Rocket League

Rocket League

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TextureModding- UMod Guide(+FAQ)
Vytvořil: Hurricane
A detailed instruction how to get TextureMods to work with UMod in Rocket League.
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Latest update of this guide:

Here im posting the all changes, so that you can see when there is anything new/better available:


18th June 2019:

- the last RL update (radical summer) broke umod d3d9.dll injection which means that RL will crash instantly if you have the d3d9.dll in your RL/Binaries/win32 folder.
- unfortunately it looks like there is no fix for uMod at the moment, we may have to wait until next update and hope it changes sth.
- IMPORTANT: If you have uMod installed move to the place where you have pasted the d3d9.dll (RL/Binaries/win32) and rename/delete it to cut off its functionality. Now RL should start as usual!

- but there are still ways to get custom decals or ball skins: AlphaConsole[]!

27th October 2018:

- Updated the "How to set up Umod" section.
- Updated "F.A.Q." section.
- Added "Mods not working" section [trouble shooting].
- Added "Compatibility with other tools" section.
- Added "Need help creating your own mods?" section, powered by RL SKINS WIKI[]

20th April 2018:
- Switching video-card drivers to an older version could also help to get umod to work! More info in "how to set up uMod" section

31st March 2018 :
- Experienced issues with uMod when using it while several other Programs are running!
Programs that causing uMod to crash: Twitch-App, several free-virus scanners, [...]

Will update the list of these programs! Thanks for reporting issues!

05th November 2017:
- uMod fix discovered by eternity | Updated the "how to set up uMod" section and added all instructions for the new fix! Check it out now!

What is UMod?
UMod is a simple program that allows us to extract textures from Rocket League and inject them again after we've edited/customized them.

This tool is only working clientsided/local (offline) and does not have any effect to the servers or on online play. Other players will still see the game normal.

We are able to create custom Decals, animated wheels and much more stuff that is pretty siick :)

That is UMod:

In general all TextureMods injected with UMod are working fine and without crashes or fps drops
BUT: The only version of UMod that is working for Rocket League is an alpha version, so its functionality and compatibility can be very instable and squishy. This can cause bugs, fps drops or crashes. There is no guarantee!

I am just a modder, not the creator of this tool !
F.A.Q.- Frequently asked Questions
Here i've listed couple questions with answers... read that before asking :)

- Can i get banned by using texture mods in Rocketleauge?
-> No, there have never been anything like that and we should hear to Psyonix last stement in November 2016:"[...] As a general rule, don't use anything that gives you an advantage over other players in online play, or degrades their experience in some way they can't control. [...]". UMod is only clientsided and does have no effect on online servers or other players you play with. There is no official support and no official public statement from Psyonix about TextureMods yet.

- Can other players also see my mods?
-> No, because umod is only changing texture clientsided(offline) and not on the servers(online). And as long as we aren't getting official support this will not be possible.

- Is there any better tool than Umod?
-> YES, it's called AlphaConsole is very simple to use, way simpler than Umod, and also supports TextureMods, but only on a limited base. Here is a link:

- How does Umod work?
-> It works with a DX9 hook injection into the game. It allows us to extract and inject all Textures being rendered through DX9.

- Is there an option to load mods instantly when game starts?
-> No, this option doesn't work for RL :(

- Is it possible to use 2 or more different versions of a texture mod and change them ingame?
-> No, that is not possible! You're only able to inject one kind of a texture at the same time. And changing them ingame is also not possible. You'll need to remove the packages and insert the new ones and update.

- Can i replace just the boost files from alpha boost and make standard boost my new alpha boost?
-> NO ! Remember: You are only able to extract textures, not 3d-models or animations !

Compatibility with other tools [Troubleshooting]

There are some tools and functions which you can't use while also using UMOD. These are:

- Bakkes mod
Both, umod and bakkes, use the same kind of hook injection through the d3d9.dll which leads to the fact that you only can use one of the programs at a time!

