Portal 2
122 个评价
Portal 2 Console Commands
由 Dunkus 制作
Sometimes, in almost every game, Cheat Codes make something more interesting. Here are a list of codes that you can use in the Portal 2 Console.
Console Basics
In order to access the Developer Console, you must go into the pause menu and click on Options, Keyboard/Mouse, EDIT KEYS/BUTTONS. Be sure to click them in that order. Next, scroll down to "Developer Console" And choose whichever key you want to access it. Make sure that Developer Console is enabled. Once you set it up, Type in "sv_cheats 1" and hit "Enter" Once that's set up, you can do anything from shooting missliles out of your face, to spawning Wheatley anywhere you want.

Note that when "sv_cheats 1" is enabled, any proggress in your current game session will be paused. Which means that you cannot get acheivements or Inventory Items, even if you turned it off.
Spawning Codes
ent_create_portal_weighted_cube.......... Spawns a Cube
ent_create_portal_companion_cube........... Spawns a Companion Cube
ent_create_portal_reflector_cube........... Spawns a Lasor Redirection Cube
ent_create_portal_weighted_antique........... Spawns an Old Aperture Cube
ent_create npc_portal_turret_floor........... Spawns a Turret
ent_create npc_personality_core............ Spawns Wheatley
ent_create prop_glados_core......... Spawns Wheatley (No animations, Cant be picked up)
ent_create_paint_bomb_jump............ Spawns a Blue Gel Blob
ent_create_paint_bomb_speed........... Spawns a Orange Gel Blob
ent_create_paint_bomb_portal............ Spawns a White Gel Blob
ent_create_paint_bomb_erase............ Spawns a Cleaning Gel Blob
ent_create weapon_portalgun............ Creates a Portal Gun
ent_create npc_rocket_tripwire........... Creates a Tripwire Turret (unused)
ent_create npc_rocket_turret............. Spawns a Rocket Turret (unused, doesn't work)
ent_create npc_laser_turret............. Spawns a Laser Turret (unused, no model)
Gameplay Codes
Noclip.......... Allows the player to fly through walls
God......... The player cant be killed
Notarget.......... Turrets cant see the player
ent_remove........... Removes Objects [May Crash Game]
Thirdperson........... Changes camera view to Thirdperson
Firstperson........... Resumes to normal camera view
Impulse 100.......... Gives the player a flashlight
Give Weapon_portalgun.......... Gives the player a Portal Gun
Upgrade_portalgun......... Gives the player a Dual Portal Gun
Upgrade_potatogun......... Gives the player a Dual Portal Gun with POTaTOS
How to bind
When it comes to the Portal 2 dev console, (And other games, such as Portal) There is a way to Bind cheat codes. Which means to do multiple codes at the same time. That might sound confusing and difficult, but it is actually really easy to do. All you need to do is type your code, and put a ; at the end of it, then press the Spacebar and write another code.

{EXAMPLE: ent_create npc_personality core; noclip; god}
Misc Commands
commands that don't exaclty fit into any specific category

(*) = only works in VERY specific maps

(*) ent_fire @core 01, ................................ Makes you grab a corrupted core.
(*) ent_fire @core 02, ................................ Makes you grab a corrupted core.
(*) ent_fire @core 03, ................................ Makes you grab a corrupted core.
Fizzlable Items
Can be Fizzled
-All cube types
-Energy Pellet
-All Turret Types
-Most Prop_dynamic types

Can't be Fizzled
-All Cores
-Rocket Sentries

added this because why not, might be helpful fot mapmaking in hammer
Update Log
ignore this if you wish
this is a personal log of recent updates to the guide

* November 14th, 2021
-Created a Misc Commands section. (11:59)
-Removed ent_fire @core 01, ent_fire @core 02, and ent_fire @core 03. (12:00)
-Added ent_fire @core 01, ent_fire @core 02, and ent_fire @core 03 to the Misc Commands section. (12:00)

* January 16th, 2022
-Removed prop_physics_create (Invalid imformation) (9:37)
-Updated ent_create npc_rocket_tripwire (Invalid information) (9:37)
-Added ent_create npc_rocket_turret (9:37)
-Added ent_create npc_laser_turret (9:36)
126 条留言
Dunkus  [作者] 2022 年 6 月 7 日 下午 4:26 
That would be ent_create prop_monster_box.
Saffron 2022 年 6 月 6 日 上午 9:14 
What is the command for spawning that turret cube hybrid thing?
Dunkus  [作者] 2022 年 1 月 22 日 下午 7:21 
well then all i can say is enjoy steam at your age while you still can, and take nothing for granted
techniciandeimos 2021 年 10 月 22 日 下午 2:16 
i am 11 !
tauon gaming 2021 年 5 月 5 日 上午 8:33 
ah you were 11 that explains it but don't worry it does help and it's very good
CubicSkull 2021 年 4 月 12 日 上午 10:06 
Dunkus  [作者] 2021 年 4 月 12 日 上午 6:26 
also i'll just say i'm really surprised this is STILL going strong with awards and shit
i mean i made this when i was 11 so it's really just baffling this was any sort of coherant
so thanks for deciphering a child's mad ramblings
Dunkus  [作者] 2021 年 4 月 12 日 上午 6:25 
in the future i'm going to do more research towards valve console commands and update this as much as i can so look forward to that
Dunkus  [作者] 2021 年 4 月 8 日 下午 9:28 
i do know there is a command that allows you to change your playermodel

i don't remember it sadly but i do know that from experience of messing with it that it's very fickle

i dunno could just be my computer but some models outright crash the game
CubicSkull 2021 年 4 月 8 日 上午 6:22 
can you like do a cheat to make you p body in one player?