Portal 2

Portal 2

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I 1 samling av sixequalszero
6=0's Testing Initiative
9 artiklar
Look but don't touch.
3 kommentarer
ThomServeaux 23 feb, 2018 @ 11:16 
This one is impossible. You obviously need to get at least one cube to you, but you can't push the button that releases the cubes and then run to the button that activates the funnel fast enough.
sixequalszero  [skapare] 13 jun, 2012 @ 5:20 
Thanks for the feeback!
toncica 13 jun, 2012 @ 4:25 
Tests in which you just press buttons aren't very exciting, usually. But you made this one really work. I was laughing hard when I pressed the third button. Note to self: watch your back. It took the right amount of time to figure out - not too short, not too long to make you feel annoyed for just pressing buttons.