Stranded Deep
239 คะแนน
Survival Pocket Guide
โดย Traefish
For the crudest of crudes! Filled with wonderful tips made by an actual human!
A constantly updated guide for Castways worldwide! Learn how to survive the first few days. Then learn how to build a raft and venture through places full of terrifying sea creatures. Know your animals with the animal profiles to know who to trust and who to fight! Learn how to avoid sun strokes and craft medicine!

New content includes: New brand image and new name! Some new gifs and images, new conclusion chapter with honoured youtubers! Removed some non needed stuff, and now with an ‘Unboxing Console Trailer’ chapter! :)

You'll be a castaway champion in no time!

Stand by for new additions. I will always update this guide as stranded deep evolves.

Welcome to the survival guide of stranded deep!

Thanks for reading this. I also want to thank all those people who have favourited and given me feedback from this guide! I never realised that so many like this guide! I would also love for you's to rate this guide and favourite it so it’ll always be a Shift and a tab push away from your fingertips if you enjoy this guide!
This guide is now a 4 star rated guide! From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you all for rating this guide! You don’t know how much time and effort I have put to make this wonderful guide that should be on every castaways pockets!

Thanks so much for your support! I appreciate it!


My other stranded deep guides to check out!

Learn how to build a island here:

Learn more about shark encounters: (I need to seriously update this)

A fanmade lore i made in my spare time:

Before you start your game Click on cartographer. Have a long good look and try to remember as much of the world you can. Check the compass on the left top and see which island you would to check out. Go back to the menu and click options/settings scroill down till you find the option of game mode click the game mode to change the mode. Modes determine the dangers and treasure. Once
your happy go back to the menu and click new game.

Next you will find yourself in a plane just sit back and relax.

Then eventually you will have to get to the life raft. You won't drown in this scene.
Day 1

1. You will wake up on a life raft, first lets explain the life raft and its many features. You will find a storage which when you hold 'E' will allow you to store and take items. Inside you'll find a duct tape, a compass and 3 rashions. Rashions are a food and drink object, this supply when eaten correctly will last 3 days). The next section is a anchor, this allows you to keep your raft from drifting away from the currents. The next feature is a paddle clip, holding a paddle, the player can press 'E' to pick it up and hold 'E' to place it back. (Genuis!)
Once your familar with these features pick up your paddle and look down at the raft and hold 'E'
Press W to move foward, Press A to turn left, Press D to turn right. Now paddle your way to the island

2. Once you arrive hold 'E' at the raft to get off the raft. Now wonder around and pick up everything you can find, sticks and rocks should do for now! Hold C to use the quick crafting menu, move the curser towards a rock that is sharpen, craft two of these!

3.Make your way to the nearest yucca plant (A large bush that when highlighted says Yucca Plant) Using your stone tool click left to chop up the yucca, repeat this untill the fabolus leaves fall out. Now again Hold C and move your curser to a object that looks like a bunch of rope (Called lashing) Repeat this with the remaining yucca plant and craft as many as you can.
Once you have sticks, lashing and stone tools hold C and quick craft a axe (Looks like a axe)

4. Now make your way to a harmless palm tree, click left to CHOP EM DOWN! Repeat this untill it collapses (Poor Thing). Repeat the process but chop the fond and the top log onto it turns into craftable pieces. Throw all your lashing's, sticks and palm fonds onto the ground and close to each other. Now once again quick craft a shelter (A big house looking thing made out of sticks and palm fonds.

5. WELL DONE! You've done it! Now quick before the sun goes down see if you can make a quick shipwreck scavage in a nearby shipwreck, climb some trees and collect some coconuts, and if you see some strange looking plants with the names Ajuga, Pipi, Aloe vera, or Wavaula collect them too. (You'll need them later on to craft special potions which can cure a variety of horrible debuffs and even special potions that repell sharks!
Once the sun goes down, hold 'E' on your shelter and click save than sleep!

Day 2

Now you should wake up to the next day. (give yourself a pat on your back!) but now you feel kinda awkward on this small island, you want bigger. And I’ll show you how!

1. Before you leave swim around for shipwrecks (for the storage boxes!) be super wary as you do, try to raid really close shipwrecks you’ll only need a couple storage boxes for now. Note if you see small sharks these are blacktip Reef sharks and are harmless unless you torture the poor things, it’s the big grey striped mister tiger shark you need to look out for. (You’ll know he’s near when the music changes to the shark alarm!)

2. Once you have a couple of boxes there’s just one more thing to do, check your watch and see if you need vitals, if so eat 1 rashion and no more.

3. Quickly go around the island and collect coconuts and if you see any strange herbs, collect them!

4. Now go to your storage box, press tab, point the arrow to the bag than click, click on the coconuts and herbs to put them in the storage box. Collect all your items and equip your paddle by pressing tab than clicking on the paddle in your inventory.

5. Go around the shore whilst holding right click on your raft to see which island you want to go to, preferably a larger one. Once you see the right island right click and hold on whilst looking at the raft and move it to water.

6. Hold E to go on the raft whilst looking at it than start paddling towards the island. You’ll probably bump into a large shark ,just don’t look down.

7. Once at the island go to the shore and repeat the last chapters instructions to build a shelter and prepare for the next night.

Day 3 (Overall Objectives)

Once the day returns once again to greet you here’s a few objectives to achieve.
Water sources
Your rashions would have been gone now and you’ll need other means to survive. Craft a water still (it’s made with tarp, palm fonds, lashings and sticks), this newly updated tool requires palm fonds to generate water. Craft a coconut flask to store water with a coconut and a lashing.
Farming is the best option for food sources so be sure to craft a hoe and hold on to fruits you find. Read the How To Farm chapter for more info
Kill the Snakes
Snakes cannot regenerate, there will be at least 2 snakes in one large island, so attempt to rid of these pests by crafting spears with spare sticks, go close to them but not too close so you don’t hear hissing and throw at them, it takes 2 hits to kill a snake.
Creature Profile: Land Animals

Stranded deep are full of animals mostly dangerous, some have more bite then cuteness and animals can be skinned, some drop small meat, med meat, large meat, and rawhide which can be used to upgrade your tools like axes and spears even to make the cool weapon called spear gun! Here's everything you need to know about them.


