Portal 2
No 32: Jump and laser tests!
33 件のコメント
jandlml 2018年11月6日 21時45分 
i really liked this one!
daloboy  [作成者] 2014年3月9日 7時47分 
Thank you mrsumo!
mrsumo 2014年3月8日 23時35分 
great lots fun very coooooooooooool
daloboy  [作成者] 2014年2月17日 9時58分 
Thank you Andi! Glad you enjoyed!
Andi 2014年2月17日 9時28分 
Great chamber. It had me thinking for awhile, good job.
Jade BGE 2013年7月31日 15時04分 
No. I'm a blimp and I'm the one who should be trying again. I'm sure your set up is right.
daloboy  [作成者] 2013年7月31日 14時37分 
Ok thanks. I'll try that jump again. Maybe it's just to hard!
Jade BGE 2013年7月31日 14時15分 
Oh no, not the one you didn't intend, that's my idea.
My second idea was your intention and I did give it a go several times. I just don't think I got quite enough gel on the floor too.
Lets see, I tried jumping from the floor out the wall - the way you showed on the video. And I also tried putting a portal on the floor of the gel room and another on the ceiling where all the turrets, ball and cubes came out, then moving to the grate platform and jumping down into the portal surface on the floor of the entrance, which propelled me up through the first portal then put a portal in the wall of the gel room - still didn't maki it even to the gel I put on the floor. I'm a blimp :(
daloboy  [作成者] 2013年7月31日 14時06分 
Hi Jade BGE, Can you elaborate on that jump? Thanks.
Jade BGE 2013年7月31日 13時56分 
Another great map. I had the right idea but I could not execute this jump successfully. Though while trying too I had a light bulb moment for a diffenert concept becasue I thought maybe this could be the solution. Obviously it wasn't your intention but I may see if I can make it work in a map of my own.
Even though I couldn't execute the jump as intended I enjoyed figuring this one out. Thanks
daloboy  [作成者] 2013年3月18日 7時36分 
Thank you Aardvark64!
Aardvark00 2013年3月18日 5時04分 
Excellent test. I remembered that double jump from the training tests in the main portal game but I don't believe I have had to use it again until now. After that it was a very good logic puzzle which took me quite a while! Saved by F6 several times :) Good work as always!!
daloboy  [作成者] 2013年3月17日 12時04分 
Excellent Gunkiller!
Mine Turtle ◣_◢ 2013年3月17日 6時01分 
Salut et merci pour tes commentaires. Et pour les pour les ''cadeaux'' ... euh... j y avait pas pensé^^. En meme temps, ce n'est que ma seconde map. j essairai de faire ta tienne dés que possible et je te réenvairai un commentaire avec mon avis. A +
daloboy  [作成者] 2013年2月3日 7時09分 
Happy to read that stormsend! See ya around the workshop!
stormsend 2013年2月3日 5時10分 
Very good map. Good design and a tricky puzzle. Being absolutely horrible at flying, I couldn't figure out the jump. Only by reading the comments. The laser part is good and the signage saved me from a lot of mistakes. After I saw what the final configuration was, I worked backwards to figure out the steps. Thanks for the fun. More fun here .
mood3rd 2013年1月17日 2時08分 
daloboy  [作成者] 2013年1月16日 16時27分 
Thanks mood3rd! Glad you made it to do one of your greatest picture! ;)
I'll change the difficulty level, as a fair warning.
mood3rd 2013年1月16日 15時50分 
now knowing it is possible, I tied again.
blue gel in place, portal on wall, into portal on floor,
out of portal on wall, into new portal on floor, out of portal on wall again,
hit gel & went to other side.

that part, maybe to hard ? you may find out in future comments ?
good, tricky puzzle. (my brain is inside out)
but I realized the reflector cube part quickly.
the rest seemed harder, but signage helped.
got there in the end :)
for me great map, exept for the fling, as was so tricky, I thought I was wrong.
& moved on to do things that won't work.
thumbs up for the rest was great :)
thankyou again for the help :)
mood3rd 2013年1月16日 15時18分 
thankyou for the video & comments :)
I actualy tried that in the early attempts, but failed & moved on to other ideas.
daloboy  [作成者] 2013年1月16日 12時18分 
As you can see, the first orange portal I made on the floor was to far from the goo, and I just missed the other side! Moving it a little bit further, I jump from the floor to the orange, momentum gets me back in the orange and just enough fast to hit the blue gel!
daloboy  [作成者] 2013年1月16日 12時10分 
For the ceiling changes, they were for the white gel initialy, but since you could skip many puzzle with it, I took it out! Here the amateur video for the jump !
daloboy  [作成者] 2013年1月16日 11時33分 
Wow! A lot of work! Let me write you a check, please! I've already made a video for the jump, but made many changes since...let do you another one.
mood3rd 2013年1月16日 11時26分 
this is my 4th day on this. many hours.

I figured crossing the goo was the 1st step.
so placed portals on cieling where cubes come from, with bouncy gel under it.
place 2nd portal on floor below, between buttons.
then jump from grating, portal to portal, bouncing back, to create momentum.
then fire portal to floor, near bouncy gel dropper. (still keeping bounce going)
then fire portal at wall near bouncy gell dropper.
I have previously fired blue gel from here to floor near goo.
I come out of wall portal, but don't bounce on bouncy gel.

I am now without a clue, but cieling panels closed for some unknown reason ?
daloboy  [作成者] 2012年12月29日 11時21分 
C'était un extra, si besoin! Content que tu l'es terminé! Bravo!
Big Moustache 2012年12月29日 10時03分 
ca y est enfin. Celui la m a donné du tracas. En revanche j'ai pas eu besoin du gel blanc
daloboy  [作成者] 2012年12月24日 9時47分 
@Mr Fraggle: The first pedestal just gave you the 3 cubes and one sphere. The next 2 pedestals enables you to open the doors to the first room (when you're using the cubes elsewhere). Then try to reach the other side of the goo (you don't have to bring the elements with you while jumping). The cube button there enables the laser over to goo. You have a little laser puzzle in the middle room. Look at the sign on the exit and on the cube buttons in the last room...Hope this helps and you'll try again!
Mr Fraggle (UK) 2012年12月24日 3時32分 
I gave up on this map as I really dislike maps that you have no idea what has happened when a button is pressed.
lande 2012年12月23日 2時14分 
how do u leavelinks? because i whant to leave one for mine
daloboy  [作成者] 2012年12月20日 17時48分 
Voilà! Plus de lumière et moins de piston...Aussi, dis-moi si tu vois une différence pour le gel blanc... Merci!
daloboy  [作成者] 2012年12月20日 16時37分 
Je vais essayer de remédier à ça! Merci.
daloboy  [作成者] 2012年12月19日 18時17分 
Updated a bit...
daloboy  [作成者] 2012年12月19日 17時31分 
Here a brand new one!