Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent

224 ratings
Improvements for Splinter Cell: Double Agent
By Joshhhuaaa and 2 collaborators
This guide will show you how to improve your experience in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent, and optimize it for modern computers.

Ubisoft discontinued Double Agent's servers in June 2016. However, the multiplayer is still playable when using virtual LAN applications.

It should be noted that the PC version of Double Agent is a complete mess. It is highly recommended to play the Xbox 360 version for the single player as it offers better visuals and has properly functioning AI. Xbox Series X is best way to experience it via backwards compatibility.

[SP] = Single Player
[VS] = Versus Mode
[SP / VS] Patching the Game
Splinter Cell: Double Agent comes installed with version 1.00 on both retail and Steam versions of the game. Many assume that Steam would auto-update their game to the latest version, however this game must be updated manually.

Patch Version 1.02a[]

How To:
Make sure to start your game up at least once to ensure that it can patch your game properly. Run the patch as administrator and click install.

Receiving the error message below, but your game is not patched? Most likely you forgot to run the patch as administrator. Try verifying the integrity of game files or reinstalling the game before attempting to install the patch again.

[SP / VS] 64-bit OS Crashing
If you get an instant crash upon booting the game, this is most likely due to playing Double Agent on a 64-bit operating system.

How To:
To fix this issue, you will need to have a recording device plugged in such as a microphone or headset. If you don't have a microphone, you can just enable Stereo Mix in your recording devices. You only need one of the two to be enabled. Keep Stereo Mix turned off when you don't need it.

[SP] Graphics
Maxing out the graphics settings with the in-game options does not result in the best graphics, especially lighting. Follow the instructions below to get the best graphical quality possible out of Double Agent.

How To:
Navigate to your game's directory > SCDA-Offline > System

Open SplinterCell4.ini, and edit the following sections:

SimpleShader=False SimpleEffect=False HidePieces=False

bTrilinearFiltering=False bSpecularLighting=True

[WinDrv.WindowsClient], edit the following lines to a resolution you'd like to use:
FullscreenViewportX=640 FullscreenViewportY=480

UseHWShadowMapping=False ShadowResolutionDegree=0 ShadowTurnOffDegree=0 bUseSmoothShadow=False FSAADegree=0 AnisotropyDegree=16

During the mission JBA HQ - Part 4, make sure to change to a resolution that isn't 16:9 aspect ratio or the ending sequence will not properly trigger. When making it to the Coast Guard Boat mission, you may go back to 16:9 aspect ratio. If using ThirteenAG's widescreen fix, this will not be an issue as it tricks the game into thinking it's running in 16:10 aspect ratio at all times.
There is an alternate option for changing your resolution, ThirteenAG's widescreen fix, it will auto detect your native resolution, fixes some UI/HUD elements, and adjusts your field of view. Includes a D3D9 wrapper that prevents the game from crashing after certain events occur. Instead of the crash, loading screens may disappear or the minimap will be bugged, but you'll be able to save your progress and restart the game. Skip the field of view section below if using this fix.

ThirteenAG's Widescreen Fix[]

How To:
Download it, and place all the contents into your System folder.
If you open the scripts folder, there is a .ini that has a few options for you:
[MAIN] [MAIN] ResX = 0 ResY = 0 ForceLL = 1 // Fixes startup crash, same thing as -ll shortcut switch. SingleCoreAffinity = 0 // Experimental, attempt to avoid mid-loading hang. [GRAPHICS] ;ShadowMapResolution = 2048 // Do not use, causes bugs. Default is 1024, max is 8192 GlowResolution = 0 // Max 2048 [MISC] SkipIntro = 1 FPSLimit = 1000

Note: ThirteenAG's Widescreen Fix removes the game's 100 FPS cap and defaults to 1000 FPS. However, it is recommended to use 30 or 60 FPS instead, as certain elements such as AI pathing and physics objects may encounter problems at higher frame rates.
[SP] Field of View
How To:
Navigate to your game's directory > SCDA-Offline > System

Open SplinterCell4User.ini, find the section: [Engine.PlayerController]
And edit the following lines to match your aspect ratio:
DesiredFOV=75 DefaultFOV=75

Do not edit your field of view if using the ThirteenAG's widescreen fix.

Aspect Ratio
Field of View
[VS] Versus Mode Downloads
SCDA Online (1.60 GB) - Full install, version 1.02a pre-installed. []

Enhanced SCDA Online is a major patch I have created to fix bugs and exploits while improving gameplay and map balance.

Enhanced SCDA Online v2.1 (813 MB)[]

Enhanced SCDA Online Setup Guide[]
Enhanced SCDA Online Patch Notes[]

How To:
After downloading the game, extract the contents, and you should have a SCDA-Online folder. You can place it anywhere you like, it's portable.

Run the game executable, "SCDA_Online.exe" in the System folder to begin playing.

If experiencing an error on startup, try running "DXSetup.exe" in the Installers\DirectX directory.
[VS] Graphics
SCDA Online only has a handful of resolutions that aren't really used anymore. If you would like to use the native resolution and refresh rate of your display as well as some graphical improvements, here is how to do so.

Make sure to start your game up and max the graphic settings before applying a custom resolution.

How To:
Navigate to your game's directory > SCDA-Online > System

Open Default.ini, and edit the following sections:

[WinDrv.WindowsClient], edit the following lines to a resolution you'd like to use:
FullscreenViewportX=640 FullscreenViewportY=480

[D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice], edit the following line to the max refresh rate (144Hz, 240Hz, etc) your display supports:
Even if playing at 60 FPS, it is good to have a matching refresh rate as your Windows settings. You will be able to Alt+Tab out of your game faster and have less screen tearing.

[VS] Endless Loading Screen
Endless loading screens will occur when using V-Sync or locking the frame rate.
When the game starts, you will see a mouse cursor on the loading screen. If you just sit and stare at the loading screen, your connection to the the session will be timed out.

How To:
For the game to load you need to press: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Delete] and then press [Esc]. Afterwards, you should see a black screen until the host has loaded the map. Should the game not resume, hit the icon on your taskbar.

[VS] Voice Bug
Whenever you launch the game, your microphone will be activated even if voice chat is set to be muted already. In-game voice chat has horrific quality in this game and further increases lag. Thus, you should disable it every time you run the game.

How To:
From the LAN menus, click on "Home" > "Your profile" > "Audio profile". Tick "Mute voice chat" on. If "Mute voice chat" is already ticked on when starting the game, you must untick it and retick it. This can also be done when you are in a lobby or game session.

[VS] Frame Rate
Your spy slows down when changing directions? Your mercenary stops when attempting to walk sideways? Your aim feels spongy or delayed? Your mouse sensitivity is way too high?
It's because of your frame rate.

The PC version has been ported over from the Xbox 360 and is optimized to run at exactly 30 frames per second. Movement works best at 30 frames per second. However, it is recommended to run the game at 60 frames per second rather than 30 frames per second. It offers a nice balance with smoother gameplay for quick reactions and aiming, but movement will be a little restricted.

How To:
There are many programs to use to lock your game at 60 frames per second. It is not recommended to use V-Sync option in the game options. Both NVIDIA Control Panel and AMD Radeon Settings have an option to lock the frame rate for a particular game.

As an alternative, we also can recommend using the latest version of NVIDIA Profile Inspector [] (for NVIDIA graphics cards only), or using MSI Afterburner.[]
Mouse Polling Rate
Currently, many mice come with polling rates that can reach 1000 Hz or higher. However, in Double Agent, higher polling rates may cause issues with your mouse aim. If your mouse allows it, try setting the polling rate to 125 Hz through software. This issue also applies to all games in the series, from the original Splinter Cell to Splinter Cell: Blacklist. It is possibly related to the use of the Unreal Engine 2.

Joshhhuaaa  [author] Apr 14 @ 2:11pm 
Emulating Xbox 360 is definitely the superior option, I'm not sure if the latest xenia-canary can emulate it, you might need a special build, but I have it backed up if anyone has trouble finding it.

You are right that the lasers do not render but there are only 2 instances of the game having lasers really. The first one being JBA HQ's training course so that's not even a big deal, you don't get any punishment for triggering them on accident. Beside that, Kinshasa's meeting has them but you could make a save before entering the room.
TubularLand9788 Apr 14 @ 1:33pm 
You could also try the Xenia emulated Xbox 360 version it kinda works, although a few workarounds are needed, like having to reopen the app after loading.
I’ve heard (, but not seen) that the lasers do not render correctly and nobody wants to find a fix for them on the internet it seems.
I’ve seen that the Xbox360 version is the facto best version of the game and since it can be emulated and by extension upscaled and improved it might prove to be a superior or at least considerable way to experience DA.
Kelex98 Mar 4 @ 3:14pm 
Yeah, I know that about the widescreen fix, actually tried it out, but reverted to the d3d9.ini and sticking to good ol’ 4:3, generally don’t like any trace of stretching you know (like the text in the mission loading screens).