KILL METHOD: spears and arrows
SPEED: fast
SKIN ITEMS: Leather and small meat
NOTES: boars only spawn in large island, you usually hear it running across the grass, so their not hard to find. [/h1]

KILL METHOD: Keep away a distance and throw spears and arrows.
SPEED: slow but they don't move a lot.
SKIN ITEMS: 1 small meat
NOTES: snakes only spawn in large islands, they curl around when your near and start hissing when your in range, you must retreat before it launches it head and bites you. Not as deadly as a shark bite.
WARNING!: The snake now inflicts the poison buff, so be extra CAREFUL!

KILL METHOD: arrows and spears, wait till it sits on a rock and hit it with a axe. (this is hard)
SPEED: fast
SKIN ITEMS: small meat
NOTES: in older versions they were unkillable make sure your game is updated.

KILL METHOD: throw with arrows and spears and wait till it sits on a tree and chop with an axe.
SKIN ITEMS: small meat
NOTES: you need to be quick to kill one with an axe.

Danger Level: Small
Kill method: Stab or Chop with an axe or spear.
Skin items: Small meat
NOTES: They have recently given crabs the ability to attack players. Does barely no damage so it's not something to be concerned of.

Creature Profile: Sea Creatures

The sea's of Stranded Deep are getting fuller and fuller full of wonderful creatures, Stranded Deep now has tons of coral and sea vegatation, lots of new fish. But the sea's aren't all that wonderful once you meet Stranded Deeps by far most deadly predators! The couple Chapters will teach you everything to know about these creatures from the small fish to the collosal whale.
Sea Animals: Small Classed

ATTACK METHOD: stab with a fishing spear or throw at it (like Tom did in castaway)
SPEED: med
SKIN ITEMS: small meat

Sea Snake
Danger Level: Med
Speed: Varies, slow or med
Skin Items: This animal is very recent and can't be killed yet (Similar when the Snake was added)
Notes: This snake is the sea counterpart of the nightsnake, and similar to the nightsnake it also inflicts poison (Hence prepare to RAGE at this no-good-for-nothing ThInG!

ATTACK METHOD: Shoot at it with a arrow or stab it with a spear, staying away from it while you do so
SPEED: med
SKIN ITEMS: Small meat/ However keep them to craft the Shark Repellent later on
NOTES: Touching it will inflict you with the poison stat which can kill you (Read the medicine page to learn how to cure it).

ATTACK METHOD: don't even try or face a toxic fate which can only be cured by antibiotics
SPEED: none they lye on corals or floors
NOTES: in real life the human urine treats the venom of a sea urchin (might be implemented into the game one day.....gross)

(I have not screeshot one yet sorry... But its bigger, purple, and spiky!) :)
Poisoness StarFish
DANGER LEVEL: Med, Poisons player if stepped on (*Insert Rage Here*)
Attack Method: Unkillable
Speed: None
Skin items: Can not be interacted by anyway
Found: Around the shorelines of the Island

Attack Method: Unkillable
Speed: None
Skin items: Can not be interacted by anyway
Found: Around the shorelines of the Island



(No screenshot of this either though I'm sure we have all watched finding nemo)
Clown Fish
Danger Level: None
Speed: Med
Safe to Eat: Yes though it tastes funny...


SAFE TO EAT: Induces vomiting

SAFE TO EAT: Induces vomiting



SAFE TO EAT: Induces vomiting

Giant Bass

Pacific Cod
Sea Animals: High Classed

ATTACK METHOD: Kill with spears or arrows or chop it up with an axe or knife.
SPEED: med
SKIN ITEMS: 1 large meat, and 1 rawhide
NOTES: found in reefs around a island but will not trigger shark alarm music but will make a swimming sound effect if close. Unlike the other sharks the reef shark is actually quite harmless and swims away if attacked. However chasing it may make it bite you!


ATTACK METHOD: kill with spears or arrows or chop it up with an axe or knife
SPEED: fast and agile
SKIN ITEMS: 3 rawhide, and 3 large meat
NOTES: found in the surface around the island and will trigger the shark alarm. It can be argued that the great white may be ironically easier to kill due to the tiger sharks very agile and fast moves. However the great white can pull off an incredible burst of speed when in pursuit.


DANGER LEVEL: EXTREME will do a ton of damage.
ATTACK METHOD: kill with spears and arrows or chop it up with a axe or knife.
SPEED: Slowy cruises around and fast when targeting you.
SKIN ITEMS: 4 Large Meat, 4 Raw Hide
NOTES: found in deep parts of the island and sometimes where tiger sharks stay around, they will trigger the shark alarm.


DANGER LEVEL: harmless
ATTACK METHOD: UNkillable so don't even try. (but might be killable in the future) poor thing
SPEED: Slowy moves in the deep sea surface
SKIN ITEMS: none (maybe in the furture)
NOTES: found in the deep ocean and is a very rare sight, I have only seen one in my whole gaming in stranded deep.

ATTACK METHOD: spears and arrows or chop up with an axe or knife
SPEED: fast
SKIN ITEMS: 2 large meats and 2 rawhide
NOTES: found in the deep parts of the island they are capable of knocking you off your raft, will make a swimming effect if close to you but will not trigger the shark alarm

ATTACK METHOD: throw spears or arrows or hack it with an axe or knife.
SPEED: med
SKIN ITEMS: 2 med meat, Not a leather source I'm afraid
FOUND: Floating around the waters close to islands like a magic carpet.

Gaint Moray Eel:
This is a mission creature. Read more in my
mission section.

Gaint Squid
This is a mission creature.

The Great Shark (Megladon's New Name)
This is a mission creature.

Cheloniidae (Removed)
Removed very early in the game for
unknown reasons.

Cheloniidae variants

Donatellus Chelonia

Leonardus Chelonia

Michelangelus Chelonia


LordTraeAnthony's First Day

When I started playing stranded deep it just added better clouds, seagulls and bats, and ladders to help you climb forts and wrecks. Back when you could just throw a creature in the fire to cook it, when you had a lighter in your inventory, back when bats squeaked so loud your ears would explode. Anyway it was a long time and here's how i played it at first.
I did the intro and as i woke up in the island boy it was BEAUTIFUL the graphics were something new to me because i played games like Minecraft and terraria. I went around the island and picked up everything i saw. I survived for a few days exploring islands and thinking i was a good survivor. But i kept hearing the shark alarm and assumed it was a background music i did it even knew you could check your watch to see your status. One day i woke up and the screen went black and went to the main menu. It kept doing this till i found out i was dead. Probably for the best.

