460 人が評価
Female Soldiers Ultimate Guide v0.9
作者: Novalis Star
A guide to obtaining any variation of Female Soldiers from all missions where they spawn and how to refresh them after they are completed.
[Note: The guide is roughly complete, But I will be adding Screenshots, Maps, and anything else I forgot later on.]
Female Soldiers Obtained from Main Missions
Mission 09 - Backup, Back Down
  • Wakh Sind Barracks - Cybernetics Specialist

  • Lamar Khaate Palace Desert Area - Random Female

Mission 14 - Lingua Franca
  • Kiziba Camp - Zoologist

Mission 23 - White Mamba
  • Bwala Ya Masa - Random Female

Mission 24 - Close Contact
  • Outpost 20 - Female Engineer

Mission 34 - [EXTREME] Backup, Back Down
  • Wakh Sind Barracks - Cybernetics Specialist

  • Lamar Khaate Palace Desert Area - Random Female

Female Soldiers Obtained from Side Ops
Side-ops missions have Female Soldiers to Rescue and below that is the side-ops order in which to unlock them each along with side-ops mission numbers for each.
Headshots have been added to show various race and looks associated with each Side-Ops Mission.

  • Prisoner Extraction 2

  • Prisoner Extraction 3

  • Prisoner Extraction 6

  • Prisoner Extraction 9

  • Prisoner Extraction 11

  • Prisoner Extraction 13

  • Prisoner Extraction 18

  • Prisoner Extraction 20

Refreshing and Re-unlocking the Prisoner Extraction Side-Ops
Complete decending missions list below each Prisoner Extraction mission in order to re-unlock them again.

28 Prisoner Extraction 2
  • 12 Highly Skilled Soldier 2
  • 130 Wandering Puppet 3
  • 136 Wandering puppet 9

29 Prisoner Extraction 3
  • 95 Eliminate the Armored Vehicle Unit 03
  • 24 Highly Skilled Soldier 14
  • 133 Eliminate the Wandering Puppets 06
  • 127 Eliminate the Tank Unit 14

32 Prisoner Extraction 6
  • 70 Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 05
  • 117 Eliminate the Tank Unit 04
  • 19 Extract the Highly Skilled Soldier 09
  • 97 Eliminate the Armored Vehicle Unit 05
  • 78 Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 13
  • 123 Eliminate the Tank Unit 10
  • 105 Eliminate the Armored Vehicle Unit 13

35 Prisoner Extraction 9
  • 103 Eliminate the Armored Vehicle Unit 11
  • 137 Eliminate the Wandering Puppets 10
  • 15 Extract the Highly Skilled Soldier 05
  • 68 Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 03
  • 116 Eliminate the Tank Unit 03

37 Prisoner Extraction 11
  • 120 Eliminate the Tank Unit 07
  • 81 Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 16
  • 125 Eliminate the Tank Unit 12
  • 142 Eliminate the Wandering Puppets 15
  • 104 Eliminate the Armored Vehicle Unit 12
  • 96 Eliminate the Armored Vehicle Unit 04
  • 18 Extract the Highly-Skilled Soldier 08
  • 74 Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 09

39 Prisoner Extraction 13
  • 79 Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 14
  • 141 Eliminate the Wandering Puppets 14
  • 110 Extract Materials Containers
  • 34 Prisoner Extraction 08
  • 20 Extract the Highly Skilled Soldier 10
  • 75 Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 10

44 Prisoner Extraction 18
  • 100 Eliminate the Armored Vehicle Unit 08
  • 134 Eliminate the Wandering Puppets 07
  • 139 Eliminate the Wandering Puppets 12
  • 14 Extract the Highly-Skilled Soldier 04
  • 114 Eliminate the Tank Unit 01
  • 69 Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 04

46 Prisoner Extraction 20
  • 21 Extract the Highly-Skilled Soldier 11
  • 98 Eliminate the Armored Vehicle Unit 06
  • 77 Eliminate the Heavy Infantry 12
  • 42 Prisoner Extraction 16
  • 121 Eliminate the Tank Unit 08
Leveling Up your Female Soldiers
Below are added bonuses you may apply to your Female Soldiers.
[Note: The Service Cross I've yet to unlock with a Female Soldier. The other two should be fair game though.]

Service Cross : Put them on your security team, have them get captured during a FOB attack, and then rescue them.

Medal of Honor : Awarded to staff members who kill the infiltrators during FOB missions.

Distinguished : Service Medal by doing missions as the person.
Special & Unique Female Staff
Garnet Canine
Included with the Steam version of the game. Character may be unlocked after a certain amount of progress into the game.

Amber Fox
Included with the Steam version of the game. Character may be unlocked after a certain amount of progress into the game.

Emerald Hound
Included with the Steam version of the game. Character may be unlocked after a certain amount of progress into the game.

Ivory Skull

Unlocked through "mission 11 - Cloaked in silence"
63 件のコメント
Thanks for helping me with my privatized Gaddafi-maxxing campaign.
Mister Breast 1月18日 14時33分 
Thanks. This will be very helpful for creating my unstoppable nuclear-equipped matriarchic military company.
HHX 2023年12月21日 6時06分 
Guys, why would i need real wamen when i can have a several militairy bases filled with S++ women who protect me and my WMD's?
Naib_89 2023年12月3日 0時45分 
Metal Gear Harem The Phantom Women
Castellante 2023年11月24日 13時12分 
I can't tell if this is the ultimate embodiment of Chad or virgin.
Swaffel_Doggo 2023年8月31日 9時42分 
why would I want women lol
Принц чечни 2023年7月6日 11時35分 
everytime i restart the mission, abort it, extract one of them and then restarting mission i see the same girl. sounds like no bitches
FortanEvirwoods/Unf0lding 2022年12月18日 8時45分 
Bro, No bitches
Valorieya 2022年12月3日 13時43分 
no bitches speedrun any%
Senpai'Ro 2022年8月30日 20時52分 
Outer Harem intensifies.