Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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v.2 Comprehensive Tips to Win Rounds Like a God
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In this guide, we'll be looking to boost your contribution to your team by helping you clutch rounds and outsmart the enemy. Intended both for beginner and advanced players.

To previous readers, this guide has undergone extensive revisions and further elaboration.

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The Hall of the Greats
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Rugs, hanging tall from the balconies, tenuously swing from side to side. An awoken breeze from behind you scuttles down the old, languid hallway, carrying with it the frail scent of olive tree leaves burnt the night before. Two men sleep in the corner of the bazaar, heads touching. A woman is flapping an elaborate rug, with intricate lacings of crimson and orange, fitted with a centered diamond.

Foreign whispers surround you, and there, as you step softly into the glow of the sunlight, the glittering dust shakes away from you, and to the far west, there is a door that hangs ajar.

Welcome to the Hall of the Greats.
0. Immersion
Debussy, Satie, Faure, Ravel, and Saint Saens
For immersion.
1. Introduction: Calculate Your Risks and Reviewing Your Gameplay
All which is beautiful and noble is the result of reason and calculation. As well as clutching rounds.

Immediately upon being put forth into a clutch round, an experienced and cunning player will subconsciously track enemy positions and determine the course of least resistance. Understanding which kills are safe to attempt and which kills should be your greatest priority is a mark of a decent player.

Calculate which noobs you can eliminate.

In addition, one should also consider that some rounds have such a high risk that it is sometimes better to concede the round to your opponent and rather attempt to save your weapons to alleviate your economy. This can give you an advantage in the long run. As a CT, when A Site is on lockdown by T's in a 5v1, with little time to spare, it is better to set yourself in a position to get some easy pickoffs from a safe location rather than commit to failed cause. Another factor in determining whether or not to save comes with a candid self-assessment of your own ability.

Learning first the concepts which competitive game revolve around is key to risk management as well. Make sure you remember how long you have until the bomb explodes, as well as your own vulnerability.

Never ever second-guess yourself. This is the killer. Your mind will outplay you faster than your opponent will outplay you if you think too much. Even more, never let your teammates make you second guess yourself. Regardless of the experience of other players which you play with, remember that there will always be a value in your own interpretation of a round's success. Playing with confidence immensely increases your ability to clutch out tense rounds.

Some cheeky loudmouths aren't worth consideration.

Although to be the contrarian, there is a tangible value in considering other players' remarks, but more often than not this received criticism will not come in detail, or in kind, charming words atop a sweet cherry voice, but rather a vague, sarcastic anger. Clearly, this criticism isn't worth much, especially since other cantankerous players you play with will generally be at your level, and will not have any greater intellectual assessment when it comes to clutching rounds either. This is why playing with a set group of people, or a premade is much more constructive.

Regardless, after a round is completed, especially one with high-stakes, take the time to consider what you did wrong, but only after a game is completed. It is often better to bounce ideas off other people who are at a higher skill level than you. Reviewing demos can really help improve your gameplay.

Voo made an exceptional video on reviewing demos and it can be found here.

2. The Numbers Game
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Your numbers are extremely relevant to whether or not you can win a round. Sometimes, regardless of what you do, the abundance of the enemy and your scarcity of teammates will already mandate the outcome of the round. You can do everything right when it comes to positioning and taking the correct angles, but a great number of enemies can always overwhelm.

Specific scenarios will always have other considerations, but a large component if this will be the number of your teammates and the number of your enemies. Here are two basic categories of the scenarios which will occur. This will hopefully serve as a decent outline. Of course, if there is no advantage on either side, it is generally worth attempting to retake.

With numbers advantage:
As a CT, look to consolidate your member and don't split across the map, as this can help T's regain an advantage because even a 4v4 means that T's will have an advantage over the CT's. Go for trades (meaning kill an enemy after he peeks and kills your teammate). Always consider that you can have one person defuse and someone else watch over him. Gathering information, meaning learning about where enemies are located, are key to trading efficiently and abusing post-plant positions. Sometimes, like B Site in Dust 2, even if it is a 5v4 or 4v3 in your favor, depending on your economy, it is better to save since it is a difficult site to take.