But now i know nearly everything in this game able to survive for days and days. Probably for ever.
Adventure Time! Pt.1

Now your starting to get the grips to the game its time to explore other island and find new materials to help you survive and even see rare sights like whales. First you must get a faster raft.

1. Gather sticks and lashings and make a loom.
2. Gather sticks
3. Find either barrels or bouy balls or tires in ship wrecks just hit the pile till it breaks then drag all the things to your home sight.
4. Craft a hammer using rocks lashings and sticks.
5. In the crafting menu go to the bottom right corner and click the arrow until it says raft.
6. Using lashings and the bouy balls or other and craft the base.
7. Craft a floor
8. Now gather some leaves from yucca and go the loom and craft fabric
9. Now craft a sail for your raft.
10. As of one of the recent update the sail only allows movement, to prept for the upcoming sailing improvement players are required to also craft a rudder using sticks, this allows players to turn there rafts.
11. The currents have finally arrived!!! Including the new craftable anchor, craft one if you wish for your raft not to float away!
Adventure Time! Pt.2

Now go around the island and see which island you would like to go to. Drag your raft to the direction. Hold e whilst facing the sail then press w to head to the island.
Just remember to stay seated in your raft or you risk of a shark or big fish knocking you off and shredding you to pieces. When you arrive drag you raft and leave in the direction you came for (your home base) and PLUNDER!


In stranded deep its very easy to get lost and you may get home island sick. Here's what you need to take note before you make this sort of fate.
1. Everyday you should check your watch if it says their is weather coming avoid rafting and make camp for the day.
2. Compass! If you have one USE IT. Just keep track of what directions you have gone and you hopefully be able to not get lost.
3. Everytime you go to a island away from home where your raft is find a bunch of rocks and drop it where your raft is to show you where you came from

Good Luck
upgrading weapons

In stranded deep you are limited to your potential power with crude weapons and the threats are constant. But there's a solution to that. It's called upgrading!
Leather is the main way of doing this. it can be pretty useful. heres how you can get leather.

1. from shipwrecks (some loot chests might contain 2 leathers)
2. skinning certain animals (you get 3 rawhide from a tiger shark.

Once you have found rawhide you then must collect lashings and sticks and craft a tanning rack. Once you have your hands on leather you can choose to upgrade your axe, spear, or craft a pick or the famous spear gun. It can be very chellenging to gather leather but the leather will pay for its self.

Some are references to movies like castaway and some are cool eggs. (note that some eggs are not available anymore)

1. UFO. In the really old versions in the deepest of depths you could find a UFO they contain no loot and says that an alien race once crashed here.

2. Sea Mine. They are in the game but aren't anymore but they are still in the game but in the files.

3.CASTAWAY. The deadex box (Fedex box) and Wollie (Wilson) can rarely be found on islands and are a reference to the movie castaway.

4. LIGHT HOUSE. Its only in the game files.

5. AK-47. YES ITS TRUE it is in the game but only in the files.

6. Spear gun. Their is a spear gun in the game but this has been in the game far more longer then the craft able one.

7. LAND SHARK SIGHN. The land shark sign was a rare item but now it lives in the files. It was a reference to a bug when sharks could swim on LAND so could whales which resulted in whales moving through an island like a wrecking ball.

8. Turtles. Turtles do exist but only in the files.

9. Divers note. Now lives in the files this rare item says their is a diver in peril.

10. CRATES. large wooden crates exist only in the files.

11. ROOFED LIFE RAFT. A roofed life raft varient exist only in the files.

12. Martini. used to be part of the first scene in the realy old versons.

13. air plane wreck. They have been recentally removed, they were found very deep underwater. they have the apperance of a war plane in ww2.

14. great white. in the older versons the great white looked a bit like a goblin shark (a deep sea shark found kms down in the sea).

15.whale. the whale is quite possibly a refence to a scene in castaway.

17.lionfish. in real life lion fish are some of the worlds most deadliest fish.

18.boar. although harmless in the game, boars can be very large and aggressive peoples intestines have been ripped out by these things.

19.rain. rain was in the game at the very beggning of the game. but then they removed it. in fact its only recent that they have reintroduced it.

20. The experimental update announcement of the Gyrocopter, the dev says 'in true Mcgyver style' this is a reference to a old tv show about a spy who used everyday objects to make powerful tools and use the to solve cases.

21. The shipwreck that the great Albia is found in has a surprising similarities to that of warships, due to the structure, the guns that are found this probably tells a story of how the eel survived from predators and grow to a huge size.

22. There are actually a species that relates to the great Albia. When you highlight the beast it says moray eel instead of the great Albia. I looked it up and there's a species of moray eel that are quite large in size. But probably not as aggressive and large as the one in game.

23. It has been stated that The Great Shark (or as you know it as Megladon) will in the future no longer carry the name ‘Megladon’ which was stated on a comment by beamteam in there animals guide. This makes a lot of sense since the The Great Shark does not have the size or jaw power (Since Megladon’s Jaws were many more times powerful than a T-Rex jaws (Nerd Alert) ) than that of a megladon.

24. There's another funny thing to point out on the 3 monsters. They are larger than the sharks and yet the tiger, great white sharks do a lot more damage. It takes about seven or more bites for the boss to kill you however the tiger takes 2 bites to kill.
I doubt that this a mistake cause the bosses have quite a lot of health and due to there airborne attacks, if they had the same damage to that of a tiger shark it would be too op and quite possibly impossible to do.

25. The battleground of the The Great Shark is probably a reference to the final scene in jaws, if you exclude the whale that is. The The Great Shark also has surprising similities to jaws, such as the blood on its mouth. So the The Great Shark may be jaws great, great, great grandson. C O M P I R A S Y!

26. Another Easter egg to point out was the grasp hand. When you go shipwreck raiding you could have found a skeletal hand. Probably to tell a tale that people tryed to escape the collapsing ship but got stuck in the wreck forever

27.Fishing Spear. Considered a lossless tool. This actually looks quite similar to the survivors fishing spear in castaway. Probably added as a reference.

28. There used to be FootPrints that could be found around a island. Another Easter egg

29. FISHING ROD. Deep in the files there's a fishing rod in the files of stranded deep. Although not much detail was put into it. This fishing rod has been added back but now a crude version.

30. Banana. It's funny to mention this because the graphics are much more completed and if not could have been released than the fishing rod. Who knows if this may be officially released some time but it sure would be a good fruit to have in stranded deep!

31. Fishing trap. It was removed for a long time for now. The fishing trap has recently been brought back but in a crude form (BeamTeam must enjoy turning old stuff into crude stuff 😂 )

32. There are also frag grenades and a digital camera in the files. However not officially implemented.

Many of these items can only be accessed through mods. Unfortunately due to big changes to the game mods don't work on newer versions.

Missions are a recent addition to stranded deep. This new addition is basically a boss fight.
Here's a little rundown on how they work.


Go to Map preview and where your made maps are you will see 3 mission islands. Simply drag them to a desired tile and place it.


Now I did say they are basically Boss fights so here's what you should bring.
BANDAGES (all bosses will inflict the bleeding effect, do take several)
WEAPON (your not gonna go far with just bandages your need a weapon, a refined spear or axe is useful but not very useful when fighting Lusca)

Using a Raft make your way to the tile. It consists of one sea fort with ladders which you must climb. Theirs a billboard on the second floor used to start the mission, next to it is a sleeping bag. Once your ready hold e at the board and hold space to start the mission.

Here's a profile of each of the missions.

The Great Albia
Species: Eel
Danger: High
Reward: Eel Trophy, GyroCopter frame
Attack Method: Attempts to bite the player, if on raft it will lunge its self towards the player.
Kill Method: Spear gun arrow, Or fight it like a man and chop it up with an axe.
Found: Found hidden in the shipwreck that spawns. It's fairly tricky to find him but he will launch himself out of his hiding spot the minute he sees you.

The Great Shark (Megladon’s new name)
Species: hhhmmm quite not sure since it’s not a megladon. Maybe a large Great White....
Danger: High
Reward: Shark Trophy, GyroCopter motor
Attack Method: attempts to bite the player, if on raft it will lunge itself towards the player.
Kill Method: Speargun arrows, or like how I did it stab it with a refined spear.
Found: Found feeding on a whale carcass. He's pretty easy to find.

Lusca The Great
Species: Gaint Squid
Danger: High
Reward: squid Trophy, GyroCopter rotors
Attack method: Grabs you and attempts to bite you with its beak like mouth, if above water it will slap you with one of its feeding tentacles pushing you far away, unlike most other lunge attacks it's easy to dodge this.
Kill Method: Speargun Arrows. DO NOT USE SPEAR OR AXE because its very hard to hit it.
Found: Found holding itself on the bouy chain.

Stats And Medicine (Introduction)

Stranded deep is a survival game. So theirs gonna be bleeding, sickness's and more that make it harder to survive.

The following four sections contain crucial information about buffs, debuffs and medicine's and the plants used to craft them.

Cause: Being around direct sunlight for too long, determine by the UV index
Effects: Drains your hydration and food
Cure: Get shade and drink and eat lots, using a aloe plant will demise this
Avoid: Take breaks from the sun when you start getting a redder look on your arms. Use the aloe salve to give you protection.
Note: The effects can drain your water and food supply avoid this at all costs,

Cause: being too deep or being at nighttime with no shelter for too long
Effects: Drains hydration and food
Cure: drink and eat plenty make a fire or use vitamins
Avoid: Don't go exploring at midnight or after
Note: the effects can drain your water and food supply avoid this at all costs

Cause: sea urchin, or lion fish, snake bite, eating poisonous fish, Also caused when you dive too deep underwater
Effects: loss of health
Cure: antibiotics
Avoid: Don't be stupid and touch one
Note: the effects can kill you make sure you have a supply of antibiotics before exploring underwater

Broken Bone:
Cause: fall from high height
Effects: Loss of quick movement
Cure: Splint
Avoid: Don't underestimate heights
Note: falling too high can kill you. So don't be stupid

Cause: snake attack
Effects: low damage, will not cause bleeding, POISON
Cure: keep vitals up and will heal its self
Avoid: Runaway from a snake before it strikes
Note: Now causes poison, be extra careful

Cause: Shark attack
Effects: high health loss, drains food and hydration Inorder to replace the blood loss
Cure: bandage and drinking and eating enough
Avoid: Don't underestimate a shark and overestimate your abilities
Note: It takes only 2 bites from a tiger shark and your dead!

Cause: Eating raw things, or poisonous fish.
Effects: Not much that's severe. However you loss the food/water you received from the poisonous food
Cure: There's no cure im affraid, suck it up princese (Actually don't thats discusting!)
Avoid: Cook your food. Know the fish that induce vomiting. Look at the sea creature section

Cause: Eating or drinking to much, example eating 3 coconuts in quick sucession
Effects: Makes your character release his waste products and severly drains your food and drink
Cure: No cure here im affraid, wares off though
Avoid: Time your feeds and make sure you eat your food slowy once at a time, this may be a pain but you'll get used to it.....Hopefully
Notes: This effect like SunStroke can drain your food and water supply,

Cause: Lossing breath
Effects: Causes the screen to fade in black, it goes stronger the longer your underwater shortly after kills you.
Cure: GET OUT OF THE WATER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avoid: Remember your not a fish you are a very hamson castaway
Notes: As of the recent update, the way you die from this has changed, it used to be that your health would drain, but now it has its own timer which if the player is not out of the water by then. Your OUT!!!!

Causes: When player runs out of food vitals
Effects: Kills player in 2 days (Ingame)
Cure: Eat Something my hamson castaway
Avoid: Have a perfect supply of food

Causes: When player runs out of water
Effects: Kills the player in 2 days (Ingame)
Cure: Drink DRINK!
Avoid: Have a dozen of water stills in handy
Caused: Having vitals up, both sleep, food, thirst at least 5 bars, with no debuffs activated
Causes: Heals health if health has been damaged
Duration: As long there are no debuffs and vitals are 5 bars above.

Caused: When player uses the aloe salve
Causes: Stops you from getting sunburned
Duration: 12 hours (Ingame)

Caused: When player uses a shark repellant
Causes: Stops sharks from targetting you (YEEESSS!!!)
Duration: 12 hours (ingame)

Breath Boost:
Caused: When the player uses a breath boost potion
Causes: Breath doubled (Double the dive!]
Duration: 3 hours (ingame)

Caused: When player uses a splint when they break there leg
Causes: Adds a splint model to players leg
Duration: 2 Days (Ingame)
Found Medicine (Removed)

All of these items listed below have been removed but this Chapter is a reminder of the good old days of Stranded Deep


Craft able: Yes, with lashing and a cloth
Used: to stop bleeding and heals up to 2 hearts
Found: In shipwrecks


Craft able: no
Used: Cures poisoning
Found: in shipwrecks


Craft able: no
Used: to cure poisoning
Found: shipwrecks


Craftable: No
Used: Cures a Broken bone
Craftable Medicine and Medicine plants
These items however are not removed and are the 'replacements' of the old medicines.

Crafting Material
Used: Cures sunburn, also used to craft the Aloe Salve
Found: As a plant around islands


Crafting material:
Used: Does not yet have a use. I’m not really sure what this will be used for since the splint is used to cure broken bones


Crafting material
Used: used to craft the breath boost potion


Crafting material
Used: used to craft the anti dote. And is technically needed to craft the shark repellent

Coconut Flask

Used: To make potions
Recipe: 1 unskinned coconut, and 1 lashings


Used: Cures poisoning
Recipe: 2x Pipi 1x Coconut Flask


Used: Stops bleeding
Recipe: 1x Quwawa Fruit 1x Kura Fruit and Coconut Flask

Aloe Salve

Used: Prevents HeatStroke
2x Aloe Plant, and Coconut Flask

Breath Boost

Used: increases breath by 50% for 3 hours
Recipe: 2x Ajuga Plant and a Coconut Flask

Shark Repellent

Used: Repells sharks for 12 hours! It's about TIME!
Recipe: 1x LionFish, 1x Antidote, 1x Coconut Flask

[*Insert Image Here*]
Used: Cures Broken Bones, adds a splint model to castaways leg
Recipe: 2 Sticks and 2 Lashings

If you want to be creative. Craft a selve made to store your medicines! Place all your plants in crates made for that certain plant. Have a whole farm for it!
Crafting Recipe

here's a helpful list of recipes for items and what they do!

Stone Tool
Craft: 2 Rocks
Use: Minor cutting tool used to make powerful axes.

Craft: 2 Sticks
Use: Used to start a fire!

Crude Spear!
Craft: 1 stick
Use: does small damage, a good starting weapon but may need to be upgraded later on.

Refine Knife
Craft: 2 stone tools, 2 lashings
Use: used to skin ragdolls (The form of a dead animal)
Gyro Copter (Don't read if you don't want to find out yet)

The gyro copter is a recent addition to stranded deep. It's faster than a motor raft!

The devs have stated that this will be used for the upcoming end missions. They also stated that why be rescued by a helicopter when you can make one!

It can be crafted by the items earned through the copter missions. Parts below

-Gyrocopter frame- Earnt from defeating The Great Albia
-Gyrocopter seat- Already unlocked at start
-Gyrocopter motor- Earnt from defeating the Megladon
-Gyrocopter cockpit- Already unlocked at start
-Gyrocopter rotors- Earnt from defeating Lusca The Great

Take Note
They may still be working on the other 2 missions. I will keep you up to date.

Now follow my steps to create your very own GyroCopter

1.First place the Frame of the GyroCopter

2. Next place the seat of the GyroCopter

3. Than place the motor of the GyroCopter

4. Next place the cockpit of the GyroCopter

5. Finally place the Rotars of the GyroCopter

Well Done! Now fly like you've never before!

Take Note: That you can only place parts in order.
E.g Attempting to place the seat first will not work!
Dev road map

A little list of features that BeamTeam plan to add/improve

-New skills Tree system
-New crafting Recipes Book system
-Major changes to looting
-New rat animal
-Survival Story Line
-A new rafting and current system

Currently being worked on
-Major sound effect improvements
-New tutorial
-End game sceniro

-Rumours or theorys I've heard that im still yet to verify
-Custom Watches [Verify] (This is seen on one of the recent updates which says on the Dev notes that they have treaked the watch to possibly support custom watches)

I know that updates do take a long time. I understand that. However I don't like when people complain about how long it takes and post insulting comments when a new update arrives. BACK OFF, they are only 2 people. Besides I would like to see you make such a highly graphic game some time?
Please be patient and if you've got nothing nice to say. Don't say it! All Dev teams work hard you know!

Look up BeamTeams roadmap for more info. I will update this often to keep you in date
Video guides

I've always wanted to add guide videos in my guide. Stay around!

I've got loads of ideas for video guides in plan!

Some including:

-First day survival
-How to navigate
-How to defeat Lusca the great
-How to defeat The great Albia
-How to defeat Megladon
-How to use a controller!
-How to fight a shark!
-How to explore a ShipWreck
And many more!

I will start making these as soon as I can. But I ask you only for your patience. Thanks!
Controller support

The best suggestions for controller options

They have recently added controller support (YAY!) you can connect a Xbox one, PlayStation 4 or steam exclusive controllers.

BeamTeam has warned about a note about controller support that you should be aware of

-Catographer does not properly work with a controller

Tell me if there's any other problems with controller surrport
Sun Smart (UV index explained)

Sun Smart
Sunburn have been replaced with HeatStroke
Here's a few things to take note when being SunSmart
-Sun exposure is visually shown as sunburn on your arm
-Aloe plants can be used to reduce your sun exposure
-Aloe salves can completely prevent sun exposure and sunstroke for 12 hours
Learn how to craft one in the buffs page

UV index explained
The UV index determines how quickly you burn in the sun. It is shown on the watch.
It is effected by a few events

-Months of the year. June to September being the most deadliest months.
-HeatWaves are a new weather event which increases temperature and uv index. It replaces the temperature icon with a heatwave icon
-Time of the day can effect uv index as well
11+ Extreme -1 hour
8-10 Very High - 2 hours
6-7 High -4 hours
1-2 Low - Effectively never

If you've been paying attention and take on board my advice then getting a heatstroke will be hard.
Don't say I did not warn you!


no there not turning stranded deep into minecraft!
Here's how to craft a refined pickaxe
- 2 Leather
- sticks
stone tools
Where to find mineable rocks and clay
-Rock can be found around the island as a big lump of rocks
-Clay can be found in the water around the island.
They look like the mineable rock but looks more browner

When you plan to mine clay. Bring a weapon because a shark may want to join you
or use the New shark repellent! Learn how to make one in the buffs section

The lump of clay/rock should say 'Mineable resources'

1. Get your pickaxe in your hand
2. start mining it by right clicking and you should hear a bang sound
3. It will take a few hits before a fragment breaks off
4. Pick up the piece and keep mining
5. When there's nothing left that means you need to search for another one

Clay can be used to craft Bottles, bricks and crafting stations

Yes it may sound boring but this may and will save your life many times! It means you can stock up food without getting your arm bitten off from trying to find food! Plus it's a good way to stock up on vegetarians food!

1. Craft a hoe
You can craft one with a stick a couple of stone tools and some lashings

2. Make a farmland
You can use sticks, planks, rusty steel, to make one simply move the crafting book to the crafting page.

Make sure you have the hoe in your inventory or on your hand

3. Place a plant
Here's a list of plants/fruits you can place
-potatoes (food)
-Kura fruit (food)
-Ajuga (Potion)
-Pipi (potion)
-Wavulavula (potion)
-Other fruit (food)
-Aloe plant (potion/sunburns)

Once you have chosen your plant hold your plant and hold E on the farmland to plant it

4. Let it grow
The white circles on the farmland indicate that it's full and when it turns black this is a indication that the plant is hungry. Feed it with water to keep it alive. The plant may go through a few growth stages before maturity.

How to live in a sea fort

You've probably noticed along your adventures you've noticed 3 large rusty forts? These are sea forts! In Fact you can live in one of the.
Follow these steps to colonise your sea fort!

1. Prepare yourself!
Your gonna need a lot of stuff to prepare yourself to colonise the sea fort.
-A lot of sticks, rocks and tarps to craft water source
-A sleeping bag
-A speargun with a lot of arrows
-Some crates with food and water bottles filled up
2. Get to the sea forts!
Raft yourself towards the tower of 3 sea forts and park your raft!
3. Defeat the Great White
It's time to defeat the dragon of the castle. In this case, the Great White!
To defeat it the safest got up to the lower floor of the sea fort. And it should be fenced not walled. Then shoot at the shark from there until it Kills over and DIE!
Give yourself a pat on the back!
4. Colonise
Time to make the fort yours!
Make some water stills.
Place your crates.
You could build new rooms from the roof or rebuild the bridge.

This is a great adventure so be sure to do it as soon as you can! Good Luck!

Building a house!

This is a awesome feature! Make your island yours and build an almighty building that will make the shipwrecks cry

Here's how to do it

1. Build a hammer!
You can find one as a refined one in shipwrecks. Or you can craft your own. Here's how!
2. Rocks, lashings and sticks.

2. Build the floor
Find a large open area to build your floors on. Or build it on the ocean shore like I do! It'll annoy the crap out of those Sharks! However make sure it's high above the water because waves get pretty high during a storm!
Once you've decided add the floors. Cause you must have the floors first before you can place anything else

3. Build the walls
Now you can place walls on the edges of the floors.

4. Build the floor
Now you can add the roof. Then decorate the house with crates, tables, chairs, selves.

With a bit of practice you'll house will look so amazing it'll put the sharks to shame!
Shark behaviour (Explained)

There's been a few people reporting of sharks not being blood thirsty or deadly. But that's all dependent of the sharks aggro system

When a player first enters the water with the shark around. The shark starts 'investigating' and cruises around you and attempts to bite you however not as aggressive as yet. This mode may change if the player gets too close or attacks the shark.

-Kill mode
When the player moves too quick or gets too Close or attacks the shark the shark may than go into its next behaviour pattern! This is when it aggressively attacks and bites the player with huge bursts of speed and it's mouth opens wide. It can go back to its neutral state when the player leaves the game or stays out of the water for a while.

Sharks can increase in aggression if it's repeatedly chased or attacked. Increase in speed and more often attacks can challenge the player and makes the battle a lot more difficult.

This system has been around for a while for now and is hard to notice in game because the shark changes its aggro very quickly.
Best method of recording gameplay

Ever had that epic moment and just wanted to share that experience with others and never had the chance to because your too lazy to?
Well stop thinking and take on my advice on how to record gameplay

Best software.
The best software to use is OBS. It's free to download and there's not recording limit, no watermarks nor anything else.
It may be difficult to set up but it's pretty great to see your experience over again!

Recommended game type.
For OBS set your game as .11 and windowed screen. This is the best option. However make sure you turn off volumetric clouds if you experience playing difficultys.

Make sure your Fps, gamma are all in the right stats for the best recording performance. good luck!

Seasons, weather, biomes explained

Stranded deep is full of highly graphic biomes, weather systems and even a seasonal events!
Here's a list of these features


Depth: Above sea
Danger Level: Med
Description: Home of the Hamson castaway (You), With greenthumbed tree's, large rocks and tiny rocks and HUGE boulders! Each and every island has there unique differences, but be warned of the animals that think they rule your land!

depth: Shallow water
Danger: High, to extreme depending on threat levels
Materials: High of food source
Description: Large rocks filled with coral, sea sponges and flocks of fish make every day a wonderful dive, if you exclude the sharks.... That is!

Open Ocean:
Depth: Surface, underwater
Danger: Extremely! Great whites spawn here, Marlins and chance of lost at sea or suffocation is high.
Materials: Very sparse. Only venture here to see a whale or to cross a island. However sea forts are useful sources
Description: No mans Home! A large endless like body of water home of the mighty great white! Only the bravest and most hamson castaways dare to venture here!

The Abyss [Verify]
Depth: Deep underneath the Open Ocean
Danger: EXTREMEMLY! Even if you manage to get yourself that deep you'll be inflicted with Sickness
Materials: None at all, don't even know why you'd want to go there in the first place
Note: I don't think this biome is official, though I think it's considered to be part of the open ocean, but honestly I'm gonna consider it as a biome itself, The Abyss! (Spooky)
Description: A endless void of darkness that creeps just below the open ocean, there are rumours strange creatures of wield shapes live in these waters fully adapted to its harshness!


