Portal 2
No 19: Double your laser!
Комментариев: 23
daloboy  [создатель] 14 авг. 2021 г. в 22:07 
Thanks Max!
MaxBallyDoink 13 авг. 2021 г. в 15:03 
Again, finally. Well done! More please?
jandlml 4 ноя. 2018 г. в 21:17 
excellent map! i wish we could have known that we were going to need the sphere at the end but maybe that was your intended to have to figure out how to go back and get it. i never got the one relay going that kept the fizzle wall open. i hit the relay with the laser but it didnt kick on like it should have so im not sure why. but i was able to finish it without it.
daloboy  [создатель] 19 мар. 2018 г. в 12:56 
Hi again. Just finish the update on this one.
I had 2 traps situations and one big short-cut!!
I added the pedestals for the droppers.
Can you try again and see if you find the solution?
Thanks testers! For Science!
daloboy  [создатель] 19 мар. 2018 г. в 11:02 
Just added a walkthrough above, and found a short-cut.
I'm making a updated version. Thanks.
daloboy  [создатель] 17 мар. 2018 г. в 13:07 
So sorry Smelliot95: I don't have access to my computer until monday, so I can not see exactly where you are, but yes it's absolutely solvable.
Smelliot95 17 мар. 2018 г. в 10:19 
I must not be seeing something, but is this not unsolveable? There are no ungrated portal surfaces in the first room and you need the sphere to be on the button to access second room without fizzling an item but also need a sphere in the last room to complete? Is there a second sphere I'm just not seeing? By the pictures on here it looks like the fizzler was on some kind of timer but it isn't now...
ExWaiZee 24 апр. 2017 г. в 20:29 
Oh my
daloboy  [создатель] 14 июн. 2014 г. в 9:54 
Wow! Thank you very much for all your testing! I still have some more of yours to try. No 59 is on it's way...
mrsumo 13 июн. 2014 г. в 10:34 
this is a fun map even if i had to go back and get something, i went back and checked and well i have played all 58 maps it's been fun let me know if u make any more i well play them thanks
daloboy  [создатель] 19 фев. 2013 г. в 16:47 
Merci BM!
Big Moustache 19 фев. 2013 г. в 9:36 
On se dit qu'en faisant un de tes anciens niveau qu'i l va etre facile. Mais pas du tout.
Il me faut, pour y arriver, penser comme toi. Sans doute le roi du laser tortueux. Il m'a fallu beaucoup de temps pour le relais laser le plus haut. Excellent puzzle, preuve d'une imagination fertile.
mood3rd 15 фев. 2013 г. в 14:46 
daloboy  [создатель] 14 фев. 2013 г. в 17:19 
Heu...happy to be a monster then! I knew you could do it mood3rd!
mood3rd 14 фев. 2013 г. в 16:54 
I did it, I did it, at last.
I tried this & failed.
months later, the same.
now more months later, hurray :)
good puzzle, or was that great puzzle.
good ideas.
the need to use things from previous chamber in the next.
& visa versa in the 1st.
out of all your maps I have played, this was the hardest for me.
well done :)
you monster.
daloboy  [создатель] 29 янв. 2013 г. в 5:39 
Thanks Aardvark64!
Aardvark00 29 янв. 2013 г. в 1:32 
Had no trouble with the rest (once I realised it's not as difficult as it looks at first sight). Nice layout. Enjoyable. On to the next.
Aardvark00 27 янв. 2013 г. в 2:31 
Aha, now I see. Just because it looks like a latch doesn't mean it is one!! Clever stuff, moving on then :)
daloboy  [создатель] 26 янв. 2013 г. в 5:59 
@Aardvark64: It is to turn off the fizzler, but not keep it off. There's 2 lasers, one from the sphere button, another from the pedestal just next to it
Aardvark00 26 янв. 2013 г. в 2:21 
I will just ask please, should the laser behind glass opposite to the entrance be a latch mechanism to keep the fizzler off when the sphere is no longer on the button?
daloboy  [создатель] 9 янв. 2013 г. в 15:51 
Updated and improved...I think so! Please test and comment!
daloboy  [создатель] 20 окт. 2012 г. в 15:40 
Glad you enjoyed it!
BUG 20 окт. 2012 г. в 14:36 
WOW! That was way cool,excelent job. l'm moving on to your next map.