Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

Campfire Respawn
Showing 1-10 of 16 entries
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Update: Jun 19, 2022 @ 12:38pm :

Added : "Kill Me" : Kill bind that kills you when you press it, only useable while your character has the "idle" animation state.

Fixed : Unable to respawn correctly while using WX-78 with modules installed and with "Keep Inventory" enabled. Installed modules and the item held by the mouse cursor will now be dropped when dying as WX-78, as this was blocking the respawning.

Versioning is a bit off because i had trouble uploading the mod.

Update: Apr 20, 2021 @ 6:44pm

1.6.7 :

Added : "Spawn Protection" When Haunting to Respawn, you'll get Spawn Protection like Griefer Spawn Protection.

Update: Apr 4, 2021 @ 3:01pm

1.6.6 :

Fixed : "Return Hotkey" not working in survival mode.

Update: Mar 20, 2021 @ 3:31pm

1.6.5 :

Reupload to attempt to fix steam workshop error.

Update: Mar 20, 2021 @ 2:43pm

1.6.4 :

Fixed : "Telltale Heart" was broken after i did some changes a while ago.

Update: Mar 7, 2021 @ 2:24pm

1.6.3 :
Fixed : "Return Hotkey - Mode" wasn't set up properly so it didn't work.
Fixed : "Return Hotkey" didn't target campfires.
Because of how "Return Hotkey - Mode" was broken you have to reset your config settings for it to get correctly fixed.

Respawning from a Skeleton will now consume the skeleton.

Added :
"No Player Skeletons"
Players Won't drop Skeletons when they die.(Actually the skeleton will instantly get removed when it spawns but you shouldn't be able to notice it.)

"Keep Inventory"
Don't drop anything on death.

Update: Feb 4, 2021 @ 8:08am

1.6.2 :
Added a new "Return Hotkey Mode" Allows you to set between 2 modes:
"Last" will try to respawn you at the last place you respawned at, does not work inbetween loads.
"Closests" will try to find the closest place you can respawn, doesn't work with the Meat Effigy, Telltale Hearts, Skeletons. Max Range is 1000.

if either fails, you'll be respawned at the Jury-Rigged Portal.

Fixed a crash related to Attuning at the Meat Effigy, renamed "Health Penalty - Meat Effigy" to "Attunement - Meat Effigy" and updated its description to better describe what it does.

Update: Jan 31, 2021 @ 9:48am

1.6.1 :
Added a new "ReturnHotkey" (Disabled by default) that will return you to the last place you respawned or the Jury-Rigged portal, does not work inbetween loads.

Update: Jan 9, 2021 @ 2:58pm

1.6 New Features :
Mod is nolonger overriding the vanilla files, this should make it more compatible with other mods and more future proof with updates.

Respawn when haunting (Disabled by default):
Telltale Heart that lies on the ground, consumes the heart.
Skeletons and Player Skeletons.
Config options to disable/enable the various things.

Exposed some of the TUNING health penalties and spawn health in the config screen(i don't fully understand them myself).

Added a "Use Tags" option(Disabled by Default), this will override all Campfire settings and will add the Resurrection mechanic to anything that has the "campfire" tag, this should make the mod work with other mods aslong as their Prefabs has the tag.

"Use Tags" is Experimental and you should only use it if you need more Campfires than the 4 above to be affected. Backup your world before you try this option!

Update: Jun 17, 2020 @ 8:12am