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Arkham Horror card Game: The Limens of Belief - A Lita Chantler story
Game Category: Board Games, Card Games
Number of Players: 1
File Size
615.956 KB
Jan 6, 2017 @ 1:15pm
Oct 1, 2017 @ 12:51am
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Arkham Horror card Game: The Limens of Belief - A Lita Chantler story

A custom scenario!
Solo only!
How did Lita end up in your Parlor that night?

Comments on balance, card text (errors / ambiguity, etc.) very welcome.
Noaloha  [author] Apr 17, 2017 @ 2:21pm 
(3) A loop occurs (as you spot!) which is intended to -- basically -- describe the effects of the spell using game mechanics. The beast is slowly killed point by point and 'mental energy' is applied to the arcane symbol. Just narrative, fuel for the imagination, albeit told in a strange way.

Anyway, hope that offered a little insight into the *intent* of certain aspects of the scenario at least. Oh! The skull thing is literally 'the current agenda'. So agenda 1, 2 or 3. Nothing to do with tokens on the agenda. As another aside, I tried to have the skulls represent Lita's ever-approaching doom as Umo seeks her out. So skulls get both stronger and more frequent as the scenario progresses and her sought-after death gets closer.
Noaloha  [author] Apr 17, 2017 @ 2:21pm 
(2) The aim was to reflect the strange prep of some arcane spell, plus the effect -- neither being as simple necessarily as 'play a card' and 'do the thing the card says'. Whether all this worked or not for any given player is what matters! Fingers crossed it works for most. It could be simplified and explained more plainly, but I'd then be diluting the 'feel' of what I was experimenting with in the first place.

The loop you asked about, I was always a little worried that players might look at the 7 health and 7 sanity and try to infer some meaning there. There is none. They could both be 99. It'd make no difference as long as the game's rules are followed properly.
Noaloha  [author] Apr 17, 2017 @ 2:21pm 
(1) Thanks for the feedback! So the thing is, for better or worse, the second half of the scenario is intentionally confusing, at first glance let's say. My hope was for the player to have to, kind of, solve the assets' purpose using their own knowledge of game mechanics and taking close note of uncommon card traits and even flavour text (plus perhaps some trial and error to add longevity and replays to an otherwise very linear story scenario), and that the assets and pieces would only make sense when all the components were in play (and then, only if the player put them together in the right order).
MastroLindo Apr 17, 2017 @ 8:34am 
Now I understand the logic of it and I like the idea of the strange ritual, however it still feels a bit weird that the bone thingy works with the door in that way. Maybe putting some extra description on the door about it reacting to the presence of the bone-thingy might have helped?
-it is not clear to me if, once you have the pendent beast and the parasitic asset on the door, you just need to pass the beast test once or 7 times. By looking at the card descriptions, it seems that they would create "a loop" so that only one test is necessary, but if that's the case, I don't get why they have 7 horrors and 7 damage. The whole thing is a bit unclear

-the skull token symbol reads : -x where x is the current agenda. Does that mean the number of doom tokens on the current agenda, or the agenda number (1,2,3?)

Overall I found the scenario quite nice , it plays decently good, except for some minor things that could have been a bit clearer.

Thank you very much for sharing it!
MastroLindo Apr 17, 2017 @ 8:34am 
Played today, overall I like the idea of the "prequel" and overall the scenario structure.

A couple of feedback points:
-writing on cards quickly goes from quite good to quite bad. Maybe a second pass on certain scenario cards would actually improve things a lot
-the last act was a bit confusing. As soon as I got the bone thingy from the professor, I read its description without understanding completley. When I later on when into the house, I didn't realize I could use the bone to interact with the study door, so I just simply moved on to the attic and parlor, did what I had to do with the strange creature, and then left wondering what the hell was a parasytic asset. Took me some time to find it.

Noaloha  [author] Feb 12, 2017 @ 4:07am 
Crap, thank you. I'd changed its visibility while I checked a problem with image hosting. Must have forgotten to switch it back to 'public' -- should be available again now!
TRBRY Feb 11, 2017 @ 6:56pm 
So where did your solo table go?
Rathrain Feb 4, 2017 @ 12:17pm 
Thank you very much for creating custom content for this awesome game!