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ARK: Survival Evolved

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ARK Join Control
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ARK Join Control

Dans 1 collection faite par Billy Boola
Nibiru Ark
10 objets
Also available for your Atlas server:

Join Control
Reclaim control of your server

The purpose of this mod it to gain control of the players connecting to your server. ARK has an exclusive join system that is unfortunately difficult to use, while it does prevent players from connecting to a server who are not on the list the actual list can not be easily be updated without human intervention.

Join Control will allow admins to setup and control who can connect via a web interface. An example being a web form for a Role Play server that allows players to join after completion. This is limited only by your imagination and technical ability.

Who is the mod for?

This mod is not for every one, firstly it requires that you are able to set up a web server to handle and format JSON data. Setting this up or showing you how to do it is beyond the scope of this web page. You are on your own, google is your friend, although I have provided some example code in the Discussions.

How does it work?

When a player connects to the server it will send an HTTP GET request to the web server, like so:

Your web server will respond with some JSON like this:

The allowed field is the join control, 0 = Not Allowed and will be kicked, a 1 will allow the player to remain on the server.

What this mod does not do

Anything else. It does not impose any restrictions on how you receive and respond to the request other that the format of the HTTP requests and the JSON that is returned. You can use any web server, database or language you wish. But you already knew that right? If you didn't then this mod is not for you.

Server Log

All interactions are recorded in the server log, the the full URL and variables in the request, and the received JSON to help with any setup issues you might have. The server should be run with this command line switch:


Example log output:
2017.07.04_09.22.12: Info - JC - JoinControl - Player attempting to join the server: 76561198102235069 2017.07.04_09.22.12: Info - JC - JoinControl - Sending HTTP GET request: http://************?steam_id=76561198102235069 2017.07.04_09.22.12: Info - JC - JoinControl - Recieved HTTP Response: {"steam_id":"76561198102235069","allowed":"1","kick":"Yeah Nah Bro"} 2017.07.04_09.22.12: Info - JC - JoinControl - Is 76561198102235069 allowed to join: Yes

INI Settings

There are three settings, the URL (must NOT include the http://) and a Kick message. Finally a boolean for using of https or http.

[JoinControl] URL=url-goes-here Kick="You shall not pass" https=false

Optional custom kick messages

You may if you wish use custom kick message for your players. The order for kick messages is the mod default of "You cannot pass" which can be overridden in the ini file. Finally you can add a special kick message in the JSON that will be used instead of the mod or ini message.

{"steam_id":"PLAYERS-STEAM-ID","allowed":"0","kick":"Yeah Nah Bro"}

This mod/code/work is protected by the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Creative Commons License.[]
Discussions populaires Tout voir (1)
15 avr. 2022 à 0h16
ÉPINGLÉ : Example PHP code for JoinControl
Billy Boola
93 commentaires
Billy Boola  [créateur] 30 juil. 2021 à 12h46 
Hi axi92, the way it works is the player logs into a server and is allowed to join as per normal, then the mod sends a request to the web server and needs to receive the response from the web server before it decided to let a player remain online or kick them.

So in short while the web server is offline all players are allowed to play even the ones you blocked.

And if the web server comes back online all blocked players would be able to keep playing until they chose to log off
axi92 20 juil. 2021 à 4h43 
What happens if the webserver is offline or not responding? Can the user join or then nobody can join?
Billy Boola  [créateur] 6 mars 2021 à 21h12 
I dont have the code any more, I did give it to some one once I think. But if you can code then this mod is super easy to make from scratch.
Ancyker 6 mars 2021 à 15h42 
Open source?
Billy Boola  [créateur] 31 déc. 2020 à 11h35 
Sordros, I am sorry that this is too advanced for you but as I say above it isn't for every one
Sordros 31 déc. 2020 à 10h52 
since i only know dos i will stick with how i control my server then as its simpler n easier for me!!!
Billy Boola  [créateur] 31 déc. 2020 à 10h35 
Sordros, you don't understand what it is doing. For example you can have a set up such that a player must be on your discord to be able to log into your ark server, all handled by code and not requiring an admin to manage the details, all you need to know is how to code stuff and have some imagination
Sordros 26 déc. 2020 à 17h15 
best way to do what this does without a mod is use the server password option!!! not difficult at all!!!! give out password to only friends family n such; wow perfect control!!!! oh n this mod hasnt been updated in 2 yrs so must have been forgotten???
Billy Boola  [créateur] 3 avr. 2020 à 3h11 
nah, I would need to install the ark dev kit to check it before I gave it away, and it's not worth the hassle, if you have the skills to add a feature to a mod like this then you could easily make a similar mod, this mod would have to be one of the simplest mods around, I suggest go make your own, join the ark modding discord and ask about the HTTP nodes and you will be half done in an hour.
sogtwinster [TNS] 30 mars 2020 à 20h13 
Any way to get the source code for this mod? That way I could make the change?