Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

32 件のコメント
Obi-ron 2015年6月14日 13時34分 
carlmaac can you please actualy add aliens?
Boltersam 2014年9月19日 15時04分 
I dont deal well with horror stuff,which makes me wonder why I love aliens but I do,keep up the good work (to be honest I havent seen an alien yet I just nearly shit my pants when I turned the third corner) but ill check out the chaos wizards one
carlmacc  [作成者] 2014年9月19日 2時48分 
For taht think I hope you try my other mods(the hospital, chaos wizards, nightmare in the mine and so on). Bye!
carlmacc  [作成者] 2014年9月19日 2時47分 
I love the alien saga just as you like!.....and not the frenzy combat but the mistery behind the corners is the thing that make you feel alive and...scared. We just think about it in the same way!
Boltersam 2014年9月18日 12時50分 
also,the way grimrock was made was for the monsters not to be scary (thats what I think) but for you to focus on killing them,the way you did it with the dark lighting makes me scared of turning the next corner(probably because I know how well xenomorphs can blend into the shadows with their dark skin)
Boltersam 2014年9月18日 12時47分 
good,thanks a lot for taking my idea into the balance
carlmacc  [作成者] 2014年9月18日 10時42分 
scorpion: I am glad you like this mod and I like you have understood the athmosfere that I have tried to give to the players! I am thinking about your suggest and if I'll have the time I'll work on it.
Boltersam 2014年9月18日 8時39分 
I love this,you should add an alien race and fight humans in another mod! (I am also a fan of predators so that might be worth looking into)
Obi-ron 2014年3月11日 14時28分 
aliens hp of scavenger sound like spider instead and can spit poison at you and bie you
Alleycat 2014年3月11日 11時09分 
Nice trap! Someone should definetly mod an alien monster for this kind of mod! Just paint the dinosaur shiny black and elongate the head ;)
carlmacc  [作成者] 2014年3月11日 5時57分 
for ultrasupermario:well, you are at the beginning of the mod! you must do very much miles to finish the dungeon.
When you arrive at the point you are don't go over the plate(this could be your death fo eternity as the adventurer before you that wrote the note) you must return to the first room before the corridor and go down the pit...there you'll find the solution to go ahead! bye and if you have some trouble write me!
Alleycat 2014年3月10日 15時52分 
So, I'm stuck like ultrasupermario in the room between the iron doors, don't tell me it actually ends there?
Alleycat 2014年3月9日 18時02分 
Nice to see a first person Alien Game mod. I've been dreaming about this since the Alien 3 games in the 90s (remember the nightmarish gameboy game?) and will play this until the new one comes out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGqG2fkrz7Y!
Commander Raymond 2013年12月22日 17時55分 
yea there was that one alien in the first movie what are you talking about
carlmacc  [作成者] 2013年12月22日 9時20分 
what you mind? If you want an original alien as in the movie, then there are not aliens. In this mod the aliens are different to the original. I have explained this concept in the introduction of my mod. Bye
Obi-ron 2013年12月21日 16時57分 
are ther any aliens in it?
Commander Raymond 2013年11月11日 19時07分 
pretty cool... was about to shit myself a couple of times due to the sounds... but when you go through the iron door area and you reach the part where it says your locked in forever is that the end or am i missing something? otherwise 4.5/5 maybe some modded enemys might be cool
RENCURELI 2013年10月29日 12時00分 
Ronnie that's why we call this a mod, it's to make the gme different to experience new feelings, new emotions for free and with the same base (that's wy there are also space hulk mods)
Obi-ron 2013年9月12日 20時09分 
this is ancient times not modern in this game
carlmacc  [作成者] 2013年8月23日 5時46分 
doomap: tahnks I am glad you like it
DooMap 2013年8月17日 16時59分 
nice, if only it was easyer to mod :(
da B man 2013年6月27日 14時55分 
I agree Carlmacc.. LoG should have an easier way to import OBJs or FBXs or something.. cause right now there's no way I know of importing 3D objects, textures and animations. Awesome mod tho, great idea, peace!
Lexiconical 2013年6月27日 13時20分 
No xenomorphs?
carlmacc  [作成者] 2013年6月15日 2時48分 
EmYaruk and krashd: I am glad you lik etha mod and I hope you try my others. Bye
EmYaruk 2013年6月13日 14時52分 
OK. Caught my attention. Is there a demo? Even if it's not exactly like Aliens, which could be a blessing in disguise, considering copyright, I'd still like to try it. Overall, seems interesting.
krashd 2013年6月13日 9時40分 
"9 metres... 8... 7 metres... jesus! they're inside the freaking room, man! 5 metres... it's ok, they've turned 90 degrees and they're now walking in that direction..."
carlmacc  [作成者] 2013年6月1日 4時57分 
Revolver Ocelot: if you want a monster like alien as graphic, sorry, as I have told in my introduction, alien is a race came from the space, but I used one of the monster in the original Grimrock. I am sorry but to create a new graphic is too difficult for me. I have craeted this mod to give you an athmosphere similar to aliens movie, with face huggers and so on, but if you believe to encounter original alien I must tell you that it is not possible. May be in future if it will be created a graphic editor easy to use (I am not a programmer) then I 'll be glad to make for the fan of alien(like me and you) a mod "ad hoc". Thanx for your intteresting. Bye
Sugoiney Weaver 2013年5月31日 8時24分 
sooo.. you never answered us. alien enemies or no?
carlmacc  [作成者] 2013年5月31日 4時43分 
joltinjoe: tahnx I am glam you like it and I hope you try the other mods of mine. Bye
joltinjoe 2013年5月30日 16時45分 
Another nice mod. Use food wisely. They keep coming at you. But very escapable mine.
Mogwai 2013年1月17日 3時24分 
If this actually has aliens in it I'll be pretty excited
Sugoiney Weaver 2013年1月16日 18時17分 
gonna check it out, so are there any alien enemies?