34 ratings
Beating the game with keyboard
By Easy Target
Here is script which translates WASD keys to mouse moves.
Step 1: Download autoit3[] from its site and install it.

Step 2: Create your script (RMB->Create->Autoit v3 script), Copy/Paste text below and save it.

#include <Misc.au3>
while 1
if _IsPressed("57") Then ;W key
$temp = MouseGetPos()
MouseMove($temp[0], $temp[1] - 1)
if _IsPressed("41") Then ;A key
$temp = MouseGetPos()
MouseMove($temp[0] - 1, $temp[1])
if _IsPressed("53") Then ;S key
$temp = MouseGetPos()
MouseMove($temp[0], $temp[1] + 1)
if _IsPressed("44") Then ;D key
$temp = MouseGetPos()
MouseMove($temp[0] + 1, $temp[1])

Step 3: Run this script (F5) and beat the game with keyboard.
ZSST Nov 4, 2017 @ 9:08am 
I'm better off using mouse keys with Alt+Shift+NumLock and numpad keys, than executing some shady script from the internet. :angryofficer:
Plus mouse keys lets you adjust the speed, acceleration and use Ctrl and Shift for more on-the-fly speed control, and it goes diagonally too.
B0wser998 Jul 16, 2017 @ 2:06pm 
or.. just play the game normal way, 100% completed in just 19 minutes, it's not THAT hard.
Лис Капиталист Apr 27, 2017 @ 7:35am 

Shift + Alt + Num lock > Enter

and use Num pad keys
Master Dr. of the Big Game Hunt Apr 26, 2017 @ 9:24pm 
about to say alt tab and 6 min later and i have every achievement thanks
Shrodu Apr 26, 2017 @ 6:55pm 
Tip for diagonals. Lylat told me a friend of his told him.

"alt tab and just hold alt so the preview tab thing is still on your screen
then move it to where you want to go

Thing is, this requires good short-term memory. Move your mouse into the safe space (that you know for sure is safe.
harlequen2 Apr 17, 2017 @ 7:27pm 
YAY! Thank You so much, from the bottom of My heart :oheart: I finally figured it out, it may have worked earlier, but didn't this of putting My Mouse curser on the ball, Duh :steamfacepalm: Wouldn't have 100% the game without Your help, Bless You :y_star::y_star::y_star:
harlequen2 Apr 17, 2017 @ 5:37pm 
Thank You for taking Your time to post this, I tried it out and spend a lot of time on it, but since I'm computer Illiterate, I couldn't get it to work. Had to play this painful game with mouse, took Me a long time, and still miss 3 Ach. that I can't get since the Level 4 & 5 are glitchy. Wish that someone could explain how to do this Autoit to Me, so that I can get the last 3 Ach.
Menin Gate Apr 15, 2017 @ 5:24am 
you are a genius
Boyd Apr 14, 2017 @ 10:42am 
ty Bro :y_star: