Slime Rancher

Slime Rancher

46 ratings
5-Day Rush Text Guide (v 0.5.1)
By 芋
This is a text only "walkthrough" for the 5-Day Rush mode. This method should allow you to easily clear 100,000 newbucks using only the 8 starter plots, as well as unlocking the 3 associated achievements in the process.
About This Guide
This is a text only guide. I don't really think that it needs anything else, and that is mostly because I will be assuming that you have already played through the game on adventure mode at least past the Moss Blanket and are familiar with the game mechanics.

This guide will detail a method to easily collect well over 100,000 newbucks using only the starting area of the ranch and the 8 plots available there. You can buy additional plots if you want but the approach provided here will focus more on heavily managing those 8 as opposed to expanding out more.

If you are here only for the achievements, then your goal will be to obtain over 50,000 newbucks. Regardless of how quickly you reach that, you will still have to complete the entire run for them to unlock.

There is really only one location we need to visit in this guide, and one route to it. It is the route straight through Dry Reef to the Moss Blanket, skipping over the slime door with the jetpack. It will then take a quick path through the Moss Blanket collecting things and attempt to get you to the one way teleporter back to the ranch with 20 pogofruit, at least 20 honey/boom slimes, and at least 10 mint mangos by around 13:30 or 14:00 on day 1. If you are already able to do that, you might be able to skip that section, but the rest of the guide will assume you have those items.

The amount you are able to collect in this first run will have a very large impact on your score so it is well worth the time to get familiar with the spawns there. When you arrive in an area, slimes will immediately start eating things and everytime it happens to something you wanted, it becomes less useful or useless. Being able to get to what you need quickly is probably the most important part of starting up your ranch, as much of it will not be back for quite a while.

It is for those reasons that I suggest you start a new file of 5-Day Rush mode a few times to familiarize yourself with the route and the initial spawns. Once familiar with them, you should very reliably be able to arrive at the one way teleporter with all of the items listed above in within 5 minutes or so.
5-Day Rush Introduction
5-Day Rush mode begins at 9:00 Day 1 and ends at 12:00 Day 6. At noon on day 6, your game will halt and your final score will be the total Newbucks you have on hand, not the total amount you collected during the game. Any plorts you have in collectors will not be counted.

The important difference in 5-Day Rush is that the plort prices on the market will remain static. There is no incentive to variety so almost all the income will come from one largo. Given the fact that you can currently bypass the Moss Blanket slime door completely, it makes sense to pick two high value slimes from there and merge them. The existence of the mint mango in the area makes honey an obvious choice for one of them since it is its favorite food. The quantity of booms in the area probably makes it the best second choice. The only higher value option in the area is hunter, but there are simply not enough of them.
The Route
Below is a (perhaps too) detailed explanation of the route and the item spawns you will need to get the run started.
  • Starting out at the ranch, there will be 4 pink slimes. Two will be straight ahead of you near the range exchange, one will be to the left directly through the gate, and the last will be in the back right corner near the lab entrance. Quickly pick them all up and then visit the vacpack upgrade station to buy the jetpack. The clock will be stopped when you are in menus, so there is no need to rush there.
  • Exit the ranch to the north and enter the Dry Reef.
  • Continue straight along the path through the first area with slimes and into the second. You can eject the 4 pink slimes you picked up here.
  • Continue straight through the second area along the left side and you should see a path leading through an archway and then down a ramp. You are in the right place if there is a cliff on the left side, from which you can see the first pink gordo.
  • After you pass under the archway, follow the ramp down along the left wall and onto a raised platform on the left. Jump and jetpack over the gap to the pogofruit tree and collect all of the pogofruit you can. Head the opposite direction from where you entered, to the left a little and up a ramp of sand and into a tunnel.
  • Follow this path straight until it drops off. Jump down and take the right path until it opens up to the right, and turn there.
  • You should see a bridge straight ahead. Follow it into the feral area, turn right on the rocks, and continue straight ahead onto a second bridge.
  • Continue along this bridge until it intersects with another to the left. Stop dashing around the intersection, as you will need to use your jetpack soon. Take a left at the intersection and head toward the slime door.
Here is the point we will be using the jetpack to bypass the slime door. In front of the door, you will notice two wooden posts tied together. Also note above the door on the left and right sides, two locations where the rock is slightly lower than the rest. With your energy fully charged, jump and hold jetpack until you reach the peak of its lift. This should be just high enough for you to land on top of the wooden post. With only 100 energy, you will have to wait on this post for it to recharge. Once it finishes, jump and again jetpack up to its peak, and then land on either of the two rock sections noted above to bypass the slime door.