As a T, aim to go for aggressive trades if possible. Always be willing to entry-frag or trade when attacking a site. New players don't do this will find themselves sudden at a disadvantage because they are coming into a site one by one instead of in pairs. When it is evident that the bomb will explode, chase for CT's to stunt their economy unless you have an AWP or your team economy is also weak. Generally, it is okay to die in an attempt to kill a saving enemy because the bomb plant will grant a good amount of money in combination with winning the round.

Without numbers advantage:
If you lose CT's early into a round, before a site is taken fully under the control of the T's, look to relieve this stunting by playing more aggressive and committing to more picks. This may be counter-intuitive, but it is important to regain the lead by pushing tunnels, for example, on Dust 2 and getting a couple frags, because, without a numbers advantage, you will always be at a much lower chance of winning the round. As a CT, always consider saving. When a bombsite is under control by the T's, have your team look for picks around the bombsite. If you can't get any kills, or your team member gets picked off, having a method of backing out safely without losing any other members in the process. In lower ranks, CT's can still have a decent chance in taking the round, but in higher echelons, T's that trade efficiently can maintain their advantage because they won't be caught out as easily.

As a T, it is generally worth attempting to go for a round almost all the time (unless you have an AWP) even if the odds are considerably stacked against your favor since there will generally be a net loss when it comes to saving instead of killing CT's. This is because saving as a T gives 0 dollars when the round ends, whereas killing a CT with a decent amount of gear and dying will equate to a higher contribution to the team. Remember that taking a site under your control will also put you at advantage, as you will have superior angles to play with.
3. Positioning and Angles

What you can see; what they can see

Another important factor in the outcome of rounds is positioning and angles.

There are hundreds of angles which you can abuse to surprise your enemies, and this will come naturally as you develop as a player, but to speed up this process, it is good to do some steady research on every map to improve your gameplay.

There are several types of angles/positions.

The crossfire is when two players set up similar lines of sight in order to trade efficiently and overwhelm someone attacking the site. This can certainly help you gain the advantage. Having your teammate coordinate with you in this situation is very important.

The headshot angles are very important because they help equal the playing field. When you are low in health, use headshot angles if possible, since the enemy will have to hit you in the head, it will be as if you were full health. Being in the open with low HP means that the enemy can just hit you in the body and kill you immediately. An example of a headshot angle is Generator (aka Headshot) on Cache's B Site.

Multi-angle positions are positions in a bombsite where you can peeking from several different angles in the same spot, allowing you to be unpredictable. These are crucial and should be utilized by both CT's and T's. Examples of this are New Box on Inferno's B Site or Triple or Default on Mirage's A Site. They will make it difficult to attack the site, slowing down the attack and allowing for other teammates to rotate/peek and help you.

Boost angles can be achieved by boosting, or stacking yourself on top of another teammate (sometimes multiple) to gain an advantage and surprise the enemy. Generally, this also creates a headshot angle. These positions can be created everywhere but can give more risk than reward depending on the usage.

Lastly, in contrast to multi-angle positions are "one and done" angles/positions. These positions practically guarantee that you will be able to get a kill, but they can generally be used only once before the enemy team begins to check that angle, and it is likely that you will die after getting a single kill if the enemy knows how to trade. Although they cannot be abused (you will put yourself in jeopardy) and are generally used by CT's only, they are important because they slow down the enemy by making them check these "one and done" angles in the future.
4. Using Grenades

Check your angle before throwing your nade.

With a healthy economy, it is almost always a certainty that you should be purchasing a full set of grenades (two flashes, one HE, one smoke OR two flashes, one smoke, one molotov OR one flash, one smoke, one molotov, one grenade).

When using grenades, keep in mind that you are committing resources that should help you gain an advantage, whether it be buying timing or dealing some nade damage to the enemy, and not merely thrown at the whim for no reason. However, at the same time, one should look to utilize all grenades by the end of the round, since there can be no telling when you die.

Pacing your grenade usage is important, because in the late stage of the round, being starved of grenades because you used them too early can also be a detriment to your odds of winning the round.

Many new players often use their flashes without committing to them. Although this has some use in buying time, this is generally a waste. Learn to use flashes to blind the enemy and then immediately follow up to go for a kill. If done right, this will provide you a free opportunity to get a kill, and if you miss, it is likely you can return to cover or escape without any repercussions.

Molotovs are highly valuable in the late game and should not be ignored. They can be utilized to buy more time and prevent CT's from defusing the round, but can also be used to flush T's or CT's from their positions and put them in open.

Everyone has probably died by being caught naked because you were pulling at a grenade and were unable to retaliate when an enemy peeked you. This mistake is very common for new players because they lack an understanding of when they are vulnerable. The key to using grenades is using them at times where it is very unlikely an enemy will peek you. Before throwing a grenade at a location (unless it is at the beginning of the round as a CT), make sure to do some bait-peeks to see if the enemy is there before throwing the grenade.

Learn to create binds for all types of grenades as well. It helps save time and helps you manage your grenades in a more efficient manner which can be a factor to helping you win the round.
5. Playing with a Premade

Aim to become a leader over the sheeple, like my homie over here. THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE.

Playing with a premade puts you at an inherent advantage. Here's why.

When you play with a premade, you develop an understanding of each players' strengths and weaknesses and you can play better -- because in a game full of uncertainties, the more you can make certain (how your teammate will play, if he will trade you, if he will peek, if he won't, if he will throw a grenade, etc.) the more likely you will be able to win a game.

Even if you are a new player, creating a premade helps foster key aspects of communication and teamplay, like knowing what to call and coordinating smokes. This can be used later on when you are playing alone. Especially when playing with better players in a premade, seek to follow their advice and learn based on their criticism of your gameplay (which there will always be) and actively make them help you.

Playing with a premade makes watching demos more effective because it becomes easier to see in addition not only how to improve your individual ability but also see how your play integrates (or doesn't integrate) into your team.

Those who are more advanced should look to develop leadership skills. Developing your confidence alongside your leadership skills grants you a better understanding of how teamplay works in general. Once you learn how to manage your team, this can be applied to also understanding how another team works. You will gain insight on how teams in general operate, and you can use that to your advantage when playing against your opponent. You will be able to, on the whim, construct a decent strategy for a certain situation.

Although you can develop the abovementioned as an individual, working with a premade, whereby you can bounce ideas off with our teammates will be much faster.
6. Weapons and Economy

Drop weapons for your homies.

Like grenades, weapons can also help you win rounds and should be worth considering.

From the moment enter the game, make sure that everyone spends a uniform amount. Make decisions from the beginning of each round based on the economy of the team, as well as the economy of the other team. Traditionally, there are 4 riflers and 1 awper, but there are exceptions to be made depending on the map played. For example, on Dust 2, awps are more common because of the long range engagements that are available across the map. Remember that weapons are directly tied to the economy.

Your playstyle, if you are clever, should be based on the weapons that you have. For example, awpers must realize that they are more likely to be punished if they miss their shots, and should use their distance accordingly, whereas those who rifle can mow down several enemies without pause.

Always look for weapons and pick up awps, rifles, etc. at the end of the round if you won. Always drop for your teammates when everyone needs to have rifles. Never buy a weaker weapon if you know a teammate can drop you -- ask them first, and only buy yourself if your teammate refuses to buy for you (worst cast scenario).

Being at an advantage means playing a more safe role across the map because giving enemies an expensive weapon can be a huge advantage to the previously disadvantaged enemy team. Knowing that the enemy is at a disadvantage means not exposing yourself to a situation where you die without being traded because the enemy will then attempt to retrieve your weapon. Chasing your enemy near the end of the round is also important to continue to oppress the enemy's economy.

Being put at a disadvantage urges creativity when using the economy. When you are poor, it is often better to save if the T's have the site, as touched on before. It is not worth the risk to retake a site. It is also important that during the early stage of rounds that CT's rush a certain point as a team or stack a site, which can help balance the odds. The goal when your economy is at a disadvantage is to find a greater weapon and recycle it within the team. Additionally, you can use the juggernaut strategy, whereby one person in the team is a juggernaut and either buys or is given a rifle/awp to get some picks. If they die, a team member should be nearby to trade or pick up the weapon (this is called recycling) and continue to get picks. Forcing as a T is also an option, especially when the CT's are also at a fragile position economy-wise.

In a pistol round, T's should aim to quickly take a site before CT rotation and rush. An option is always available to attempt to overwhelm the site using glock spam. Jumping across corners where an enemy could be watching is a common method used to survive first contact. If the entry fragger survives first contact the round becomes much easier because CT's will likely have to reload and the team can swarm the site. Swarming generally the traditional method because glocks have poor long range accuracy and they cannot one-shot, though if a team is properly coordinated a slow play can also be possible.

In a pistol round, CT's should look to play angles which they can shoot and then fall back, and continue to do so, giving themselves the most opportunities to get a kill before the enemy potentially overwhelms the site. Consider having one player purchase a defuse kit in the case of the need for a retake. Without a defuse kit, a retake is much harder, and the enemy will try to abuse this.
7. Bomb Planting and Positioning
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The seed which I have planted into the earth determines the fruit which I shall receive.

For terrorists,

If you are at the liberty to do so, always remember to plant in advantageous positions as a terrorist for your teammates in order for the best late-game results. The T's dramatically lose their ability to win the cat and mouse game that is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ defuses if the bomb is hidden behind cover. Of course, sometimes it is not worth planting the bomb in the open because there are too many enemies. It is always good to try to smoke and have teammates defend you so you can plant the bomb if possible. This is not a case of "better be safe than sorry". Instead, the round will be much more ensured if you plant in the open where your terrorist teammates can abuse it. Too many rounds have been lost because the bomb planter has planted in a safe, hidden position. Some positions are also safe to plant in but can still be open to some angles -- this is also very useful.

In the same vein, terrorists should play in locations which are hard for the counter-terrorists to commit to searching in post-plant (because they will lose precious time and will be vulnerable to other angles). Especially if they have the advantage, it is important that they do not peek as much. But if they are at a disadvantage, peeking and surprising enemies is also important.

Realize, just as counter-terrorists can fake defuse the bomb, you can also fake-plant the bomb. In sites like Mirage on A site, it is almost a given that I would fake-plant the bomb and check to see if CT's will peek from CT, Palace, or Ramp because it is very common that on save rounds, CT's will wait for the bomb plant noise before peeking. Doing this can be very important, but should be done only on some maps and situations because this also wastes time and gives counter-terrorists time to consolidate their forces and literally gives them more time to retake the site.

For counter-terrorists,

Remember to get into good positions even before the bomb is planted. If you can get into close positions which will be unexpected to the enemy, it can give a huge advantage. Hiding in the site and letting the enemy plant if you know it is better to wait for backup (which it often is if they have already overwhelmed the site) can be useful because you can then immediately defuse the bomb and cause chaos on the part of the terrorists.

Voo states this same idea of getting the best out of a bad situation as a CT, and gives some other good tips:
8. Cat & Mouse: ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and Defusing

Outplay or be outplayed.

Fake defusing is a method whereby someone taps the bomb (pressing the key to defuse the bomb but then letting go) and without making any noise (holding the shift key) preaims the location where the enemy might peek, hopefully eliminating the enemy.

Defusing the bomb involves a whole meta of mind-trickery, I shall look to dispell some confusion involving this and provide some tactics of relevance to outplay your opponent. This will mostly be put into the context of a 1v1 engagement.

As the Cat (Terrorist): Aim to buy as much time as possible. Never commit until it is absolutely necessary to do so. Never peek to check the bomb if no one has tapped the bomb yet -- trust your hearing. Many players choose to commit too early before it is necessary, and although they sometimes may come out with the victory but themselves at an unnecessary risk. Sometimes, if one plays the bomb correctly, the round can be won without a single engagement. If there are multiple people, generally it is needed to peek at an enemy and eliminate them before they reach the site in order to prevent the method whereby one person defuses and the other person guards him.

To delay, use smokes, flashes, and molotovs to scare the opponent. Often it is enough to prefire at an angle to get the enemy off the bomb.

The enemy will sometimes try to throw a smoke on the bomb and defuse. If you are close enough to kill the enemy, when you hear the smoke hit the ground immediately peek to kill the enemy if you do not feel like you are able to shoot through smoke when he does potentially defuse. Otherwise, if you are either not close enough to immediate to such a shot, wait for the bomb to be tapped before defusing. Be aware that the enemy will sometimes attempt an off-angle and be waiting for you to peek.

Sometimes it is worth not peeking at all because the enemy very rarely commits to a defuse the first time around. Play the odds instead of playing based on fear. Sometimes playing the odds will still mean you lose, even though you went ahead with the option which would give you the best chance of winning.

When he does tap the bomb, remember to wait a few seconds (unless a smoke grenade has been popped, where you would want more time to spam at the smoke if he committed to the defuse) because you only need 1-2 seconds to kill him. Remember not to make any noise if possible so he cannot gain any information. When you do follow this method, remember to check any other angles of where the enemy could also be positioned before taking a wider peek at the bomb location. If he's not there, go back into cover. Repeat until you win.

As the Mouse (Counter-Terrorist): Because you are at a disadvantage, you will need to be able to shoot better than the terrorist. This means that if you miss a shot on the terrorist while trying to fake defuse, you will sometimes need to concede the round because of the lack of time to defuse the bomb. Live to fight another day, if needed.

Remember that it is always important not to make any noise after fake defusing or the opponent will realize that you have not committed to the defuse. This is a mistake that many new players make.

It is possible to throw grenades while defusing. This is most useful when flashing. You can smoke the bomb, then commit to a bomb defusal and also throw a flash to blind the terrorist when he peeks. Remember to wait a few seconds after you begin to defuse the bomb to flash in order to parallel with the time when the terrorist will peek to blind him and give highly increase your odds of winning.

If there are multiple enemies, or if you prefer, you can smoke the bomb, fake defuse, and then peek from an off angle to pick off enemies to help yourself gain the advantage. This is particularly useful because your odds of ninja defusing against multiple enemies are a lot less likely because they will spray a larger area than a single person.

If you lack equipment, fake defusing the bomb is essentially your only option. Committing to a defuse the first time will probably result in your death, for almost all the time the enemy will peek in response to the defuse noise, but it is an option nonetheless if you are desperate. Gaining information beforehand of the enemy's location is important, so ask your teammates if possible -- this removes many variables of where the enemy could be. When you fake defuse, it is important to take a different angle if it is possible to surprise the enemy.
9. Aiming is Key

Veni, vidi, vici

To be a master at this game, although gamesense is a huge factor, in the end, the man with the better aim outplays the kid with potato aim.

Always be sure to warm up before playing in Aim Botz (can be found in the steam workshop) or another offline map of your preference. Doing this often makes aiming an unconscious thought. The idea is to improve your aim to the point where you don't have to worry about it and focus on making important decisions. You shouldn't have to think about where you should be aiming, it should come easy as 1, 2, 3...

Focus on learning how to aim with one gun first, then work your way up to learn other guns. The AK47, M4A4 (or the silencer version), and AWP are the three main guns which you should learn. But this does not mean that other guns should be ignored. Pistols are also paramount for the first round, and SMGs, as well as the lesser rifles, should be practiced as well. Many experienced players still do not know how to spray other guns properly besides the AK47, M4A4, and AWP.

There are a ton of resources to look up on the psychology of aiming and improving aim, which could make up an entire separate guide. Below are some resources, mainly for new players. Many useful videos can be found in the section for Learning Resources.

For beginners and low-level players:
This video, by pro player Adren is a necessity to new players. Old, but still gold.

Use this video, made by pro player adreN to help supplement your crosshair placement. Although the video is several years old, the core ideas behind peeking which he demonstrates still ring true.
10. Retake and 1v1 Practice

Both retake and 1v1 maps are useful resources that can be played and treated as practice for the competitive gamemode, which can be found in the community server browser. Type in tags such as "retake" for retake or "1v1" or "arena" for 1v1 maps.

They are both conduits whereby a certain type of gameplay can be honed but remember that they both have their own limitations. Some 1v1 maps can be unrepresentative of how 1v1 engagements in the actual 5v5 mode occur. The retake mode tries to mimic how it is like to retake a site, but generally, not many people are alive in actual retakes, and some spawn locations are over-emphasized and unrealistic and does not represent certain situations due to some limitations with how the terrorist will always be able to plant immediately.

So, although they can be refreshments to the actual competitive gamemode, it is also important that one plays many, many competitive games as they will give the most real, tangible results on improvement.
11. Mentality
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There are a variety of theoretical arguments regarding the effect of mentality, not just in CS:GO, but in other games as well.

However, there are two major schools of thought in CS:GO:

1) Skill constitutes mentality
In this branch, mentality is assumed as a sort of dependent on skill level. Skill, when developed properly, will result in an ideal mentality. Mentality, in this case, means something more like "comfort level" or ease of play. The jige problem with this approach is that those who won't reach this perceived "proficient" degree of skill will never reach a perfect mentality, as the player's thoughts will be too worried about their own gameplay instead of succeeding.

Following this approach, exemplars of CS:GO (the pros) at the very top must then have complete control of each situation because they are merely skilled enough to do so -- but isn't there are a better explanation than this?

We should all look to dig deeper than this.

2) Mentality constitutes skill

In this train of thought, mentality is the greater component to the player. Essentially, it is the determinant for the player's performance or skill. Personally I find that mentality is really the end all be all for someone's performance. This is because simply that someone's belief to CONTINUE to want to succeed will benefit someone's in the long run. They will continue to PRACTICE, to WORK WITH OTHERS, and more importantly, to PERSEVERE.

12. Consistency: Persistence vs. Hiatus

Additional message:

Too many times, players have complained about the CONSISTENCY of their performance. Usually what they are talking about is the CONSISTENCY OF THEIR GOOD PERFORMANCE, rather than the consistency of their typical performance. Performance stems from a sustained, persistent practice. By practicing often, aiming becomes an unconscious measure so that you can focus on game awareness.

But many times, people have mentioned to me that their performance doesn't improve (or is worsening) despite playing on a daily basis. THIS is an indication of a HUGE problem.


If you are playing constantly, and not improving, it means that your playstyle is inherently poor, or at least not ideal. Improving means exiting your comfort zone, removing this playstyle, and replacing it with a better one.

The word consistency is kind of paradoxical. This is because to be consistent sort of implies a stability in performance, but the truth is that this is impossible -- your ability will always fluctuate.

To be consistent ACTUALLY means to be IN A CONSTANT STATE OF IMPROVEMENT because entropy (periods of unconscious bad play, automatic frustration upon losing etc, refusal to improve, etc.) will always seek to debilitate your performance.

This means that if you are doing the same thing, even if you are playing consistently, that you are subject to this entropy, and at best are at the same spot as before, and at worse are getting worse.

Learn how to strafe. Learn how to shoot OTHER guns that you don't typically buy. Learn to communicate more precisely. Have a unique and fresh GAMEPLAN every time the round starts. ANALYZE DEMOS. LEARN MAPS. LEARN SMOKES. LEARN FLASHES.

Push yourself--

Take a hiatus.

Thank you.
Learning Resources
[New]: New players or beginners
[Adv]: Experienced or advanced players
{Name}: Name of channel or creator

New {Warowl}, go to playlists, and choose tutorials. Accessible.

[New] [Adv] {adreN}, go to playlists or most viewed. Old but valuable.

[Adv] {Josh Nissan, Steel}, go to playlists. In detail, and also discusses pyscological aspect.

[New] [Adv] {Jamiew_}, smoke grenade tutorials.

[Adv] {Voo}, personal favorite -- abundant with a variety of topics.

[Adv] {Launders}, mostly misc. topics, such as strafing, bhoping, self-boosting

[New] [Adv] {Trilluxe}, high quality and many good videos

Playlist of must watch guides, especially useful for beginners:

Please leave a comment if you would like to recommend some other channels.
From the Staglion
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45 bình luận
Hydrostatic 26 Thg11, 2023 @ 5:45am 
author has tiny non functional balls and flaunts their non functionality
Elite 10 Thg07, 2020 @ 11:13am 
first comment of 2020 lol
Krystal 29 Thg10, 2019 @ 2:59am 
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2) Start registration
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Как получить бесплатные скины?
Заходим на pvpro .com(убираем пробел)
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kkkamino 22 Thg02, 2018 @ 2:22pm 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
+rep very helpful teammate
+rep good leader
+rep clutchmeister
+rep amazing teammate
+rep insane skills
+rep cool friend :)
+rep go me boost rank
+rep nice ace usp
+rep global elite
+Rep saved our match
+rep thx for game
+rep funny guy
+rep nice to play with
+rep amazing clutch
+rep killing machine ^
+rep AK GOD *-*
+rep nice Ace
+rep nice profile
Jafonso 18 Thg03, 2017 @ 9:30am 
I was in the middle of a faceit that was going kinda shit for me and that music actually helped wtf
Daddy 18 Thg03, 2017 @ 6:56am 
cheers to whoever finished reading the guide
Foley2004 18 Thg03, 2017 @ 5:59am 
rip comments
Auggie 15 Thg03, 2017 @ 1:09pm 
deus vult!
flowermouth 15 Thg03, 2017 @ 12:43pm 
this article feels really pretentious
4rogie 14 Thg03, 2017 @ 11:36pm 
best guide ever is all here trust me im a pro: Option 1. Git gud option 2. Use hax option 3. Get boosted