was an update to the main mod several days ago. It's possible it's been turned off or is in conflict with another mod. Depending on how long ago you last updated, it's alos possible the spell name/type changed. It is now a Lesser Power, called "Container:Configure"

Make sure the main file "ArodsInventorycontrol.esp" is turned on, as well as this one. You can verify this in-game by typing:

help "Container:"

in the console... you should see a list of items/spells appear. If you don't see this, it's been turned off. If all this fails, post again or PM me (I'm on most nights, how sad) and we can figure it out.
gsladier 15 abr. 2013 às 22:51 
Also YOur book on how the containers worked have disappeared as well :((
gsladier 15 abr. 2013 às 22:48 
help!!! configure container has disappeared from my mod. What can i do to get it back please Arod
Arod Snaux  [autor] 9 mar. 2013 às 14:52 
Also check on the main page for this mod, I just posted the Dragonborn patch. Dawnguard comes tomorrow.
sangimpur 9 mar. 2013 às 7:00 
this mod isn't pretty safe, it's SAFE.... period.... been using it for a looooong time without a single fail.... I've picked up and dropped armor mods, weapon mods, house mods, follower mods yada yada yada and this one stays on the core list and waves while they get deleted... Skyrim just won't do without it.... thanks for the rock solid design Snaux, much appreciated
joshua 9 mar. 2013 às 4:08 
Arod Snaux  [autor] 5 mar. 2013 às 20:22 
And dont forget you need the main mod linked above, too!
Arod Snaux  [autor] 5 mar. 2013 às 20:21 
If it puts you at ease, the core functionality of this mod has been running stable for the past 4 months, and I've levelled at least 3 toons to endgame using it, and I'm running roughly 170 other mods at the same time.

And I'm a professional software engineer, and have been writing mods for this series since Morrowind. It's pretty safe, barring any unforseen mod-conflicts.

The only real problem we've encountered so far was due to a corrupted file on Steam, which I fixed about 8 hours later. And nobody lost anything. =)
Arod Snaux  [autor] 5 mar. 2013 às 20:21 

1) Make sure crafted chests are placed in areas that actually belong to you,( in other words, your homes). Otherwise they may reset when the cell resets. This is true of any chest in the game.

2) Known defect: Sometimes the Move Container option appears to fail, especially when moving a chest a long distance. One of two things happens: Either the chest appears to go invisible, but is in the new position, or the graphic moves, but the activator stays in the original location. In either case, don't panic: just save the game right there, quit (not reload, you have to quit the game fully) and restart... The container will be in its correct new position when you reload.

Arod Snaux  [autor] 4 mar. 2013 às 19:28 
The other support modules are coming soon too. They are actually mostly written but are just awaiting the cover art... had a slight problem with Photoshop last night and had to reinstall =).
forecvst 4 mar. 2013 às 17:22 
i like atleast i dont have to deal with the other mods like this thank u for makeing it
The [Friendly]™ Derakor 4 mar. 2013 às 9:19 
Arod Snaux  [autor] 3 mar. 2013 às 16:56 
This mod improves targeting and adds Hearthfire items to the presets used by my Better Containers mod.

As noted above, this is a support patch for Arod's Better Containers mod ( ).

It does nothing by itself.