X Rebirth

X Rebirth

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Update: 18. März 2017 um 10:13

=> Fixed Issue with Renaming the Player Ship
=> Added Expression for any Color in hexadecimal RRGGBB Format ( /hexRRGGBB# )
=> added new Expression: $money => current amount of Cash the Pilot/Manager has

Update: 7. Jan. 2017 um 13:53

=> Added short Reference for Expressions to Rename Menu (all Available Expressions are listed there)
=> Improved Usability of externally definded Expressions
-> Fixed some Issues with internal Handling
-> Added Reference for Externally Defined Expressions to Rename Menu

No New Expressions from this Extension.

New Setting for the Custom File: Page 5554302

<t id="6" comment="Help Text in Renaing Menu (All: All Info; Script: Script-defined Expressions only; Static:Static Info only; everything else is no Expression Info">All</t>/code](just in case this Infodump in the Renaming Menu irritates someone) custom file download has been updated accordingly, but no need to Re-DL, just add this line to yours Wink

Update: 26. Dez. 2016 um 6:17

Update via batch file. Change note will be updated soon.

Update: 24. Dez. 2016 um 9:26

=> Kleiner Text-Fix
Der Ausdruck $sup.name war falsch als /sup.name hinterlegt.

Wenn du ihn bereits unter dem falschen Namen verwendet hast konvertiere einfach über die Benutzerdatei /sup.name zu $sup.name.

Update: 6. Nov. 2016 um 11:03

=> New Function: Name Template for new Ships via Custom Expression File.
=> Changed many Expressions for more Consistency (will update already Named Ships automatically, but if you use the custom expressions file you have to Update)

New Entries in the Custom File (no need to re-download, just add these entries under Page 5554302):

<t id="3" comment="Name Template for Stations (will be applied when built, leave empty to not use this)"></t> <t id="4" comment="Name Template for Big Ships (will be applied when built, leave empty to not use this)"></t> <t id="5" comment="Name Template for Small Ships (will be applied when bought, leave empty to not use this)"></t>

Changed Expressions:
=> Skills are now prefixed with $S** instead of %SAB
=> Station Stages use now $stage*# instead of %stage*#
=> %superiorobject > $sup.name
=> %superiorzone > $sup.zone
=> %superiorsecto > $sup.sec
=> %superiorcluster > $sup.clu
=> %zone > /zone
=> %sector > /sec
=> %cluster > /clu
=> %type > /type
=> %purpose > /purpose
=> %class > /class
=> %scriptset > $scriptset
=> %freightclass > /freightclass

Update: 16. Okt. 2016 um 5:46

Fixed: Custom Expression Updating wasnt working as intended

Update: 15. Okt. 2016 um 3:08

=> Added leading Zeroes to %subnumber (based on total number of renamed subordinates)
=> new Expression %scriptset to indicate the Script Set used by the Objects controlentity (Currently only Vanilla and my Manager Script)
=> Added Normal Color Tag at the end of all Names to avoid colored messages (happens transparently and is not displayed in the Rename menu)
=> Changed Renaming Responsibility on Stations from DO to Manager (transition shouldnt be noticeable - if something doesnt work as expected let me know)
=> New automatically generated Shortname Added (its the Object Name minus all expressions which can change) - it is used for exressions like %superiorobject
=> new Expressions %SCP, %SMP, %SDP etc. - displays all primary Skills of Captain/Manager/Defense in order of importance ( like "534" )
=> new expressions /rco0 to /rco9 - results in random colors (one for each of the 10 expressions)
=> diverse bugfixes and opimisations

Changes only relevant to my own other extensions (not published on steam yet):
=> new Special Expressions DEBUG and DEBUG OFF - first one stays in the Name unchanged, but sets this.$debug on all relevant Entities on the Object (used by my scripts to activate debug output), second one is removed completely from the Name but also deletes the aforementoined Variable
Note: it does not activate the vanila debug output yet - have to find out how to do this best first.
=> (only fot my Manager- and soon-to-be Fleet Command Script) 2 new Expressions:
%ordercount => Length of Command Queue
%currentorder => currently executed Command

Update: 1. Okt. 2016 um 8:54

Changes (which i remember; Ego Forum is currently down):

=> Added French Translation (Thanks to Miniding)
=> Improved Mass Renaming Function (can now give a diffrent name to small and big ship subordinates)
=> 2 New Expressions for Mass Renaming
-> %subnumber - serial number of Subordinate when mass renaming
-> %subtotal - total number of Subordinates
Note: when mass renaming small/big Ships both apply to the specific sub-set of subordinates only.
=> Fixed/Completed German Lang File
=> some preperation work to work togehter with another mod of mine (not functional yet)

Update: 20. Sep. 2016 um 8:57

forgot something.

Update: 19. Sep. 2016 um 15:03

forgot something.