Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

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How to Vanguard
By John Doe
One of many ways to make the most of the Vanguard Class in Chivalry
The Vanguard
So you've chosen the Vanguard as your class to battle, The Vanguard is potentially the easiest class to get used to as his long ranged weapons give you the advantage in the majority of engagements as any attempt to approach you can be dealt with swiftly by a well dragged swing BUT... This is no longer how you often see the vanguard used anymore.

Nowadays the vanguard is often employed by players who just cannot be arsed to understand the games mechanincs and insist on swinging through as many teammates as possible all for 1 lousy kill (the points they never earn because they just killed two friendly archers and a knight) This is toxic behaviour and expect to get kicked if you play like this

Ostrogoth2299 Oct 17, 2022 @ 3:56pm 
Best pone