Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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How to find people to play with.
By Coco
This guide exposes solutions to a widely spread issue: Having nobody close to your skill level to play MM or faceit with.
CS:GO is a team based game. Finding friendly and decently skilled teammates is a priority for most people so.. I decided to help YOU find the teammates of your dreams!
Steam Discussions
First of all, steam, in and of itself, is a great place to start. More precisely, steam discussions. There you can find a sub-section called "Looking for players". Of course you'll get some ♥♥♥♥ posts but I bet you'll find some people that are actually looking for the same thing as you.
Another thing you can do is post a discussion yourself.

Team Find and the like
Team Find[] is a site that lets you create a profile you can use to post ads as a player looking for a team, as the member of a team looking for players or even as a coach looking for a team to coach.
It's not a CS:GO only site. It has Dota 2 and a bunch of other games as well.
Similarly to Team Find there are a lot of other sites that popped up, such as TEAMSgg [], challengermode [] and others.

Reddit is a discussion web content rating website in which users can submit posts about pretty much anything. The website is made up of subreddits that have a particular theme. The CS:GO Recruting subreddit is no less than any other subreddit and you can use it in your quest to find people to play with by looking for posts that match your description or by posting yourself.

Now a days discord is pretty much an essential. You can find a bunch of discord servers that serve this exact purpose by using a discord server finder such as this [].
Counter Strike Team Finder [] is a pretty big server. You can also probably find one dedicated to your country's cs:go community.

CS:GO Matchmaking... oh ♥♥♥♥ me. A cancerous place indeed, but, if experienced properly, can be fun to waste your time with. If none of the alternatives above worked... well, there is only one place left to look... and that is: CS:GO MM itself. There you are bound to bump into some nice people that match your preferences from time to time. And when you do, make sure you stick with them for as long as possible. Add them, start talking to them and ask to play another match. I know it'll be annoying until you find these people but from my point of view this is the best way to find people to play with. You'll make some internet friends for sure, I tell you. Same thing applies to any third party matchmaking sites.

The End
Now that our journey has concluded, don't forget to rate, favourite and share this guide if you found it helpful. Thank you for your time and have a great day!

hecttic Oct 23, 2019 @ 9:45am 
Thanks for Teamfind website :)
Solaxy Jun 12, 2019 @ 3:09am 
you should add dreamteam in the guide. cheers
matt Apr 19, 2019 @ 1:44am 
thank you so much :)
ofer Jan 19, 2019 @ 12:12am 
under-rated guide
Skyless Mar 3, 2018 @ 6:17am 
Sperm Spirit Jul 22, 2017 @ 12:48pm 
ищу тиммейтов в команду иметь тс,микро!
RS Jun 25, 2017 @ 3:48pm 
Wow! This is amazing! IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!. 11/10 :red_pig: