The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

40 ratings
Mini Vale Sabercat Follower - Cleopatra - Plus extras!
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10.235 KB
Sep 3, 2012 @ 6:26pm
Dec 24, 2012 @ 2:04pm
13 Change Notes ( view )

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Mini Vale Sabercat Follower - Cleopatra - Plus extras!

**Requires you to have the Dawnguard DLC installed.**

Player can recruit a miniature Vale Sabercat follower for free, just talk to Cleopatra and tell her to follow you. Cleopatra can be found in Dayspring Canyon where the Dawnguard Fort is. She is down the hill from where you enter the canyon, in the area where the waterfall is. She is usually lounging comfortably next to the water's edge near the boat. She is just a little bigger than a fox.
Cleopatra will act like a normal follower and carry items, be told to wait, attack things, pick up stuff, etc. She CAN equip a full set of armor, a ring and a necklace. She CAN'T equip a shield or weapons, because she doesn't need them.
In combat Cleopatra will use fire, shock, biting and clawing attacks to help you decimate your foes.
She is definitely NOT a normal sabercat. =)

Cleopatra will level with the player, up to level 80. She also has increased movement speed and will always keep up with you, even when you are riding a horse.(She likes to stop for a cat nap occasionally, but catches up quickly if you get too far away from her or enter combat.)

Cleopatra will not effect player sneaking and won't initiate combat until you attack or are being attacked, she is marked as essential and CAN NOT be killed and will enter a bleedout state when her health gets low.

She has the Light Foot perk and won't trigger pressure plates, and she also has the Unhindered perk for light armor, as well as Silence and Muffled Movement. I gave her a 50% resistance to poison, a slight resistance to physical damage and I also gave her a large resistance to fire, frost and shock damage. ( Just for all you mage types out there that like to make things go boom, your AOE spells should be less harmful to her. )

When dismissed as your follower, Cleopatra will simply return to Dayspring Canyon, where she will patiently wait for you until she is needed again. If she isn't there try waiting a day or two, as it can take her a while to get back.
Cleopatra may leave your service if she is attacked by you multiple times, and will start heading back to Dayspring Canyon. You can just talk to her and tell her to follow you again if that happens.


Cleopatra also has a few useful items in her inventory for you, including an armored ring... The Blackened Sun Ring. It can also be crafted at any forge (under jewelry), improved at any work bench and is enchantable. It has a base armor rating of 13, and is considered as Light armor, no heavy version available.

Latest patch 12.24.12- Added an armor item to her inventory, that completes a certain set. This item should have already been placed in the game by the game designers but wasn't for some reason.


This mod also allows the player to learn a new Illusion spell by adding a new spell tome to the game.
The Spell Tome, Fade Cleopatra is located in Cleopatra's inventory. It will teach you the spell Fade Cleopatra which will allow you to turn Cleopatra invisible for 45 seconds, or until cancelled when she interacts with objects or attacks.
Once you have read the Spell Tome, you can find the Fade Cleopatra spell in your Illusion spells list.

*Note* to turn Cleopatra Invisble she must be close to you and you must have her targeted in your crosshairs when you cast the Fade Cleopatra spell.

**Note** This mod is probably not compatible with mods that allow horses for followers or modify follower behavior, etc... Mini Vale Sabercats can't ride horses, lol, and your game might glitch. =p

~*~ VERY Important ~*~ You must dismiss Cleopatra as your follower before you unsubscribe from this mod or you will get stuck with a follower count at 1, making it impossible to recruit another follower.
Should that happen, You can fix it by using the console command... set playerfollowercount to 0 ... and hit enter.
I recommend saving your game before using any console commands, just in case.

Check out all my other awesome follower and weapon mods!

Hope you enjoy, please Rate Up if you like !!! =)
SLOWpoke Nov 16, 2016 @ 11:36am 
Is there a way to summon her to me if she wanders away? Without using the console I a spell or amulet etc.
Phoenix778  [author] Jul 23, 2015 @ 8:04pm 
Yes mittens is in the steam workshop, no one is arguing that Kibins. It has already been determined that my Cleopatra mod was posted before the mittens mod on steam. If you wish to help argue someone else's silly claim, please, do keep up.
Cleo is an original and unique creation spawned by my imigination alone. I know this for a fact, as I witnessed and participated in the entire process. Nothing anyone says, thinks or believes can change that fact.
I don't understand what the big deal is anyway, as Cleo is way different and so much better than mittens... in every way.
Trolls gotta troll, haters gotta hate.
Kibins Jul 22, 2015 @ 10:49pm 
if you search for mittens on the workshop she shows up...
Phoenix778  [author] Jul 21, 2015 @ 8:22pm 
Altair, I just searched for Mittens on the nexus and could find no such mod. Your argument still has no evidence to back up your claim. I made Cleopatra on my own, she's an original creation of my own imagination. It remains the truth, wether you choose to believe it or not. =)
Crow God Jul 21, 2015 @ 5:31pm 
no you didnt. you stole mittens from the nexus mods. nice try.
Phoenix778  [author] Jul 21, 2015 @ 12:35am 
Yes! =)
King Marki Jul 20, 2015 @ 11:14am 
is she made essential??
Phoenix778  [author] Jun 9, 2015 @ 1:10am 
Altair, you should probably pay attention to when the 2 mods were were originally posted before you make such foolish, unwarranted accusations. My mod was originally posted Sep 3, 2012... 3 months before Mittens was posted on Dec 15, 2012. I stole nothing, I made Cleopatra from scratch using nothing but the creation kit and DLC resources. So, yes, her name IS Cleopatra. What the hell is wrong with YOU?
Crow God May 17, 2015 @ 10:53pm 
You STOLE this from someone else. the vilemaws name is NOT Cleopatra. Her name IS mittens. The hell is wrong with you?
Novacaine Nov 11, 2014 @ 1:10am 
Is there anyway to disable her talking, or make it less frequent?