203 valoraciones
Icons in map / Map icons
Por ZateFeto
This guide is to explain you what are these icons that are in your map tab for

This is basically Enemy Preparedness in each category

Useful topic?
Fulton Response:-

Enemies will try to shoot the balloons down and their preparedness only increase if they notice their guys getting fultoned, So as the Fulton preparedness increase the faster they will shoot the Fulton the second they see it.
Headshot Response:-

Helmets will be more common starting first with the normal helmets that doesn't protect the face then full faced helmets depending how often you head-shot them, So the more you shoot them in the face .. the more and better helmets they will use.
There are 3 types of helmets :-
1- Bucket helmet that only covers the top of the head (only takes 1 shot to destroy it)
2- Higher head helmet which covers top of the head and surrounds the face (1 direct shot between the eyes can take him out)
3- Full defensive helmet which covers all of the head and face (can take several bullets to warn off)
Covert Actions Response:-

Depends on how often you being stealthy which means more cameras, directional mines and decoys, So the more you play stealthy .. the more they will place cameras, directional mines and decoys.
Combat Response:-

The more you end up in a fight with the enemies the heavier weaponry they will have and armor along with shields. also tranquilizing enemies in the body will also make em wear body armor then Full Riot Armor more often.
Night Response:-

The more you play at night the enemy will eventually use flashlights to NVG, So the more you play at night .. the more flashlights and NVG gear will appear.
Sniper Response:-

The more sniper based attacks you and Quiet do to the enemy, the more enemy snipers there will be.
Other information that the game doesn't tell you about:-
The more you use gas based grenades, sleeping traps, smoke grenades, sleep attacks from air support and the and LLG mines the enemy will swap their helmets for gas masks.
Gas masks = weaker than helmets = easier head-shots

Game mechanics is constantly countering your play style (that's a good way to encourage you to try different approaches unless you are trying to achieve a curtain quest in a specific mission)
18 comentarios
HollywoodBigBoss 15 ABR a las 19:10 
You're pretty good.
rabbit hole 18 OCT 2023 a las 12:59 
fytogili, with all due respect
fytogili 9 AGO 2023 a las 4:57 
''That's a good way to encourage you to try different approaches unless you are trying to achieve a curtain quest in a specific mission''

No i dont think i will and if helmets are a continues issue for some, theres 2 magnum snipers and 4-5 antimaterial snipers to choose from. 1 bullet is enough to instakill headshot a juggernaut with his helmet on. Btw the DSA and the SVD are technically DMRs. Also half the weapons are chambered wrong
The_Generous_Villain 8 ABR 2022 a las 7:19 
I always wondered... Well, thank you.
Communist John F. Kennedy 2 MAR 2018 a las 20:08 
i have never seen a camera in this game. and i have over 300 hours.
Chickenwithabazooka 18 FEB 2018 a las 22:49 
In 157 hours I never even thought about this. Thanks.
sotamies 1 MAY 2017 a las 6:09 
Does it count as stealth, if i just kill everyone with a mortar and nobody knows where i am? it goes for support helicopters and artillery strikes
sotamies 1 MAY 2017 a las 3:42 
Thx for information, i have already noticed that about 40-50% of enemies i encounter have vests, but helmets and shields are already starting to disappear.
sotamies 30 ABR 2017 a las 10:05 
Also, does anyone know s it possible to encounter/find an APC or Tank while in free roam?
sotamies 30 ABR 2017 a las 9:57 
Like... do i just, sneak all the time and if someone sees me, tranquilize them, without anyone noticing, or do i let 1 enemy see something like... tranquilized person?