- NinjaRipper Extractor
Also NinjaRipper uses the d3d9.dll injection.. You only can use one of the tools at a time.

- Twitch-App:
Umod will instantly crash your game if you have the Twitch-App installed on your PC. No idea why, but it is pretty good to know!

- ReShade:
Maybe it works? Maybe not? Let me know if you have issues with using it in combination with Umod!

How to download UMod?

To get started you'll need to download UMod v2 r49.

Here is the direct link to the recommend version:

And also a link for all other versions:

For extracting UMod you'll need Winrar/Winzip/7zip or equivalent.

download winrar: WinRAR[]
download winzip: WinZIP[]
download 7zip: 7Zip[]

After you've downloaded it you'll need to extract it into a new folder with one of the recommend unpackers.

How to set up UMod? [+Troubleshooting/Fixes]
After downloading and extracting you can follow these steps below to set it up correctly.

1. Start your game (without uMod or anything else, just normally start it)

2. Move to "Options" --> Video/Graphics --> then set everything on HQ and SET WORLD DETAIL TO "PERFORMANCE"

3. Close Rocket League

4. Open the uMod-Folder --> Copy the d3d9.dll from your uMod folder into same folder where your game application is located (steam/steamapps/common/rocketleague/Binaries/Win32)

5. Start Umod --> go to "main" --> "add game" and select the rocketleague.exe (located at steam/steamapps/common/rocketleague/Binaries/win32) --> Apply by clicking OK

6. Go to "main" again --> make sure that "Global Hook" is DISABLED !

7. Let uMod open and start RL through STEAM !

8. A new tab should open up in uMod and Hook injection should change to "No Injection: DX (9)" if you got that you're ready to inject any mods! If not move to 11.

9. If the game crashes or umod doesnt show up as in the pictures listed above: Make sure you did everything correctly (watch the video again, follow the pictures...)
10. Move on to fixes below


FIX 1:

1.Go to Steam again --> move in your games library --> right click on RocketLeague -->properties

2. Click on Launch/Start-Options and type in there "-nomovie -nostartup" (ofc without these "" ! ! !) --> apply by clicking OK

3. Now Start Umod... then RL through steam... If it shows a new tab in umod and "No Injection: DX9" you're all set and ready to go!
If not move on:

FIX 1.1:

Some of the listed below could also help you:

- Make sure you read every single piece of the actual tutorial above and check everything twice!
- Disable your Virusscanner
- Set World Detail on Performance (ofc you gotta run RL without umod and the d3d9.dll in the rl folder and then set the video settings)
- Do you have Twitch-App installed? If yes remove it! It leads to crash your game everytime you launch RL with Umod!
- Make sure you got the latest version of Microsoft .NET FRAMEWORK installed on your PC
- Remove Bakkesmod to run Umod without crashing(only one of the modding tools can be used at a time!)
- Make sure to close all programs except umod and RL so that nothing affects the hook injection
- Run Umod in Admin mode

More advanced fixes that could help somehow:
Recommend only if you know what you're doing!

-Switch back to an older version of you video-card drivers! Then try uMod again. Also make sure world detail is on performance!

FIX 2:

Only recommend if everything from FIX 1 did not help you and you are ok with trying around some more stuff!

Open the UMod folder

RightClick on Umod.exe -->go to properties -->compatibility-->enable compatibility mode-->set it to win7/win8/win10 (you will need to find out which works for you)--> click on apply settings/ok and close that window

Now Copy/move the d3d9.dll from the UMod folder into the Rocket League application folder which is located at steam/steamapps/common/rocketleague/Binaries/win32 (just put the d3d9.dll in there beside the rocketleague.exe)

Go to your Steam-Libary -->RightClick on Rocket League -->Properties --> Click on Start-Options --> write down there "-D3D9" (OFC WITHOUT THESE "" !!!) -->click on OK


Start UMod

Go to Main--> Add Game --> find and select the rocketleague.exe (which is located at steam/steamapps/common/rocketleague/Binaries/win32/rocketleague.exe) --> Click on OK to apply your changes

Now Go to Main--> and make sure that GLOBAL HOOK IS DISABLED !!

