Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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CS:GO Autoexec/Config Guide
Von a bottle of bourbon
Here is my guide to autoexec.cfg use, as well as a compilation of settings and variables for your CS:GO autoexec.cfg file. Use these settings as provided; edit them to suit your needs; change them entirely; or test the ones you're interested in. The goal is to have a quick, simple, and easy to follow guide to help people get an autoexec file in place--or to tweak their current settings to have a more tailored experience.

If you have used an autoexec.cfg before, feel free to comment any settings you've used and tested. Also provide the intended results each variable/setting gives, so other users may make use of them as well.

If you spot any errors (or features that have been patched out of the game) please feel free to note that as well.


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Intro to Autoexec.cfg
An autoexec.cfg is quite literally an automatically executed config. A text file generated (or saved) by the user, that tells the game which specific settings the user would like to use while they play.

Autoexec.cfg's (often referred to as configs, .cfg, fps configs, scripts, etc.) live in your \cfg\ directory for CSGO on your local machine. It mary vary a bit per user, but generally speaking you'll want to place your .cfg into: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg

The autoexec file itself is just a configuration that CS:GO will pull settings from that are either too cumbersome to mess with via in-game menus, or users would like to set in numerical values rather than attempt to use the menu-based options. Things such as sensitivity for your mouse, for example, are easier to change manually because you may fine tune them more with a numerical value (ie. sensitivity .35) than with a 1-6 slider in-game. Other values, such as fps_max, aren't always available via the in-game menus. Setting these things manually with your config is a way to get the fine tuned game experience you want.

To use an autoexec.cfg all a user needs to do is have the .cfg file placed into the directory I've listed above. There are also folks who say you need to use startup commands with CS:GO to run the autoexec.cfg so, if you'd like to go down that road, simply enter the following commands into your launch options for CS (I've also included the common performance commands as well).

Steps to add launch options to CS:GO:
  • Browse to your Steam Library
  • Right click on Counter Strike: Global Offensive
  • Click: Properties
  • Click: Set Launch Options
  • Paste the following: +exec autoexec.cfg
  • For the common CS:GO launch options (disable video, open console, 128tick local server, force monitor refresh rate etc.) use: -console -novid -high -threads 4 +exec autoexec.cfg -tickrate 128 -refresh 144

++tip: if you're using an alternate (or 'smurf') account on the same PC, your autoexec will be used as long as your CS:GO install lives within the \common\ directory as shown above in the image
What does it do?
An autoexec, as we discussed, automatically executes a config file that can alter your game experience. For some players this means simply showing the net_graph that displays client/server connections as well as frames per second. How many times in-game has someone asked you "how do you show your FPS?". The fast answer is net_graph, but the longer answer is to have your .cfg file handle it. Moving on, take a look at a few of the available options for changing your individual in-game experience.

HUD Options (color, icons, inventory)
  • cl_hud_healthammo_style "0" // show HP and ammo without bars and bullet icons
  • hud_showtargetid "0" // Shows enemy name on screen
  • cl_hud_playercount_pos "0" // Position for the playercount on screen
  • cl_hud_radar_scale "1" // Changes the size/scale of the radar
  • cl_hud_playercount_showcount "1" // forces show all players in the player count
  • cl_hud_color "8" // Changes UI Color for HUD HP, Ammo, Money etc
  • cl_hud_background_alpha "0.5" // Adjust HUD background alpha for colored elements
  • cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "1" // shows bomb icon under radar instead of inventory

Screenshot showing the HUD variables in effect. Note the player count at the top center, the color of the HUD items, and the placement of the bomb icon.

