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How to not ruin MGSV for yourself
De about 47 t-rexes
MGSV was my first MGS game. It was great, but there were a few mistakes I made that really hurt my experiance. Learn from me so your playthrough can be epic.
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Dont go to the Metal Gear Wiki
Being a newcomer to the Metal gear series, there where a lot of things that didn't make sense to me. I always went to game's associated wikis previously, so i did the same thing here. That was a huge mistake.
There are no spoiler warnings in that wiki, or at least not enough. The biggest plot twist of the game was spoiled for me on an innocent article about Pequot, the helicopter pilot of all things. No spoiler warning or anything. If you want to learn more about the series find a spoiler free guide or something, but avoid the Wiki.
The hospital section is weird, but just go with it.
During the hospital section, a lot of stuff happens very fast and seemingly without reason. Just go with it and play through it; it's meant to be confusing. Don't look up who the man on fire is or who Ishmael is, or anything like that. You're not supposed to know yet; Everything will be explained eventually.
There will be a part where you enter your name. Just enter your real name. it will come back eventually. There is also a part where you create a character. It seems out of place, but put some effort into it and do it well, like you would in Skyrim or something. It's important, trust me. Don't just pick a preset and call it good.
Basically, dont look too hard into it.
You dont need to be an expert in the games lore to enjoy it or even understand it. Look up as little as you can, and don't go look up every little question you have. Most things that you need to know will be explained in the game in time. Just go out there, and let the legend come back to life.
45 commentaires
f.ultron 23 mai à 8h05 
what's the point of this guide?
Boreal 10 mai à 17h39 
Also dont kill the mute chick. i somehow did my frist playthough and missed a good section of the game because of it
RunForRest 1 sept. 2022 à 8h00 
Just enter ur real name... jea sure ofc... internet users these days :steamfacepalm:
Spike Rose 25 juin 2022 à 13h03 
Listen to the tapes while walking around Mother Base when you want some down time, and don't worry about not S-ranking the missions right away.
The Abyssal Void 1 sept. 2021 à 12h00 
instructions unclear: I have played many of the previous games and already know who everyone is
DELIBRIUM 2 aout 2021 à 13h19 
listen to some tapes now and then that seems to help (if you played the old games)
pickyroman 1 aout 2021 à 1h26 
TL;DR Just don't have any expectations
Evil Tim 27 juil. 2021 à 8h08 
Instructions unclear, got dick caught in ceiling fan.
AwildCrow 25 juil. 2021 à 14h28 
I looked at the wiki :(
GlitchyReal 20 juil. 2021 à 21h46 
This is a good mentality going into most games, honestly.