Danger: none

Danger: Low

Danger: High

Danger: Low

(Note the HeatWave icon on the watch)
Danger: very high

Time features:

Seasons: on the watch it says what time of the year it is. Months, days and years can all be easily calculated.
Watch (Explained)

The watch is your major part of survival! It shows you stats, weather, time, your vitals. Allow me to explain these modes

Mode 1:

This mode tells you the time of the day and year, the UV status, expected weather, and the temperature.
Icons on the top right indicate the expected weather, it changes every day at 12:00am and can take the look of, a sun, moon, clouds. Each of these icons are self explanatory.
The icon that looks like a thermometer can take 2 looks. When it is replaced with a heatwave icon this indicates a heatwave is occurring. Read the UV SunSmart section for more about it.

Also in settings you can set what temperature readings you would like. F.c or C. If you are Australian or live around the pacific set it as centi grees. Or if your American or live around their set it to ferinheight. Cool eh?

Mode 2:

Probably the most important mode of the watch!
There are 4 columns. Each representing a vital. Heart being health. Ham leg being the hunger. Water drop being thirst and the sleeping icon being sleep. As they lose bars they can be restored by. Health keeping vitals up. Hunger eating something. Thirst drinking water. Sleep by sleeping. (Kinda obvious)
As you lose health your watch will beep repeatedly indicating that you are slowly dying.

Mode 3:

Another important feature is this. When a buff happens. E.g heatstroke, broken bone, bleeding and sickness the message appears on this watch and the watch beeps once to get your attention. (Don't get confused between dying beeps and buff beeps.) However when not injured or sick it will say healthy, or if you have lost health points it will say 'Health regenerating'. It will also beep too to indicate.
Trivia continued.....

There's Ton of more trivia. So many I had to make a new list!

1. Each of the turtles names are a reference to the names of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. Leo, Ralph, donni and mike.

2. There are two achievements hidden in the game files. One including King of the island. Which would have required the player to defeat a shark.

3. The Thor achievement is quite interesting to look at. It's reference is self explanatory. However achievements could only have been activated in the old versions back when rain was still around before they removed it till the latest updates. And this achievement in particular requires the player to get hit by lightning whilst holding a hammer, despite lightning never been implemented back than.

4. Look at what I have created achievement is a quote from castaway! Yet another reference from castaway!

5. Fish are friends achievement is a quote from finding nemo.

Man that's a lot of trivia! I'll always look out for news ones so stay tuned!
ShipWreck Hunting!

Sounds very dangerous! Well yes, the shipwrecks are home to stranded Deep's most Dangerous creatures! But doing so gives you jawesome loot, And an epic tale to tell Ye freinds!

But how do you do it? Let's find out!

1. Be an Expert!
Now by now you will be very familiar that we are not alone on our islands, and what buffs you can be inflicted and how to cure it! (If you have been paying attention!)
But of all my hours playing this game I have learnt that shipwreck hunting is not always a swim in the park! But on rare occasions it can be very deadly.

2. Know the shark behaviours.

Tiger shark: Tiger sharks are rather fast and very agile and appear very aggressive to the player even before noticed. So if you do encounter one, just remember it's fairly easy to dodge this dude cause flexibility is not a thing in stranded deep!

Great White: Great whites seem at first everything opposite to the tiger shark and appears quite friendly, but I will bet a million dollars he'll bite your arm off if you let him! At first he's calm and very slow and can be easy to attack unlike the tiger shark, however as I mentioned earlier this guy can give off a powerful burst of speed when aggravated, I too even struggle to dodge this attack method!

Sharks do appear to swim around shipwrecks quite often as if protecting the loot inside...

3. Bring a weapon!

If you don't wish for your arm to be bitten off you may consider maybe..... I don't know, MAYBE BRING A WEAPON WITH YA! Bring the best weapon you've got! Spears, Arrows and even axes will do! Those sharks better be ready for the chopping! Just beware if you do attack the shark and force it to retreat it! I ensure you it will return with bloody revenge!

Do note that the deeper the shipwreck the better the loot you'll find inside!

If all goes well the sharks will be chopped up and you will find Ye selfs some good loot! Carry on to adventure! Hanson Castways!

Fishing is one of the most efficient ways to gather food, if done properly the player will never have to worry about them sharks. But when fishing, sharks aren't the only problem.......
Here's how to fish safely.

Know the hazards.

Watch this gif carefully, note all the things that appear, why these are the hazards you must avoid

Know the fish

Watch this gif carefully , note all the fish u see. Do note that some fish can be only found in deeper waters.

although it can be dangerous I recommend to fish deeper where sharks can swim because by standing on a shallow pool u get hardly no fish.

Fishing rods have finally been introduced! Instead of bringing the file only fishing rod (As said in the trivia colum) They have introduced a crude fishing rod which is crafted by a few sticks and lashings! Players also have to craft the bobber, which can be crafted by bouy balls. (Finally a use for all these bouy balls!) Just simply fling that fishing rod into the water and wait for a fish to get fooled by your bait (Note the bobber is counted as the bait) whilst watching those pesky sharks weep to your craft intellengence
Score 1 for castaway score 0 for the shark (How you like em apples!)

Fish traps are finally back!!! But with improvement! Simply craft it on the shores, once placed your'll need to assemble it. And slowly a food source will happen, move it around to catch differnet kind's of fish!
Score 2 for castaway score 0 for the shark (Who's got the balls now!)

But it's your choice
How to Update your game with Experimental builds

Alot of people have asked how to do this and for the first time I can show you
exactly how!

1. Go to your libary,
2. Right click on Stranded deep

3. As shown above Select properties (Bottom of the list)

4. On the top click on BETA as shown above
5.As also shown on the image, click on the top list arrow and select "Experimental"
6. As soon as this is done your game will update!

As its name suggests, experimental builds may be highly unstable and buggy, save your game and move it to another file if you wish to keep it, AND prepare to witness alot of bugs!

