Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

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Kirkcairn (0.3)
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Sep 21, 2012 @ 2:49am

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Kirkcairn (0.3)

Your party has been tasked with investigating reports of the walking dead. Rumors have led you to the city morgue; sure enough, after fighting through some zombies in the grounds you enter the catacombs. The stench of evil abounds...
Lime Dealer Nov 9, 2012 @ 1:42pm 
its good, but a little glitchy
Muff Diver Nov 6, 2012 @ 12:10am 
My biggest problem is the glitches. Right off the bat there is a teleporter behind you. Assuming it's safe I go throught it. Which takes me to Level 4. Then in attempt to get out I go up stairs which lead to another dead end. I jump down a pit and land in a glitched area. I realize it's a WIP but that needs worked out. Then without going through the teleporter I still get stuck with no doors to go through. It might be worth it to knead out some of the problems. It was cool what I got a glimpse of. I didn't really like how you mismatched the Temple frames and alcoves with the dungeon wall set. The back story was decent. Let me know if you work out some of the kinks and I'll try it out again.
Pwnc0w  [author] Sep 21, 2012 @ 7:58am 
Messed up the picture upload, my bad. Feedback would be much appreciated. Still struggling to figure out the end level code. This is still WIP, the first 3 floors are coming along nicely and the 4th is still in the preliminary stages. It does get kinda nasty though...