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Map Creator Tools : Separate Coop Partners
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2012 年 8 月 18 日 上午 10:04
2012 年 8 月 22 日 下午 3:55

Map Creator Tools : Separate Coop Partners

在 Geneosis 的 1 个合集中
Map Creator Tools
46 件物品
The Map Creator Tools collection is a list of the demo/showcase maps I made and I found. No puzzle or challenge here! This collection will only contain maps showing mechanisms usefull for map creators and usually hidden to the player. Feel free to use them in your own maps!

I played a few coop chambers for now and the main problem for map developpers is at the beginning : How to separate the 2 players? So I decided to present here some ways to make sure each player is in a different place of the map ;)
I found the first (and probably the best) way to separate the players in zpeedphreek's B.C.T.
I improvised the others myself ^^
7 条留言
Geneosis  [作者] 2012 年 8 月 22 日 下午 4:21 
Map updated! Try to subscribe to it again if that was not working the first time ^^ Now it should work perfectly ;)
Geneosis  [作者] 2012 年 8 月 20 日 上午 4:02 
Yep, I can do that if you want ^^
Geneosis  [作者] 2012 年 8 月 19 日 上午 11:35 
Well I just updated it because I did some errors at the end (and forgot a goo pit :p)
cyron43 2012 年 8 月 19 日 上午 11:27 
It loads now.
Geneosis  [作者] 2012 年 8 月 19 日 上午 11:14 
Well, for some reasons... I just published the map again ant it worked! I can subscribe to my own map! :p Can you try to subscribe again please?
Geneosis  [作者] 2012 年 8 月 19 日 上午 2:43 
Well here the idea is to find an other map creator freind, or just to play it with me X)
Also this is part of the new pack of bugs brought by the coop update : Some maps just don't want to be added in the playlist any more -_- And some others simply dissapeared from the list... I sent a bug report to Valve about that, hope they will fix it soon...
cyron43 2012 年 8 月 18 日 下午 3:59 
Hi Geneosis,
1. the map won't show up in my game.
2. For studying purposes it would be better to have the peti file, so I could play it myself using F9 in Peti. That way I wouldn't have to bother some friend who would only stand around while I study the techniques. Is there a way to get that file?