Tried a few things for Sam’s shadow looking low res, but nothing worked, still don’t know if it’s just the training area or not, but truth be told even if it isn’t, I won’t bother with it, game runs, preferably with minimal future issues.
Originally planed to play the SC games in order and record it (just for myself), but I think I’ll start with DA instead, with all it’s troubles I’d rather go through with it asap.
Joshhhuaaa  [author] Mar 4 @ 2:54pm 
In terms of the final JBA HQ ending bug, ThirteenAG tricks the game to always be in 16:10 aspect ratio despite truly rendering in 16:9, so the bug is avoided.

The stock game only has the lockup 16:9, but 4:3 and 16:10 handle it fine, so that was the workaround he came with.

HidePieces=True does hide some detail which isn't ideal, but yeah it will fix that weird door on Cozumel. I haven't heard of the Shanghai audio cutoff before, even then low chance its tied to aspect ratio.
Kelex98 Mar 4 @ 7:00am 
Honestly, that was my first thought after booting up this game, but it's still only "ingame" status with RPCS3 and I usually don't use Xenia as it's a mixed bag when it comes to what runs well and what doesn't on it. I'd go for widescreen for DA for the same reason you mentioned, but I read that a couple bugs are related to the aspect ratio (Shanghai audio cutoff and the final JBA level's ending bug).
I tweaked the .ini according to PCGW, switched a few things off to prevent bugs in the future (HidePieces=True for the cruise ship double door for example), I only tested gameplay in the training area, where I did notice that character shadows are rather low res, but guess I'm just glad it runs at all.
Joshhhuaaa  [author] Mar 4 @ 5:51am 
Yeah I’m the same depending on the game, for the first 3 games I also use 4:3 aspect ratio as well, but Double Agent always seem natural on 16:9 especially on Xbox 360. I would probably recommend emulating it on Xenia-canary than playing the PC port if you don’t mind using a controller. There’s an occasional rendering bug but I’ve completed it from start to finish with no game breaking issues.
Kelex98 Mar 4 @ 4:20am 
That fixed the issue, I also took your advice and no longer bother with the in-game settings menu, thanks for the help!

I know I'm weird, sticking to 4:3, I'm just nostalgic when it comes to old games, like to play them like I used to back in the day (minus the plethora of bugs). I refrained from using the widescreen fix when I could just use dgvodoo for the first two games, Chaos Theory still works great on it's own, then it didn't seem necessary for Double Agent, how wrong I was.
Joshhhuaaa  [author] Mar 3 @ 6:22pm 
I would just edit SplinterCell4.ini manually instead because there are some settings not even adjustable in-game and the resolution selection is very limiting.

Do not use the v-sync in-game either. Instead, you should ensure the game is running on the native refresh rate of your monitor, then cap your FPS to 60. It is likely you have a different native refresh rate such as 144Hz or higher, and the game is running at 60Hz which is not ideal and leads to bad screentearing.

You should either use ThirteenAG's widescreen fix, there's no issues running the game in 16:9. If you still do not want to play in 16:9 for whatever reason, instead use ThirteenAG's D3D9 wrapper, place the d3d9.dll/d3d9.ini in the System directory, inside the d3d9.ini, override the refresh rate set by DirectX and put a FPS cap to 60.

If you install the widescreen fix, make sure to change the FPS cap to 60, by default it is set to 1000 which breaks many things.
Kelex98 Mar 3 @ 2:34pm 
I got two issues (Ubisoft Connect version), one is that whenever I change graphics settings, the screen goes all screwed up, the other is the constant screen tearing despite V-sync being on (I haven’t installed the widescreen fix, because I don’t plan to play the game in 16:9, because of the issues it causes)
S3ntinell Feb 16 @ 3:25am 
Hi, thank for the guide, Im having a small problem still, when I try to do hacking minigame I cant see any numbers its essentially a blank page, I was not able to find a fix online, did anyone encounter this problem before ?