Star Ruler 2

Star Ruler 2

Shores of Infinity
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Update: Apr 17, 2020 @ 1:53pm

Release v0.3.3b

Detailed release notes can be found in the forums.

Release Highlights:

*** Minor additions, adjustments and fixes related to gameplay.

Update: Oct 21, 2019 @ 12:33pm

Release v0.3.2b

Detailed release notes can be found in the forums.

Release Highlights:

*** Fixes related to gameplay.

Update: Oct 20, 2019 @ 7:51am

Release v0.3.1b

Detailed release notes can be found in the forums.

Release Highlights:

*** Minor additions, adjustments and fixes related to gameplay.

Update: Oct 19, 2019 @ 6:20pm

Release v0.3.0b

Detailed release notes can be found in the forums.

Release Highlights:

*** Improvements and rebalances have been made across the board to make the mod more balanced and overall more polished.

*** Quality of life features have been added, such as the possibility to automate cargo haulage from one point to another, including the automatic use of FTL.

*** Added new planet and star types.

*** This version introduces an entirely new feature focused on the management of populated settlements. Settlements can be of different types depending of a number of criteria and can choose a particular focus to contribute to the empire. Civil acts can also independently be enacted on each settlement for various effects, but beware of the population morale!

Update: Jun 28, 2018 @ 8:03am

Release v0.2.3b

Detailed release notes can be found in the forums.

Release Highlights:

*** Fixes related to gameplay.

Update: Jun 27, 2018 @ 4:07pm

Release v0.2.2b

Detailed release notes can be found in the forums.

Release Highlights:

*** Fixes related to gameplay.

Update: Jun 20, 2018 @ 4:27pm

Release v0.2.1b

Detailed release notes can be found in the forums.

Release Highlights:

*** Minor additions, adjustments and fixes related to gameplay.

*** Two new system types have been added.

Update: Jun 2, 2018 @ 2:31pm

Release v0.2.0b

Detailed release notes can be found in the forums.

Release Highlights:

*** The underlying Rising Stars version has been updated to 1.2.1. Only bug fixes and a few minor features have been carried over.

*** The scale of the game has been fine-tuned.

*** Some elements of relativistic physics have been implemented: the speed of light is now a determined in-game constant and nothing can go beyond it except while using FTL means. Acceleration is also adversely affected by the current speed relative to the speed of light.

*** New subsystems have been added to provide a (costly) way to mitigate long colony ship travel times and / or open options to create independent space-based settlements.

*** Resource variety on gas giants has been increased.

*** Some mechanics of the Star Children and Mechanoid lifestyles have been overhauled, both to adequately fit them in the balance of the mod and to increase their flavor.

*** This version introduces a new type of Project for populated settlements, Policies, which allows to buy specific influence cards at will in exchange for high costs and a long build time, equivalent to 3 budget cycles.

Update: Feb 4, 2018 @ 2:29pm

Release v0.1.2b

Detailed release notes can be found in the forums.

Release Highlights:

*** Minor additions, adjustments and fixes related to gameplay.

Update: Feb 1, 2018 @ 3:57pm

Release v0.1.1b

Detailed release notes can be found in the forums.

Release Highlights:

*** Minor additions, adjustments and fixes related to gameplay.

*** Ancient lifestyles now have more building options on gas and ice giants. Their balance is still a work in progress though.

*** The first of new system types has been added.