Once inside the Moss Blanket, you might run into random honey or boom slimes in places other than the locations listed here, so be prepared to grab them on the way.
  • Follow the entrance path over to the hollow log and drop down it. Since you were already on top of the slime door, you might as well follow along the top right path and jump the gap, saving you from walking around and up the stairs.
  • After dropping down the log, immediately turn left and go up a small staircase, through what resembles a doorway, and down another small staircase.
  • This is a very large area, but first you want to basically just run in a perfectly straight line across the whole area in the direction you are facing when you enter it. You will be more or less following the left wall, but don't hug it. When a massive tree is in your way, go just slightly right and around it and you should see a rock archway entrance with purple plants on either side.
This is the first critical farming area. Immediately when you enter it, slimes will start spawning above you to the right and along the top part of the back wall. Walk into the area and turn right as soon as you can, and start collecting any boom or honey slimes that fell to the floor. Turn right again and go up a ramp to get up on the ledge where they spawned to collect the rest of them. Across from the ledge is another at the same height with a pogofruit tree that may have slimes on or below it. Once you have those, circle around the center rock/tree pillar and collect the mint mangos along what was the left wall when you entered the area. Look high up directly above where the mangos were to see if any remain on the tree and collect them if so. Circle around the center rock/tree pillar and check to see if you missed anything, as well as collecting any boom or honey slimes that continue to spawn. You don't need to spend long here, once the spawning dies down and you collect everything, move right on to the next.
  • After finishing up in the first farming area, exit the area through the same rock archway you entered it.
  • When you reenter the very large area, take an immediate left and jump up a platform.
  • Take the ramp near the left wall up to the next platform, and walk along the path back toward the center of the area.
  • You should see another pogofruit tree to the left, across from the large log bridge. Collect enough of it to max out your stack.
  • Continue straight, pass by the log bridge, and up two little steps.
  • You will be approaching a drop off into the valley area where the ferals spawn. Instead of dropping down, you should see a fairly obvious location to jump and jetpack across the gap.
  • Continue straight until it drops off again, this time into the second farming area. Entering it this way should give you a slight jump on collecting things.
This is probably the worst farming area, everything has a jump on you and they are already eating when you arrive. There are two mint mango sources here. In the back of the area on a raised platform, there is a tree on the ground. This one seems to most often be already eaten by the time you get to it. Near the exit to this area (not the one leading back through the valley of ferals) there is another mint mango plant growing out of the wall slightly above the ground. From the ledge above, you can get a look at which mango sources are being eaten, and you will have to decide which to rush at first based on what is going on there. Jump down, and collect as many of the most threatened mangos as you can, as well as any honey or boom slimes near it. Then head to the other mango source and do the same. Take one last scan over the area and collect any other honey or boom slimes you see. There probably won't be any slimes spawning here so once that is done, exit the area through a log tunnel ramp upwards.

Immediately when you exit this log, you should see some slimes pop out. Grab up any honey or boom slimes that do, and move through the next log tunnel. On the other side, you'll see a large rock pillar. Toward the top of it are two mango plants, one on the side facing you, and one on the side opposite you. Most of the mangos should have fallen down into the water, and there will be slimes in it as well. Quickly try to collect all the important things out of the water but be cautious about mass vacuuming groups of slimes along with the mangos, as they will eat them if they collide while being pulled in. Once the mangos are collected, grab any other honey or boom slimes in the surrounding area and then cross a wooden plank bridge. Again slimes may be popping up and they may even continue to as you collect them. Grab up all you can and then continue on toward the one way teleporter back to the ranch.