Start Rocket League through steam

If a new tab(called rocketleague) will open up in UMod and hook injection changes to "No Hook Injection: DX(9)" you've done everything correctly and you're ready to inject any texture mods! Congrats!

If all the stuff listed above didn't worked for you then the last opportunity is to find it out by yourself... You should try around different combinations of the following stuff:
- try different compatibility modes for UMod
- try around with start-options (-D3D9 or -nostartup) also probably combine them
- try launching RL through UMod
- try enable or disable global hook

NOTE: We can't give you more than instructions! We try to make it as simple as possible. But please don't dislike our work only because you're not able to get it to work. Thank you <3
Special thanks to eternity and all others who help finding fixes for the program!
How to inject TextureMods?
This is actually the most important and simplest part of all.

For injecting any texture mods you should make sure that UMod is working correctly (new tab open + hook injection dx9) and you got .dds textures to inject.

All you need to do is to drag & drop them(only the .dds files !!) from the .zip file/ folder into the white area in the RocketLeague tab in UMod!
Then make right-click on the injected textures and click on "Update" or "Update/Reload".

For removing you also click right-click on the injected Textures and then on "Remove Selected Packages".


- Most TextureMods require all Graphics on HQ.
- Every TextureMod you're injecting replaces an item/decal that already exists! So you will need to own Heatwave for getting modded Heatwave....

Download TextureMods...

For downloading some new TextureMods like custom decals, new animated wheels, new ball styles, new black markets or glowing engine mods just go to and scroll through hundreds of texture mods.

How to extract Textures?

So, if you want to create your own stuff you'll need textures...Here is how you can get them with UMod:

You can find a Video Tutorial in the Video Tutorial Section!

1. Start Umod and RL
2. Make sure that UMod is working correctly (new tab open and hook injection dx9 while ingame)
3. Go to Umod and move to the RocketLeague tab.
4. Open the "Capture textures" tab by click on it.
5. Enable "Save singe texture" and "show message in the upper left corner"
6. Set your colors for fonts and selected textures (recommend using the default ones, but other colors could have other effects on some textures)
7. Set your buttons to scroll up/down and save the textures
8. Only save textures as .DDS files (as default ticked) [[b]every other format WILL NOT WORK![/b]]
9. Set your save folder where the textures getting saved you've extracted from the game.

10. Move to the white area below and right click on the area: and click "update"

11. Game now will update and you should see some red text in upper left corner(ingame)

12. Now you're ready to scroll through all textures getting displayed and save them by using the buttons you've set.

It is sometimes possible that UMod will save more than one texture when extracting the first texture after start. It could also happen that RL crashes, if so, just try again :)

Need help creating your own mods?

If you're looking to start modding decals, ball skins and other awesome texture mods be sure that we got you covered with a huge WIKI all about TextureMods and how they work!

You can join us over here:

There are tons of knowledge packed in good tutorials.

Beside that we also got a HUGE database bringing you more than 1000+ raw textures.

We offer support for all questions relating to TextureMods!

Mods not working? [Troubleshooting]
Your UMOD works fine and correctly as described in the "How to Set Up UMOD" section above but the mod you wanna try still doesn't work?

- Set all video settings on HQ (specially hq shaders, texture quality and bloom) which could make a lot of mods visible like decals, glowengines and more!

- Make sure you're only putting .DDS files into the RL tab in Umod As described in "How to Inject Mods in UMOD?"

