Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Theme Mixer 2
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26 out. 2019 às 16:44
6 nov. 2019 às 13:39
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Theme Mixer 2

Lets you load, mix and customize Map Themes

It's finally here, at long last.

This is a complete re-make of the original Theme Mixer mod.

  • Change map themes directly in-game.
  • Select map theme "parts" from different map themes (Atmosphere, Structures, Terrain, etc)
  • Select individual elements from different map themes (A specific texture, color, or other value)
  • Customize theme elements manually
  • Save and share "Theme Mix" presets

This mod allows you to select or customize every single thing that's covered by map themes, except disaster settings, which I didn't think were relevant/meaningful to justify the extra work to support them.

One of the main issues of the old Theme Mixer mod was its impact on performance, I made that mod back in my first months of modding and had no idea how to optimize things.

This time around I did my best to do things with performance in mind so it should be much much better. Textures are not kept in memory, they are only loaded when needed and the old ones are always destroyed to free memory.

However, I am still a newbie programmer overall, so if you notice anything that's really bad let me know so I can try to fix it.

This download includes 5 map themes which are essentially the game's built-in themes in a form that allows you to use their elements for mixing. The download is large because of this. This has no impact on performance, it only uses some space in your hard drive.

This mod is incompatible with the old Theme Mixer mod, so pick one. HINT: pick this one.


This mod supports translations, and currently includes English and Simplified Chinese translations.

If you'd like to provide a translation, go to the github repo and find the english.xml file, download it, change the name to yourlanguage.xml and translate all the string, then send it to me through, or make a pull request if you know how to use github.

Please dont re-upload the mod just to add your own language as that defeats the purpose of supporting localization and also it pisses me off.

I put a lot of work into this mod and tried to make it as perfect as possible before release but I am sure there will be problems/bugs so I need your help to find them so I can fix them or improve the mod.

Thank yous

This mod uses BloodyPenguin's translation framework for localization.

It also uses Pardeike's Harmony Lib for patching some methods.
The Unique Harmony ID is "com.tpb.thememixer2".

The icons used for the mod are by Freepik[] from flaticon[] with some modifications.

Source Code[] is available on github.


So where is the UI?
The button to open the UI is located in bottom left corner next to the Milestones button.
You can move it with right-click and drag.
Discussões Populares Ver todos (19)
6 abr. 2023 às 19:45
AFIXADO: Post your bug reports here
3 jul. 2023 às 13:47
My Theme Mixer 2 icon has disappeared
29 mar. 2023 às 13:03
The mod dosnt show up
784 comentários
deer 16 de mar. às 15:07 
This works flawlessly for me. I was using theme mixer 2.5 but it stopped working for some reason, I was gettin null object reference error and the UI wouldn't open. I tried this one instead and it works just fine so if you have a similar problem give this one a shot. this is an essential mod for me so I'm hoping we always have a working version<3
hjo 12 de fev. às 6:36 
same question for me:

Does anyone know how to reset the theme to the vanilla theme?
Just spent all day making a new map, looked good on vanilla temperate theme, got curious and tried other themes to see what it would look like - and now I can't get it back to vanilla - and nothing else looks right.
Any ideas?
ronymoon12 5 dez. 2023 às 5:28 
doesn't work for mac
FosterXrl 23 out. 2023 às 17:32 
me aparece esto al iniciar el juego "The Mod C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\1899640536 [0Harmony.dll, ThemeMixer.dll] has caused an error [ModException]" que puedo hacer?
spartacus999 21 out. 2023 às 22:30 
It changes nothing in the game. Brown roads remain brown.
1181852012 4 out. 2023 às 2:05 
i can't find it in the game:steamsad:
smolseok 24 set. 2023 às 23:22 
thank you Teddy Radko
Teddy Radko 15 set. 2023 às 11:47 
1181852012 13 set. 2023 às 22:50 
can't use 2.5,is 2.0 still work?