Before teleporting back, you should have 20 pogofruit, at least 10 mangos, and at least 20 honey/boom slimes and at least one of each of the two. It should be around 13:30 to 14:00 of day 1. It is quite possible to have quite a bit more than that, almost maxing out all stacks. If you have significantly less than this, consider starting up a new game and trying again. It is only a 5 minute trip and you might not be able to follow the rest of this guide without them.
Starting up the Ranch
When you arrive back at the ranch, head over to the starter corral. On your way there, eject 19 of the pogofruit out into a neat pile in the center of the ranch. Eject one honey slime into the corral and then shoot the last pogofruit into it. Fire a boom slime near the resulting honey plort and allow it to transform into a largo. Immediately fire a mango into that largo so it will eject 2 of each plort, and then fire a honey slime and two boom slimes next to them, bringing you up to 5 largos.

NOTE: Sometimes, a honey slime you collect will not be hungry. In some situations, that may be the case with all of the ones you collected and none of them will eat the pogofruit. If this happens, throw the pogofruit into the pile with the rest and vacuum up your honey slimes. Fire a boom slime into the corral instead and then look for a nearby hen hen to feed it. Use the resulting boom plort to make your first largo. You should then be able to feed it and continue normally.

It is time to collect some money. Fire a mango into each of the other 4 largos and begin filling your now empty inventory slot with only the boom plorts. You can also begin firing more boom slimes into the corral to merge with the honey plorts. It is ok to leave regular boom slimes in the corral with them, as they will not eat mangos until they transform. You can go ahead and toss some extra mangos into the corral but make sure you save at least 2 to start gardens. In fact, anytime you see using mangos mentioned, understand it to mean "unless you need to save some for at least 2 gardens".

With that setup, they should continue to transform and eat mangos while you head off to sell your boom plorts. At this point, each game is going to start to vary a fair amount based on what you picked up but I will try to cover as many situations as possible.

First off, the build locations. This guide will use only the initial 8 plots, with 4 gardens and 4 corrals. Where you place them will not have a large impact on what you are able to make during the game, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Putting all 4 corrals in the 2x2 plot grid area may seem efficient but it will create a very dangerous zone between them. The piles of largos will inevitably decide to chain explosions for long durations sometimes and it can make getting to the plort collector in the center of it needlessly dangerous or time consuming. I suggest placing two corrals in the plots near the overgrowth due to their proximity to the plort market. One corral is already placed when you start the game. The last corral doesn't matter quite as much, so place it either in the plot closest to the market, or wherever you feel most able to keep track of it.

Buy a garden and plant a mango. If you have enough, buy a second garden and plant another mango. Continue to feed the largos mangos. If you run out, pick up the pile of pogofruit and use them to fill in untill your gardens finish. Continue to collect the plorts that aren't needed by slimes in the corral to transform and sell them when needed. Also continue to add slimes into the corral, keeping in mind that if honey slimes and fruit are in the same corral, they might consume them at a lower profit. Once your first corral has as many largos as you are comfortable with, probably 8 to 12, build a second one and get it started in a similar way to the first.

At this point things start to vary even more. I do not believe any corral upgrades are needed yet, not even high walls. Any largos that escape can be easily tossed back in, and there is nothing around for them to get into trouble with. In this case you will probably be best off adding in the corral upgrades as you feel you need them. The cost of buying the plots is lower than any of their upgrades so it will be most cost effective for you to be using all 8 plots before upgrading them. If you have more slimes, continue to buy and fill corrals. If you have more mangos, continue to plant gardens. As soon as you are filling your inventory stacks, you can buy the first tank booster. Personally I like to buy the first power core early too.

It is likely that you will run out of slimes and fruit before your first tree's mangos are ready. When you run out of things to do, it is time to make a second run out along the route. This time is slightly different though, in terms of what you will want to collect. Definitely collect every honey or boom slime you encounter, but skip the pogofruit. It is likely that you will still have more largos than mangos at this time so a decent sized stack of mangos is a good choice if they happen to be available. There is nothing too significant to fill the last slot with, so perhaps pick up whatever plort stack you can get with the highest value.