- If the mod still doesn't work after both listed above the mod is potentially outdated, the texture name has been changed or some game-updates just broke it. ♥♥♥♥ happens :shrug:

Removing the mods again


For removing the mods again follow these steps:

1. Move to the location you've put in the d3d9.dll
2. Rename it to sth else, but remember that you maybe need it again when playing with tmods again^^ (example: rename it to moddingd3d9.dll)
3. Make sure umod is not running
4. Start Rocket League --> there you go

5. for enableing them again, just rename the d3d9.dll to its old name again and make sure to set world detail to performance before launching RL.

---> Video Tutorial Section <---
Here can find VIDEO TUTORIALS for setting up UMod and extracting Textures with it!

How to use TextureMods and UMod:

How to extract Textures from UMod:

Known Bugs/Issues/Problems with UMod
There are couple BUGs and know are some listed:

- Instability and Crashes:
-> It is known that uMod is an alpha version, so please be aware of crashes or framedrops. Usually it is working fine, but i may could get instable. no guarantee!
- Game crashes when moving to the options(ingame)
-> Do not move into options while playing RL ! (Restart the Game without UMod running to change Options) Or set "World detail" to "performance". This can give you the chance to get into options with UMod running. Only works stimes [THIS IS GONE WITH THE NEW FIX !]

- Texture loading problems(flickering textures that a popping up and disappear again)
-> Some textures aren't getting full injected through umod. This can cause freezes/lags/crashes or it has no effect !

- UMod is a very instable program!
-> This can cause compatibility problems with other programs/systems.

Thanks for reading

Thank you all for reading! I really hope you get it to work and enjoy these amazing mods!

We still do not have any official support and it would be great if you could share what you like to probably get Psyonix attention someday.

If you have questions, comment below, i'll try to answer as fast as possible.
Počet komentářů: 128
Waffles 21. pro. 2020 v 10.13 
uMod is inactive as of now, right?
SP4NKER 13. kvě. 2020 v 15.35 
So. Epic games killed uModding? Cause I can't get uMod53 to work. Can't get it to hook at all.
Groos 28. pro. 2019 v 16.12 
crashing on startup wtfff
Josho 24. zář. 2019 v 20.14 
[] Trigon ( Mystery Decal )

[W] 11 Keys :D
Xylber 24. srp. 2019 v 1.36 
uMod53 works with the current version, both to see, extract and inject textures. But it has stuttering, low FPS problems
Hurricane  [autor] 17. čvn. 2019 v 19.46 
UMOD IS NOT WORKING AT THE MOMENT! , updated the guide.
All we can do now is to wait for the next update that could potentially change sth so the d3d9 injection works again correctly. If you discover a solid fix I'd greatly appreciate if you could share it with all of us.
If you have a custom decal or ball skin you'd like to use I can also recommend AlphaConsole [] to use them. To do so join us at RL Skins Wiki Discord server [], where we've also stored tutorials how to get your decal into AC.
Thank you all for the support and let us hope to stay alive! :luv:
MushroomHedgehog 14. čvn. 2019 v 23.15 
This program is no longer working for me. Every time I copy the d3d9.dll file to the Win32 folder, the game will close out as soon as I try to start it, so I have no choice but to delete it, but that makes it impossible to mod the game. If I could get some help, that'd be great. I deeply miss playing with my Mystery Machine skin for the Merc.
og beeper 14. čvn. 2019 v 19.49 
so ive followed all the steps and went through all the fixes, my problem is that I start umod and then start rocket league. everythiung goes fine it opens the new tab and it says "no injection dx9" but then it says "rocket league has stopped working" and then it crashes.
Ive found that my rocket league will continue to say that unless i remove the d3d9 from the rocket league file, but then obviously there is no hook with umod thus it doesnt work.
OldManDann 15. led. 2019 v 19.17 
Works fine for me. Amazing to create your own decals
Hurricane  [autor] 5. lis. 2018 v 9.51 
then you probably did sth wrong or misread sth. it's still working. If you want direct help you can ask in one of the question channels on our discord, we will answer asap: