Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

82 ratings
Tranquility Lane Failsafe Code
By Sonny
This guide will show you how to complete Tranquility Lane quickly and gain Karma from it.
Once you get far enough in the main quest, you will come to a point where you have to enter the Tranquility Lane simulation. There are two solutions to this quest, you can either do what Betty tells you to do or you can activate a failsafe that will skip everything.

Following Betty’s instructions will not only take a while but you will also lose a lot of Karma for doing so. Activating the simulation’s failsafe will let you complete the quest in just a couple of minutes as well as giving you Good Karma. To activate the failsafe after arriving in Tranquility Lane, begin by standing up from the bench you spawned on and heading to the first house on your left.

Activating the Failsafe
Once inside the abandoned house, you will see a bunch of items lying around the room, a glass bottle, gnome, cinder block, glass pitcher and a radio. Activating each of these objects will play a different musical note. To activate the failsafe, a certain order of notes is required to play.

The sequence is:
  • Radio
  • Pitcher
  • Gnome
  • Pitcher
  • Cinder Block
  • Gnome
  • Bottle
The sequence of notes that plays when activating the objects in this order is a reference to the song that plays in Tranquility Lane. After activating the objects in the correct order a terminal will phase into existence against the wall. Interact with the terminal, activate the Chinese invasion program and read the Failsafe Program Documentation before initiating the Chinese Invasion Failsafe.

The Aftermath
After exiting the abandoned house, Chinese soldiers will begin to spawn inside the Tranquility Lane simulation and start killing the residents and, in the middle of the street, a mysterious door will phase into existence. Going through this door will teleport you back to Vault 112, out of the simulation and complete the quest.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, be sure to rate up and check out my other guides for more Fallout 3 knowledge!

Mods Used
DC Moods[www.nexusmods.com]
Full Colour Tranquility Lane[www.nexusmods.com]
NMC’s Texture Pack[www.nexusmods.com]
pointcastle Jun 5, 2024 @ 9:23pm 
Hi everyone, the sequence actually relates to the happy jingle you initially hear when you enter the simulation. You'll hear it whistled. When an item is interacted with, it relates to a certain tone of the motif / jingle. Piece them together to sound like the jingle and it will open!
Gordon Ramaswamy May 9, 2024 @ 11:17am 
Thanks a lot
Valerie May 1, 2024 @ 8:07am 
VERY late comment, but is this sequence ever hinted to be found? Any lore terminals/data tapes that help the player to find this sequence? Or was this just found by random guessing?
Crazycats Feb 25, 2023 @ 9:30am 
How are you supposed to come to the puzzles conclusion naturally? I ended up guessing once I heard a buzz being wrong.
Redtrooper29 Nov 14, 2022 @ 12:39pm 
Thanks for the help!
sdoriginal18 Aug 30, 2022 @ 8:21pm 
I figured this out fairly quickly on my first run through I was so ecstatic! Glad I am better than I was as a kid cause I could never even get past megaton back then. This game is great.
Guy-flee-air-E Jan 13, 2021 @ 12:51pm 
do u now what the id code is for no target
Commandertoblow Jul 20, 2019 @ 9:43am 