Fueling has finally been improved...Majory. Now one can create there own fuel known by castaways as "Crude Ethanol Fuel" which is used to power motors and gyrocopter's, this is created with the Fuel Still!

Theres two types of fuel

-Jerry can's! THERE BACK!
-Crude Ethanol Fuel

To make Crude Ethanol Fuel one needs to farm potatoes "So techincally its potato power!" go to the fuel still and fill it with potato's. Than eventually the still will produce Crude Ethanol Fuel
Bird hunting and catching

In stranded deep birds seem to be almost impossible to catch. But with the new updates. Bird catching is getting easier than it used to be.

The surprise whack
Birds are extremely weak in terms of health. A simple whack will kill it instantly. Though this can prove difficult. Simply by sprinting and whacking your weapon towards it can kill it before it escapes,

Range attack
While the bird is sitting throw or fire a arrow at it to kill it

Bird Snare
Cheat against these pest and craft one of these. When a unaware birds sits on it. BANG! It’ll be stuck and ready to be collected. All we need now is a shark trap!
3 Year’s Review (LordTraeAnthony)

When did you start playing stranded deep?
As said earlier I started playing stranded deep when they just added seagulls, ladders and better clouds.

Why did you started playing stranded deep?
That's a hard one, but honestly because of the idea that you live and survive in your own island, and the high graphics and the sea experience.

What new features have you enjoyed so far?
A lot. Controller support was a very good feature and still is, being able to play with a controller somehow brings me closer to the world of stranded deep. The boss fights was a big one! Never thought that stranded deep could possibly have them, but boy was I surprised. The new shark textures are jawesome! The new great white blew me away when I spawned it in map editor, when that happened I really wanted the tiger shark to get a change too, with the recent update they did, and I love it! I like the new medicines and medical plants as well (coming from the guy who's whole family does medical related jobs)

What's your favourite animal in stranded deep so far?
Excluding the Sharks (I'm obsessed with those) the new sea snake looks nice, I like its pattern and colours, it looks pretty gorgeous if you exclude its poison!

Are you shocked despite 3 years in development stranded deep is still early access?
No not really. Stranded deep is under development by only 2 devs, (Excluding the one sound people) So I actually feel how they feel, imagine working on a highly graphic, complex game and only having a partner to do it with, and having to balance the development, family, social and others. (Similar to me as I'm struggling to balance home, family, and business times and many others)
So I'm quite patient when it comes to BeamTeam

What's a feature you really want to see in stranded deep?
Customisable watches, light up keyboard compatibility (when the light changes colour depending on the situation), new sharks such as shortfin makos, new shipwrecks, better shark movement patterns (ones that don't involve sharks targeting you as soon as you enter the water) And special deep sea animals for the abyss. (Deep sea under the open ocean)

What's the funniest bug you've seen in stranded deep?
When you chop a tree submerged in sand and it flys really high above ground, and that glitch when you could ride a chopped palm tree through the water.

Do you recommend stranded deep to others?
Yes! Others who like realistic survival games, with gaint squids, sharks and like suffering terrible Debuffs. This is the game for you!

Has stranded deep changed in 3 years of development?
At Most definitely! I look at reviews that say 'stranded deep has not changed a bit, despite 3 years in the making'. And I ask my self 'are these guys blind or something' stranded deep has changed dramatically! 3 years back, the graphics were never as good as they are now, the sharks never looked this good now, no one thought there would be boss fights!
Stranded deep is one step closer to be having an end game storyline to get rescued!

What are your final words for this review?
I'm so happy to be part of this great community who are doing there best to keep stranded deep and BeamTeam alive and succeeding!

Stay Alive my fellow Castaways!

Unboxing The Console Trailer

Stranded Deep has been pulled from the stores of both PlayStation and Xbox so it may be a while until we see it on console. You can still watch the PlayStation trailer so I’ll just leave the new features that you see in it

  • Turtles?
  • Sharks appear to eat smaller wildlife
  • New sharks? New whale shark?
  • Sharks have a really realistic look to them (seen when the shark lunges at the raft)
  • New shark behaviours?

If you see something else in the trailer that I didn’t see, feel free to comment it down below, and I’ll look into it and perhaps add it to the above list!

It has been stated by beamteam that stranded deep pc will get the console features transitioned to the pc version!
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย spraycanmansam | Beam Team Games:
Once the console version is released we’ll transition over the new stuff to the PC version.

It has also been stated that development of Stranded Deep on PC will not be affected with the release of the console versions.

Watch the trailer here!
Thanks so much for reading this guide! Hopefully by now your familiar with the games basics means to play and you’ll be off to the highway to become a great castaway... like tom hanks!

Again if you enjoyed this guide give it a thumbs up for rating, favourite so it will always be close to you!
Honourable Stranded Deep YouTubers (Will Change As I Find More)

Virus X
This fun YouTuber may not be all Stranded Deep, as he does minecraft gameplays and other games, but I like his style and his way of expressing the tiger sharks feelings (literally) in his gameplays so he’s someone to check out. Check him out here

Thanks again for reading! Stay Jawesome and have a great day!
17 ความเห็น
Simply_Soph 13 ก.ค. 2023 @ 9: 38pm 
This is awesome, thanks! Just a note that they added Hammerhead sharks...
MDiamonds 12 เม.ย. 2022 @ 11: 31pm 
Well done, hansom castaway! :steamthumbsup:
The Professor 31 ธ.ค. 2021 @ 8: 18am 
Well done sir, thank you for all your hard work, it's much appreciated.
someone681 10 ธ.ค. 2021 @ 4: 30pm 
i love this guide
Skarmo 28 พ.ค. 2021 @ 4: 29pm 
A good guide! Still relevant and fun to read. Well done!
TheCrusaderGuy 26 ก.พ. 2021 @ 6: 41am 
my caracter be looking like a Neanderthal
Elvenkind 17 ธ.ค. 2019 @ 1: 49pm 
Please note that you'll catch no fish if you fling the rod into the water. :steammocking:
The Professor 13 ก.ค. 2019 @ 7: 01am 
Many thanks for all the hard work in creating this really helpful guide. Look forward to any more hints and tips.
Gamefreak7689 8 ต.ค. 2018 @ 9: 44am 
really nice guide!!
Brack42 26 พ.ค. 2018 @ 8: 32am 
Really nice guide