Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

137 evaluări
2Fort Cool
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Mod de joc: Capturează steagul
Dimensiunea fișierului
9.916 MB
9 iun. 2015 la 3:24
1 notiță privind schimbările ( vizionare )

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2Fort Cool

The old loved map that was super hard to find is now in the workshop! Enjoy the new extended version of 2Fort! Just more cool.

To load the map, type in console: 'map ctf_2fort_cool' or 'map 2fort_cool'
31 comentarii
ashen 13 aug. 2021 la 8:49 
matys 17 mai 2021 la 2:11 
I stg how is this comment section still alive
Kel 12 mai 2021 la 16:01 
warhammer 9 mart. 2021 la 7:29 
dont play this with bots
Galaxen 21 nov. 2020 la 4:20 
im an idiot
Galaxen 21 nov. 2020 la 4:20 

Galaxen 21 nov. 2020 la 4:20 
it doesnt work:steamsad:
old mister spy 14 sept. 2020 la 2:12 
could you put this map also for Source filmmaker and garry's mod?
The L 16 iun. 2020 la 12:56 
What is the door that gets activated on first cap?
Geheim123 24 oct. 2019 la 9:50 
First time playing = Server crash XD but its a very cool map, (second try was sucessfull XD)