King's Quest Collection

King's Quest Collection

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King's Quest 3: To Heir Is Human - Copy Protection
Bởi VolnuttHeroP64
This Guide contains the Copy Protection for King's Quest 3: To Heir Is Human as listed in Manannan's Spellbook.
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1. Understanding the Language of Creatures
Page 2
Ingredients: chicken feather, dog hair, powdered fish bone, snakeskin,
thimbleful of dew
Tools: magic wand

1. Put small feather in bowl
2. Put fur in bowl
3. Put reptile skin in bowl
4. Add spoon of powdered fish bone
5. Put thimbleful of dew in bowl
6. Mix with hands
7. Separate mixture into two pieces
8. Put dough pieces into your ears
9. Feather of fowl and bone of fish
Molded together in this dish
Give me wisdom to understand
Creatures of air sea and land
10. Wave magic wand
2. Flying like an Eagle or a Fly
Page 4
Ingredients: rose petal essence, saffron
Tools: magic wand

1. Put pinch of saffron in essence
2. Oh winged spirits set me free
Of earthly bindings just like thee
In this essence behold the might
To grant the precious gift of flight
3. Wave magic wand
3. Teleportation at Random
Page 7
Ingredients: amber stone, mistletoe, salt
Tools: magic wand

1. Grind spoon of salt in mortar
2. Grind mistletoe in mortar
3. Rub stone in mixture
4. Kiss stone
5. With this kiss I thee impart
Power most dear to my heart
Take me now from this place hither
To another place far thither
6. Wave magic wand
4. Causing a Deep Sleep
Page XIV
Ingredients: acorns, nightshade juice
Tools: pouch, magic wand

1. Grind acorns in mortar
2. Put acorn powder in bowl
3. Put nightshade juice in bowl
4. Stir mixture with spoon
5. Light charcoal brazier
6. Heat mixture on brazier
7. Spread mixture on table
8. Acorn powder ground so fine
Nightshade juice like bitter wine
Silently in darkness you creep
To bring a soporific sleep
9. Wave magic wand
10. Put sleep powder in pouch
5. Transforming Another Into a Cat
Page 25
Ingredients: cat hair, fish oil, mandrake root powder
Tools: magic wand

1. Put mandrake root powder in bowl
2. Put cat hair in bowl
3. Put two spoons of fish oil in bowl
4. Stir mixture with spoon
5. Put dough on table
6. Pat dough into cookie
7. Mandrake root and hair of cat
Mix oil of fish and give a pat
A feline from the one who eats
This appetizing magic treat
8. Wave magic wand
6. Brewing a Storm
Page 84
Ingredients: cup of ocean water, spoon of mud, toadstool powder
Tools: jar, magic wand

1. Put cup of ocean water in bowl
2. Light charcoal brazier
3. Heat bowl on brazier
4. Put spoon of mud in bowl
5. Add pinch of toadstool powder
6. Blow into hot brew
7. Elements from the earth and sea
Combine to set the heavens free
When I stir this magic brew
Great god Thor I call on you
8. Wave magic wand
9. Pour storm brew into jar
7. Becoming Invisible
Page 169
Ingredients: cactus, lard, toad spittle
Tools: knife, magic wand

1. Cut cactus with knife
2. Squeeze cactus juice on spoon
3. Put cactus juice in bowl
4. Put lard in bowl
5. Add two drops of toad spittle
6. Stir mixture with spoon
7. Cactus plant and horny toad
I now start down a dangerous road
Combine with fire and mist to make
Me disappear without a trace
8. Wave magic wand
9. Put ointment in empty lard jar
1 bình luận
VolnuttHeroP64  [tác giả] 6 Thg01, 2017 @ 11:41am