Mouse Settings (sensitivity, color, crosshair styles)
sensitivity .35 (raise or lower this value)
  • cl_crosshairdot "0" // The dot in the center of the crosshair
  • cl_crosshairgap "-2" // The amount of space in the center of the crosshair
  • cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0" // Enable/disable different crosshairgap per weapon/s you're using ie. pistol, rifle, etc.
  • cl_crosshairthickness "1" // Thickness of crosshair
  • cl_crosshairscale "0" // Scale of crosshair (outdated)
  • cl_crosshairsize 3 // Change size higher or lower for larger or smaller crosshair
  • cl_crosshairstyle 5 // Values = 1-5 , 5 is the "active" crosshair that spreads.
  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0" // Places an outline around the crosshair itself
  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1" // Thickness of the outline - edit in .5 values
  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35" // * These values change how far the crosshair can split on crosshair style 5
  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1" // * These values change how far the crosshair can split on crosshair style 5
  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5" // * These values change how far the crosshair can split on crosshair style 5
  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7" // * These values change how far the crosshair can split on crosshair style 5
  • cl_crosshairusealpha "1" // Enable/disable crosshair alpha
  • cl_crosshairalpha "200.000000" // Opacity of the crosshair
  • cl_crosshaircolor "1" // Color of the crosshair
  • cl_crosshaircolor_b "255" // * Manually edits crosshair colors (outdated) use
  • cl_crosshaircolor
  • cl_crosshaircolor_g "255" // * Manually edits crosshair colors (outdated) use
  • cl_crosshaircolor
  • cl_crosshaircolor_r "50" // * Manually edits crosshair colors (outdated) use
  • cl_crosshaircolor
  • m_rawinput "1"
  • m_mouseaccel1 "0"
  • m_mouseaccel2 "0"
  • sensitivity ".7"

Screenshot showing mouse/crosshair settings in place:

Graphics/Models Options (for performance/looks)
  • viewmodel_fov "68"
  • viewmodel_offset_x "2"
  • viewmodel_offset_y "2"
  • viewmodel_offset_z "-2"
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0"
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0"
  • cl_bob_lower_amt "0"
  • cl_bobamt_lat "0"
  • cl_bobamt_vert "0"
  • cl_bobcycle "2"

Some Misc Settings and Useful Tweaks
  • fps_max "0"
  • cl_radar_always_centered "0" // Keeps the radar centered
  • cl_autowepswitch "0" // Will not auto-switch to weapons if you pick them up
  • cl_autohelp "1" // Enable/disable on screen hints (enemy, trade weapon, etc.)
  • cl_showhelp "1" // Show the hints on screen
  • cl_righthand "1" // 0 for left hand 1 for right hand or use bindtoggle <key> cl_righthand to give yourself one-key swapping between right/left handed
  • cl_forcepreload "1"
  • net_graph "1" // Shows net_graph stats (fps, rates, choke, etc.)
  • net_graphproportionalfont "0" // Changes the size of the net graph text
  • mm_dedicated_search_maxping "75" // Max server ping allowed in MM search
  • rate "128000" // This is your client rate, you may need to lower it if your net speed cannot keep up
  • cl_cmdrate "128" // 128 tick servers require this rate (64 will default to 64 for you, no need to edit)
  • cl_updaterate "128" // 128 tick servesr require this rate (64 will default to 64 for you, no need to edit)
  • cl_interp_ratio 1 // Common interp setting for MM/League
  • cl_interp 0 // Common interp setting for MM/League
  • tickrate 128 // If you launch a local server it will run at 128 tick (can also be done with -tickrate 128 put as launch option)
  • host_writeconfig // Forces the autoexec to write changes to the config.cfg file
Where can I get an Autoexec.cfg
There are literally hundreds of different options out there to choose from. There are configs out there designed to assist with your rates and network performance, configs for FPS, configs out there with autobuy features in them to bind certain functions to certain keys, etc.

It's best to decide what you need first, then look for a config that comes close to meeting your needs. If you cannot find one out there, feel free to take mine and edit it[] as you wish. It's not unlike any other generic config you'll find out there, seeing as how it's been made up of certain settings and variables I've grabbed over the years. Making your own config, or editing one to suit your needs, is the best way to get what you need.

For those of you who'd rather not simply download it, I'll paste the text here--and you are free to use what you'd like.

//Jimmy's CS:GO Config v1.6
//Please leave feedback on my Steam Guide
//Feel free to edit, change, or otherwise tweak this config to your liking.

// Crosshair

cl_crosshairalpha "150" // Changes opacity/alpha of the crosshair color
cl_crosshaircolor "5" // Will give you a pink crosshair
cl_crosshaircolor_b "255" // Edits crosshair color manually
cl_crosshaircolor_g "0" // Edits crosshair color manually
cl_crosshaircolor_r "255" // Edits crosshair color manually
cl_crosshairdot "0" // Dot in the center of the crosshair
cl_crosshairscale "0" // Edits scale/size of crosshair
cl_crosshairsize "3" // Edits the size of the crosshair
cl_crosshairthickness ".75" // Changes thickness of the crosshair itself
cl_crosshairusealpha "0" // Forces use of alpha changes made here
cl_crosshairstyle "4" // 0 for new CSGO, 1 for static, 2 for old CS:S style (static), and 3 for old CS:S (dynamic)
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1" // outlines the crosshair
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness ".5" // thickness of the outline