When you arrive back at the ranch, add your new slimes to the corrals and buy more if needed. The slimes will probably get what they need to transform from the corral before too long, but especially as they become more crowded, you might need to fire a few plorts at a few slimes manually. Continue to collect plorts that aren't needed by slimes to transform and sell them to fill out all 4 gardens and all 4 corrals, preferably with as few upgrades as you can manage.

Once your first tree matures, you can finally start getting the money for some upgrades. Once all of the mangos on a tree are fully grown, remove the crop and replant it. There are two reasons for this. Most importantly, the time it takes to regrow mangos after they just matured is over twice as long as the time it takes to grow from being planted. Also, as an added bonus, it will drop them all to the ground and save a decent amount of time vacuuming them up each time. Just make sure they are all fully grown first, any that aren't will be removed with the crop. Doing this is critical to fully saturating the initial 8 plots.

If the largos are getting difficult to manage, you can start your upgrading there. If they are escaping too often, get high walls right away. When it starts to become too difficult to collect the plorts in the corral with them, start on the plort collectors. Whenever you are ok with how the corrals are doing, get the gardens fully upgraded with sprinklers and nutrient soil.

If you have followed along up to this point, you'll have a good enough start on the run to just stay at the ranch developing it to easily clear 50,000 newbucks. However, if you would like to try to make as much as you can, you can keep making occassional trips out to get more honey and boom slimes. The corrals can contain 20 or more largos each, provided you use the pulse wave to shuffle them around (see the Corral section for details). You could always expand to another area as well, but personally I have found that if you fully saturate all 8 plots (including removing the crops instead of harvesting them) you should be kept quite busy just micromanaging them. Once you have all 4 gardens fully upgraded and all 4 corrals with 15 or 20 largos in them, there should be enough to do to leave little downtime.

That concludes the "walkthrough" section of the guide. However, if you are interested in optimizing the mode, below you will likely find a few tips to give you a good start on it.
Corral Management
Using the previously detailed method of removing and replanting trees each time they have fruit, you should be producing over double what 4 gardens normally would if the fruit was simply vacuumed off. Using the route suggested here, you should also have plenty of largos to eat them. However, the problem still exists of getting all of them to eat as much as they can, and as the corrals get more crowded, it becomes increasingly difficult for each of the individual largos to reach the food they require. If there are mangos in the corral, even if they are in the center or on top of the pile of largos, it still doesn't mean that none of them are able to eat it.

Luckily, the pulse wave can easily push or shuffle the pile of largos and mangos. By the time it becomes available to you, you should already have high walls and plort collectors on the corrals and hopefully air nets as well. Without them, shuffling the pile could be messy.

To feed the largos, fire a few mangos into the front largos directly, and then a few into the back wall of the corral. You can jump or even jetpack and fire slightly downward into the pile to attempt to hit the center of it. Approach the front line of largos and use the pulse wave to push them back, firing mangos into any exposed largos that were previously unreachable. You can strafe to another side of the corral and push them again to further shuffle them. Do not worry about firing way too many mangos into the pile. All the shuffling should cause any extra mangos to roll to the edge where you can easily collect them while the largos are pushed to the opposite side.

If there are a lot of plorts mixed in with the largos, hit the button on the plort collector and the largos should be dragged into the corner with them. Then, use the pulse wave to push them all back to the opposite corner. Fire some mangos at the newly exposed part of the pile and/or collect any mangos in the empty corner and if enough of them ate you can repeat. The more they get shifted around, the more loose mangos will get eaten. You can then use the plort collector to draw them back in for a push.

If you have to recharge your energy you can use the time to empty the plort collectors, which should be right next to you. The plort collectors should even out the collection process such that it won't matter when you empty them as long as they aren't full. However, keep in mind that 5-Day Rush will end suddenly at 12:00 on day 6, and any unsold plorts will not be counted.
Vacpack Upgrades
I doubt I need to mention it but this route does not work without the jetpack. Beyond that, nothing is strictly needed, though some of it will be worth buying whether you're optimizing or not. Below are my suggestions but you shouldn't have many troubles unlocking the achievements regardless of which you choose.
  • You don't need the water tank. If it helps improve the run in some way I am unaware of it.
  • You don't need the air drive or the dash boots. The dash boots might pay for themselves in saved time, you'll have to make the call based on your situation.
  • The pulse wave is very important to the feeding methods I describe, so if you intend to follow that I would suggest buying it as soon as it becomes available.
  • Buy as much health as you feel comfortable with. Strictly speaking, any health that doesn't save you from being knocked out was a waste but not nearly as much as a lost day.
  • The first power core is an easy recommendation, in fact you might want it before you head out the second time. The extra dash will shave a bit off your trips and even help out a bit at the ranch but more importantly, you will likely want a lot of energy when you are able to purchase the pulse wave.
  • Tank boosters should also pay for themselves, especially considering toward the end of the game, almost half of what you'll be doing is transporting plorts to the market.
Last days and Conclusion
At some point, you will have enough largos to eat all of the mangos that grow. You can use any small amount of downtime to collect extra mangos from the side of the corrals opposite the plort collectors and feed it back in where needed. Other than that, it should pretty much take all of your time just to collect the mangos and replant, to cycle around the largos and feed them, and to turn in all the plorts. The return on anything you add to the ranch will only diminish as you get closer to the end so at least some portion of it will be exclusively the above activities.

Lastly, just be conscious of the time during the last few hours. Not only is it important to make sure every plort gets sold but you don't really need to care about the state of the ranch at that point. For example, there is no need to even replant the last time you harvest each tree.

While writing this guide, I went through 5-Day Rush mode two full times (several more partially), with the highest of the two scores being 154,349. The run wasn't particularly lucky or mistake-free and I am positive it can be taken quite a but further on just the original 8 plots. For example, I think the corrals could have easily held more largos as long as they are being shuffled around with the pulse wave. A build with only 2 or 3 corrals could have 6 or 5 gardens respectively and probably could have held at least the amount of largos that I had. Feel free to let me know in the comments if you have any success with other 8-plot builds.

Thank you for reading the guide, and I hope it helps on your quest to 200k.
Percussigant Feb 18, 2018 @ 4:30pm 
An interesting and efficient strategy. I unlocked the achievements with the jetpack as my first purchase, pink gordo bursting to access the Indigo quarry, oca oca gardens and rad/crystal largos.
Cydrea Oct 19, 2017 @ 11:40pm 
I think hunter-honey largos will be a better choice. you can collect some chicken to feed feral hunter largos and get hunter plort. this will provide more profit than boom-honey largos. furthermore, feeding a new-created feral hunter-honey slime can provide you with its plort, allowing you to create a corral of hunter-honey largos from a single hunter plort.
Intensepastaman Oct 8, 2017 @ 9:21am 
hope this works :)
Nerdwiz Sep 3, 2017 @ 6:01pm 
you can fit a LOT of largos in a corral with an air net and hi walls, i used 2 of these with 18 in each and 6 farms:happycubelet:
Seigneur Necron Aug 9, 2017 @ 3:35pm 
Very good guide, scored 170 800 on first try, thank you :)
fghyr456 Jul 11, 2017 @ 4:22pm 
Usefull guide hit 50 k at day 3, 22:30. Few tips from observation after you return from 2nd trip and set up all 8 plots you should consider upgrading gardens with fertile ground asap and then head on for 3rd trip IF your corrals dont have around 15 of largos each (most of the time you wont and thats fine), also i didnt have pulse wave nor airnets. Pulse wave is kind of optional in my opinion, my method of feeding was efficient enough with 14 mangos for every corral(one mango for replanting) and around 15 largos in each, also airnets wont benefit you as much, because you are constantly on ranch and if occasionaly one largo,mango or few plorts jump out of corral you can pick them and place them back. Just my few points to increase your ods. :happy_creep:
Blubber Nibble Jul 3, 2017 @ 11:29am 
On the part where it gets really detailed, without any images it gets kinda confusing when you can't really remember every exact detail of the place on the mental map :/.