Wallpaper Engine:桌布引擎

Wallpaper Engine:桌布引擎

33 次評價
類型: 應用程式
評等: 全年齡
內容類型: 音樂
解析度: Other resolution
類別: 桌布
39.085 MB
2017 年 5 月 30 日 上午 6:12
2017 年 5 月 31 日 下午 6:02
2 項更新註記 (檢視)


Unity powered Analyzer!

This wallpaper is audio responsive with its own audio stream code that allows up to 8192 sample rates. Wallpaper engine limit it way down at 64length arrays * 2 (Left and Right channel)

(The unity package is functional but I need to do some more tweaking to make it more userfriendly before uploading it)

Added options, bass analyzer and smoother visualizer.
4 則留言
toniostarcevic 2018 年 1 月 15 日 上午 5:07 
@Emily I've downloaded plenty of Unity wallpapers and they all start normally. Unity logo -> 1-2 seconds -> finished. Only two don't work, or don't work properly.

"Equalizer Spectrum Glow Demo" - takes 3 (!!) minutes to load, but then properly reacts to music.

And this one. It also takes 3 minutes to load, but it doesn't react to music. The cubes are moving forward steady and the line stays flat. Waited for another 10 minutes - but nothing.

No idea what's wrong...
Emily | Sunpy  [作者] 2018 年 1 月 14 日 下午 1:09 
@toniostarcevic This is made in unity so it makes less to no sense that this doesnt work for you.
The reason people make their own applications for visual audio effect is because the one wallpaper engine offers is extremely limited and only allows a maximum of 64 values to work with (google fft if you wonder what values im talking about).
Normaly you should need atleast 1024 values to be able to make something that looks smooth. And you require a minimum of 4096 values before being able to see the bass.
toniostarcevic 2018 年 1 月 13 日 上午 7:16 
Doesn't work for me. It takes minutes to start and then it doesn't react to audio.
There's another application background with audio response "Equalizer Spectrum Glow Demo", that also needs minutes to load. But this one works at least.

What's wrong with all the application backgrounds with audio response anyway? Taking minutes to load... some are working, others not...

Web backgrounds with audio response load within a second and always work.
And application backgrounds without audio response also take just a few seconds.

My pc:
Intel 6-core CPU @3.8 GHz, 32 GB RAM, GTX Titan 6 GB
Rhy 2017 年 6 月 2 日 上午 11:35 
Nice, but the resource demand is just over the top for me :fsad: