ARK: Survival Evolved
782 คะแนน
Dino Station! [UNSUPPORTED] [New version coming]
15.103 MB
17 ม.ค. 2018 @ 1: 54pm
25 ม.ค. 2018 @ 6: 15am
4 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )

Dino Station! [UNSUPPORTED] [New version coming]


Adds these items...

Dino Station
A structure for crafting all of the items in the mod. It also allows you to heal clone and upgrade dinos that are inside the structure.
Healing dinos is free, but the structure requires power.

Dino Ball
Works like a Pokeball. Use it on a dino and you can carry it around in your inventory. It has a custom dropped mesh so you wont be accidently clearing them out. They also have a long decompose timer. That being said if you loose this you will loose the dino, its inventory contents, everything. Cant gaurentee it works with every mod out there.

Stat Point Token
Used to upgrade a dino in the Dino Station. Stats that are applied are the same as leveling a dino except you are also able to modify the wild level points of a dino too. Imprinting can also be improved and the imprinter will always be set to the person who let the dino out of the Dino Ball. Tamed level upgrades are only available after the dino has reached max level. This will not let you upgrade past the maximum 255 levels per stat.

Clone Token
Lets you clone any dino at a fixed price. The clone is an exact copy minus any imprinting.

DNA Extraction Kit
An item used in a wild dinos inventory to extract DNA. Needed to craft some of the other goodies.

Sacrifice Potion
Lets you sacrifice one of your dinos in exchange for Stat Point Tokens. Gives one token per tamed level point that was spent.

Agility Potion
Allows dinos to turn on the spot and removes fall damage. Also doubles step height and turn speed.

Sex Change Potion
Changes the gender of a dino.

Resistance Potion
Use on a dino and take 50% damage for 30s (stacks).

Reset Potion
Resets a dinos tamed stats (mindwipe for dinos)

Heal Potion
Heals a dino to 100% HP

Hunger Potion
Instantly starves out a dino.

Breeding Potion
Makes a female dino ready to mate.

EngramEntry_DinoBall EngramEntry_DinoStation EngramEntry_DNA_Extractor EngramEntry_SacrificePotion EngramEntry_AgilityPotion EngramEntry_SexChangePotion EngramEntry_BreedPotion EngramEntry_HealPotion EngramEntry_HungerPotion EngramEntry_ResetPotion EngramEntry_ResistancePotion

Item Classes
PrimalItemStructure_DinoStation PrimalItem_DinoBall_Empty PrimalItemConsumableEatable_DNA_Extractor PrimalItemResource_CloneToken PrimalItemResource_StatPointToken PrimalItemConsumableEatable_SacrificePotion PrimalItemResource_DinoDNA PrimalItemConsumableEatable_AgilityPotion PrimalItemConsumableEatable_SexChangePotion PrimalItemConsumableEatable_BreedPotion PrimalItemConsumableEatable_HealPotion PrimalItemConsumableEatable_HungerPotion PrimalItemConsumableEatable_ResetPotion PrimalItemConsumableEatable_ResistancePotion

INI Options

Increase or reduce the ammount of DNA gathered from dinos.
[DinoStation] DNAMultiplier=123

Increase or reduce the ammount of tokens given for a sacrifice.
[DinoStation] SacrificeMultiplier=123

Limit the ammount of upgrades allowed for each stat. Max capped at 255.
[DinoStation] MaxPoints=123

Enjoy :)


