Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

1–10/13 bejegyzés mutatása
< 1  2 >
Frissítés: 2023. dec. 22. @ 8:26

recompile using 1.2.7 binaries

Frissítés: 2023. okt. 31. @ 3:16

fixed crashes on pressing done buttons

Frissítés: 2023. szept. 8. @ 11:25

added support for 1.2.0

Frissítés: 2023. jún. 27. @ 11:59

added more translations Check std_module_strings_xml starting at 104, agricultureestate_ui_income_unused_land
sorting now defaults to descending order for numeric values
sorting the same value twice reverses the order
when changing sell to market you can hold shift to toggle it for all owned villages
clicking on a village in the ledger opens the village ui for that village instead of the encyclopedia

Frissítés: 2023. ápr. 14. @ 10:29

added support for all platforms

Frissítés: 2023. márc. 2. @ 9:42

recompiled using 1.1.0 assemblies

Frissítés: 2023. jan. 10. @ 2:54

icome from slave production is now listed in the gold income

Frissítés: 2022. dec. 10. @ 17:31

added support for MCMv5.4.5
added MCM setting for slave decline rate
added MCM setting for days required per upgrade
fixed multiplying of gold when loading a save

Frissítés: 2022. okt. 30. @ 7:35

added MCM to configure prices and scalings

Frissítés: 2022. okt. 28. @ 7:33

other clans don't receive gold from lands