// Viewmodel

viewmodel_fov "68"
viewmodel_offset_x "2"
viewmodel_offset_y "0"
viewmodel_offset_z "-2"

// Bobbing and movement shifting

cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0"
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0"
cl_bob_lower_amt "0"
cl_bobamt_lat "0"
cl_bobamt_vert "0"
cl_bobcycle "2"

// Audio

snd_mixahead "0.05"
snd_headphone_pan_exponent "2"
snd_musicvolume "0"

// Rates and Interpolation
// Change these as you see fit, test per your connection
// Cheers @TrueToCeasar

cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_updaterate "128"
rate "786432"
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_interp 0
tickrate 128

// Mouse commands

m_rawinput "1"
m_mouseaccel1 "0"
m_mouseaccel2 "0"
sensitivity "1.1" // Changes in-game sensitivity

// Miscellaneous Settings & UI/HUD Tweaks

cl_radar_always_centered "0"
cl_autowepswitch "0" // Will not auto-switch to weapons if you pick them up
cl_autohelp "0"
cl_showhelp "0"
cl_righthand "0" // or in config.cfg add: bind "n" "incrementvar cl_righthand 0 1 1"
cl_forcepreload "1"
cl_hud_playercount_showcount "1" // forces show all players in the player count
cl_hud_color "4" // Changes UI Color for HUD HP, Ammo, Money etc
cl_hud_background_alpha "255" // Adjust HUD background alpha for colored elements
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "1" // shows bomb icon under radar instead of inventory
cl_hud_healthammo_style "0" // show HP and ammo without bars and bullet icons
hud_showtargetid "1" // 1 to enable the red playername target text
net_graph "1" // Shows net_graph stats (fps, rates, choke, etc.)
mm_dedicated_search_maxping "75"
fps_max "299" // The maximum frames per second your PC will render

314 Kommentare
Himas Rehas 24. Aug. 2021 um 1:02 
Can someone tell me how can I look into the commands that I have activated in my account because I have a new account and it does not perform the same as my old account somehow theres a command that helped me with the performance from my first account and i cant figure our what it is. My first account has at least 350 fps while my new account barely reaches 200
B4ND1T 16. Juni 2021 um 10:52 
I figured it out, I had to remove the plus sign
a bottle of bourbon  [Autor] 16. Juni 2021 um 5:18 
@We Do A Little Trolling - try launching CS as Administrator, verify you have +exec autoexec.cfg in your launch options, and see if you can exec the config manually (just "exec autoexec.cfg" from console) let me know :csgogun::csgogun:
B4ND1T 12. Juni 2021 um 21:27 
my autoexec isn't working, I have the folder and I have the commands and everything but its not working in game
a bottle of bourbon  [Autor] 15. Mai 2021 um 5:19 
@Albert did you use +exec autoexec.cfg in it's entirety? May need to drill down to the directory containing the autoexec.cfg and make sure you have Windows Folder/Search Options set to show file extensions--sometimes the autoexec.cfg will actually be named autoexec.cfg.cfg and that can break the config. If that's not the issue, open console in-game and exec autoexec.cfg to see if it runs then...
CunnilingusKid 15. Mai 2021 um 4:55 
I insert + exec into the launch parameters and when I enter the game, the config does not work, I have to manually register it in the console. Why is that? This was not the case before
a bottle of bourbon  [Autor] 15. Mai 2021 um 4:22 
Not to my knowledge, @HalfNoLife executing the config is simply batch-running the commands within. :csgogun::csgogun:
R4tonBaveur 14. Mai 2021 um 11:20 
is there a way to add arguments when executing a cfg file?
a bottle of bourbon  [Autor] 13. Jan. 2021 um 8:45 
Any notepad program should be able to edit your .cfg files for you. I use Notepad++ myself. Right click the autoexec.cfg or config.cfg and "open with" the program of your choice. Cheers! :csgogun::csgogun:
ass 12. Jan. 2021 um 7:07 
Firstly, I bet this is very helpful for many and it must have taken a long time for you, so I want to thank you for being so unselfish. Secondly, I would like to know how you edit a .cfg file after creating one. I read on an old site that you could edit it with notepad++ but that seems to be an old thing. I can't see a way to do it. Could you help me?