The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Skooma fo' ReElZ
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Feb 8, 2012 @ 8:47pm
Feb 9, 2012 @ 5:15am
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Skooma fo' ReElZ

Makes Skooma more like a real narcotic by: increasing your stamina, increasing your one- and two-handed weapon efficiency, paralysing you, slowly depleting your health, and adding a chance to become addicted, which stops your health and stamina from regenerating and lowers your Lockpick skill by 10.. Also makes Enthir at the College of Winterhold sell Skooma.
alex5927  [author] Sep 12, 2012 @ 2:26pm 
@Ka3m0n, #1: It's not exactly supposed to mirror real world addiction, and #2: I confirm the penalties.
Ka3m0n Sep 6, 2012 @ 9:21am 
Based on how I'm currently reading the description, once the player is flagged as "addicted", their health and stamina will never regenerate again. ???
Ka3m0n Sep 6, 2012 @ 9:14am 
Can anyone confirm if the addiction penalties (no health or stamina regen) are mollified by taking more skooma? Ideally, to mirror a real-world addiction, skooma would initially provide big bonuses immediately after taking it and result in small penalties afterwards. Over time the immediate bonuses would get smaller and last a shorter amount of time (eventually none) and the penalties would get bigger and linger longer until the player was drinking skooma simply to avoid the penalties. Withdrawal penalties should begin manifesting after x time and build like the hunger mods do.

I'm just describing my idea of the ideal mod but I'm interested in knowing how this mod works if someone can please clarify. Thanks. :)
Orvell Pendragon Jul 19, 2012 @ 5:41pm 
.sweet skooma addiction
Lorkhan Jul 14, 2012 @ 12:25pm 
ok, serious addiction then. thanks for the info and really good mod by the way
alex5927  [author] Jul 14, 2012 @ 11:45am 
I don't think addiction ever goes away, I couldn't find a way to make a potion that fixes it and the addiction is the same as any addiction in FNV, it stays forever... If you really want it to go away, uncheck the mod in data files, load the game, save the game, quit the game, and recheck the mod. That's all I can tell you. Or, you could just keep using Skooma...
Lorkhan Jul 14, 2012 @ 10:49am 
pk, give us the info as soon as possible =)
alex5927  [author] Jul 14, 2012 @ 10:20am 
Addiction Q: IDK.
Health/Stam regen Q: IDK.
It's been months since Iworked on this, so i have no idea. However, I do know that the addiction is the only addiction in the Creation Kit, so I would check there. It shouldn't take but fifteen minutes to dl max, on the worst internet connection in the world.
Lorkhan Jul 4, 2012 @ 11:27am 
love this mod, it makes the drug... well, like a drug^^ the only thing is yeah, for how long does the addiction last, and how does one cure it?
F_ERAL Jul 3, 2012 @ 8:27pm 
How long does the lack of health/stam regen last?