Transport Fever

Transport Fever

84 évaluations
TRA E200 locomotive Taiwan Japan Friendship Train and Nankai Rapi:t Repaint
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Vehicle: Locomotive, Wagon
Mots-clés : vehicle, passengers, taiwan
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21 janv. 2019 à 3h00
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TRA E200 locomotive Taiwan Japan Friendship Train and Nankai Rapi:t Repaint

E200 is the second generation electric locomotive of the Taiwan Railways Administration. This is the 2019 Taiwan Japan Friendship Train and Nankai Rapi:t Repaint

Sorry guys, I been really busy for work lately. I will try to make time for modding from now on!

這是最近很紅的E200型電力機車 藍武士號、台日友誼號塗裝,抱歉了各位,最近超忙先是出差,回來又要補工作,結果還又生了一場大病,最後就變成這麼久都沒上傳東西,所以只好趕緊偷懶得上了這個只要重塗外裝的mod,之後會盡量抽出時間來製作新的mod,就醬!

P.S. Any mod of mine can be convert to other game as long as you keep it "non profit", "notify me first" and "list me as creator".


Hey everyone!
As you all know, making train mods are difficult. Taking a lot of time and energy, it makes me hungry!!! So if you like my work and want to support me. You can buy me something to eat through Paypal. (Link below)

P.S. Of course. It's under the premise of you are not struggling with your life, I won't die if you are unable to feed me! Haha~ So don't feel compelled to do that and I will continue to release mods in the future. Have a good day!

透過 歐付寶or Paypal 贊助

嗨! 想必大家大概都知道製作火車的mod不是一件簡單的事,光是簡單的一台模型就要花超多時間和精力在上面,搞得我都肚子餓了。如果你們喜歡我的作品而想多多支持我的話,可以透過Paypal贊助,請我吃東西吧!(資助頁面連結如下)


P.S. 當然,這是在你們有錢有閒的情況下,如果你們自己生活都難過了,那就還是先把自己餵飽再說吧! 哈哈~ 日後我還會發布更多mod,敬請期待!

23 commentaires
山本 剴 9 aout 2020 à 6h58 
超讚的 希望還會出大小阿魯!!
干卿底事 7 mars 2019 à 7h56 
Fortune Calls 10 févr. 2019 à 14h45 
This one is really nice looking.
犬屋式 hot-dogs 6 févr. 2019 à 3h19 
nice model and nice mod. im japanese peaple. thx made this one. cheer:)
絞肉生物 29 janv. 2019 à 6h07 
Enzojz 27 janv. 2019 à 5h11 
In general I appreciate your past works, but this one let me feel really S.I.C.K for the strong ideology expressed, I know this loco really exists I feel so regretted to see it in our beloved community.

sunkistQQ -TW- 26 janv. 2019 à 8h53 
也太強大了 不推不行
ethan78918 26 janv. 2019 à 6h56 
大推 謝謝你的付出
銘吶 25 janv. 2019 à 3h04 
速度超快 期待有更多關於台灣的作品
Aiska 24 janv. 2019 à 8h30 
推! 期待之後能出高鐵700T列車 北捷的也不錯 感謝作者