Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Military SNPCs - United States
Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
Update: Jan 13, 2018 @ 4:47pm

=-=-=-=-= Version - 2.5.0 =-=-=-=-=
Credits: People that gave good suggestions, beta tested, and supported me!
  • New
    • Important Note: The animal base is now discontinued! Instead use the new behavior system implemented in both the creature and human base (More info below)
    • Added driving engine sound when tanks are driving!
    • Added new engine idle sound for tanks
    • Added blood pools for all blood colors! (Used to only be for red and yellow)
    • Added a spawnicon for the NPC Controller
    • Added new distant firing sound for Glock 17
    • New AI Changes:
      • Added a "Behavior" system which currently has 4 types: aggressive, neutral, passive and passive_nature
      • Human SNPCs no longer have a clamped weapon accuracy! (They are now very inaccurate the farther they are, and this will also allow developers to set custom accuracy properly now!)
      • Human SNPCs that are shooting while moving are a lot smoother now! (Especially when transitioning from standing to moving!)
      • MAJOR FIX: Fixed SNPCs staying as alerted forever, this was very noticeable with things like turrets
      • MAJOR FIX: Fixed SNPCs attacking when they shouldn't due to a timer bug in the animation system! This should also help animations cutting off
      • Fixed SNPCs that are being controlled or following player stopping and turning around when a NPC or a player collides with them
      • Fixed a major issue when something dies that was being chased by a group of SNPCs, the group would all try to get to the dead enemy's position and become stuck trying to move
      • Fixed tanks sometimes flipping over, sinking to the ground, or flying for couple seconds!
      • Fixed rarely SNPCs being stuck playing their attack animation after killing the enemy
      • Fixed another bug that sometimes caused static stationary SNPCs to turn (Ex: Turrets)
      • Fixed a bug that caused human SNPCs to suddenly aim when they move for the first time after killing an enemy
      • Fixed player-friendly SNPCs that can become enemy to the player, constantly printing in the chat that it no longer likes you when it's being controlled by another player
    • Added Health Modifier Tool:
      • This replaces the NPC Property Modifier tool
      • Inherits the same abilities as its predecessor with new additions listed below
      • Can now change the health and max health for all entities that can have health (Breakable props, NPCs etc.)
      • Ability to change the max health of an entity by right clicking
      • Ability to heal the entity to its max health by pressing reload
      • Prints a notification to the local player's chat that notifies what they did to which entity
      • Will only heal or change a player's health if the user is an admin
    • Added a button in the "Installed Addons" tab that opens a link to the Github page
    • Added a button in the SNPC options under the process time that opens a link to a video explaining what process time is
    • Added a new particle: vj_bms_turret
  • General Changes & Improvements
    • Updated the projectile radius code to only damage players and NPCs if they are visible! (Developers can disable visibility check, an example of it will be the Houndeye SNPC from Black Mesa SNPCs)
    • Blaster now only shoots out smoke and sparks when fired
    • Gibs only spawn decal if their velocity length is higher than 18
    • Radius damages that have force will now apply it to non-props as well (Such as NPCs or players!)
    • Damage force is now applied to gibs!
    • Implemented major optimizations to the SNPC bases:
      • Optimized the spawning code, which used to cause serious lag when a new entity was spawned while a VJ SNPC was alive!
      • Optimized the code that allowed certain SNPCs not to collide with each other
      • Implemented a custom HasValue function for tables which is a little more optimized than the function that comes with the game!
      • Many small optimizations have been done throughout the base, this should help make the lag less!
      • Removed many unused functions and variables to use less memory
      • Fixed SNPCs calling the self:DoHardEntityCheck() twice when spawned
    • Turret turning and track sounds for tanks are now properly looped
    • NPC Spawner Tool now makes the spawned NPC(s) face towards the player that spawned it
    • Increased all of the blood pool particles to a bigger bounding box, which fixes the particles disappearing when the player is not looking directly at it
  • General Fixes
    • Fixed projectiles staying for 0.07 before actually removing
    • Fixed the No Target tool not printing the player's name (When used on a player)
    • Fixed sound tracks not playing at all in multiplayer! (They will not play for any players that were not rendering the SNPC when it got spawned!)
    • Fixed Tanks playing moving sounds when pushed by something
    • Fixed couple of typos and other small mistakes in the menus
    • Fixed a minor error with pose parameters

  • Black Mesa SNPC
    • HECU Turret's firing muzzle effect is now positioned correctly!
    • HECU Turret now shoots 3 bullets per burst
    • Updated Houndeye's radius damage to the latest system
    • Remade the Snark Nest from scratch!
      • Now spawns 8 Snarks in total
      • When Snarks are spawned, they get thrown around in random directions
      • Much more optimized code
      • Fixed the blood particles and decals
    • Converted all the scientists to the new behavior system
    • Fixed HECU Turret's animations sometimes messing up when retracting or deploying, especially when the enemy constantly moves in and out of sight
    • Fixed HECU Turret doing 10 damage each shot! It now uses it damage convar(vj_bms_turret_d) which does 3 damage per shot! (I left the damage on 10 by accident in the last update)
    • Removed the particle vj_bms_turret, it's now included with VJ Base itself

  • E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy SNPC
    • Added oil blood pool for the trooper when it dies
    • Converted all of the passive animals to the creature base using the new behavior system (Much better AI!)
    • Remade the Turtle Egg from scratch!
      • The code is more optimized!
      • Fixed the blood particles and decals

  • Liberty Prime SNPC
    • Will now stop chasing the enemy when it comes close to the enemy, allowing it to fire its laser and mini-nuke instead of melee attacking
    • Decreased the melee attack and damage distance to allow it fire its laser at closer distances rather than just melee attacking
    • Will now constantly face the enemy when standing still and is 2000 or less world units away from the enemy.

  • Military SNPCs
    • Remade the spawnicons for: U.S. Airborne, Soviet Infantry
    • Major changes were done to the human and tank base! (Check the VJ Base section of the changelog!)

  • No More Room In Hell SNPCs
    • Remade all the spawnicons! (Thanks to Robert for taking the screenshots!)
    • Fixed a debug message being printed when head shotting a child zombie

    Developer function/variable Changes

Update: Dec 29, 2016 @ 12:41pm

=-=-=-=-= Version - 2.3.0 =-=-=-=-=
Credits: People that gave good suggestions, beta tested, and supported me!

Update: Jan 1, 2016 @ 9:47am

=-=-=-=-= Version - 2.2.0 =-=-=-=-=
Credits: People that gave good suggestions, beta tested, and supported me!

Update: May 3, 2015 @ 3:39pm

=-=-=-=-= Version - 2.1.0 =-=-=-=-=
UPCOMING: Liberty Prime SNPC
Credits(Suggestions, testing and support): People who went on my testing server and EnlistedDiabetus for the huge support!

Update: Jan 2, 2015 @ 11:23am

=-=-=-=-= Version - 2.0 =-=-=-=-=
Credits(Suggestions, testing and support): People who went on my testing server and EnlistedDiabetus for the huge support!

Update: Aug 24, 2014 @ 11:49am

Addon Released! Have fun! =)