The Dawnguard
Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Update: Oct 13, 2021 @ 3:08pm

- Bar are no longuer obliterated in Waystation. Thanks for the report.
- Isran now have some pocket money to buy the heads. Should respawn over time.
- Isran now accept Fog Princes after 25+ relation with the Dawnguard. If the dialog is not triggered, try it again. There's 50% chance to trigger it. I need to find why.

Update: Sep 8, 2021 @ 12:46pm

- Sorine is now in ruins near Stack (since the Ruined Holy Outpost was making some incompatibilities)
- A new tech is here to skip the quest to rebuild the Dawnguard and unlock all the items of this mod. It's level 1 and cost nothing.

Update: Aug 27, 2021 @ 1:24pm

The quest to rebuild Fort Dawnguard is now redone : you need to recruit 3 former companions of Isran.
The Alpha is now in a completely new village, not in the Deadhive Overrun.
A new shop for the crossbow, that will (in the future!) allow you to upgrade the crossbow to a new one (Dwemer)
Some minor changes in Isran's dialogue

Update: Aug 16, 2021 @ 3:53pm

v2 :
-Isran now buy heads and act as a vendor instead of giving you money for them.
-To increase relation, bring him their corpse.
-Different IA for Dawnguard HQ.
-More guards at the gates.

Update: Aug 15, 2021 @ 12:35pm

Initial realease :
Fort Dawnguard, items, doggos and gorillos added.
Short (temporary) quest to rebuild the order.