King's Quest Collection

King's Quest Collection

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King's Quest: Quest for the Crown SCI & VGA Versions - Walkthrough
De către VolnuttHeroP64
In this Guide, I will show you how to play play the SCI Version & the VGA Fan Remake of Sierra On-Line's King's Quest: Quest for the Crown. Brought to you by the Sierra Help Pages.

SCI Version supports ScummVM
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0. Cover Introductions
SCI Version:

VGA Remake:
1. Walkthrough
Some screens are inhabited by hostile creatures who randomly appear; stay near the edges so that if they do, you can leave the screen quickly.

From beginning go west of the castle and move the big rock.
Look in the hole and take the dagger.
Go west to a lake and take some pebbles from the shore.
Go east once and north once and climb the big oak.
Walk out on the big branch to the nest and take the golden egg.
Climb back down carefully and go north twice.
Take a walnut and open it. If it is golden, keep it.
If not, try again.
Go east once and take the small bowl in the charming clearing.
Go south once.
If there is an elf wandering around here, talk to him.
If he's not there, go south then come back.
After you talk to him, he will give you a magic ring.
From there go south to the castle garden and take a carrot.
Then go east twice and north once.
This is the clover meadow- pick one.
Go east twice and south twice.
Wade into the pond and look in the stump.
Take the pouch you find there, exit the lake and open the pouch to discover some diamonds.
Now, go back north once and open the gate to the goat pen.
Enter the pen and when the goat is close enough, show the carrot to him.

Now carefully lead him south once, west twice, and south once more to one of the troll bridges.

Try to cross the bridge.
When the troll appears, the goat will run up and butt him off the bridge.
Cross the bridge and go south to the little gnome's house.
The gnome will ask you a riddle; What is my name?
Answer "Rumplestiltskin", but spelled backwards: Nikstlitselpmur.
He will give you some magic beans.
If you fail to get the right answer in three guesses, he will instead give you a golden key.
Now go south and cross another bridge.
Go south again to the clover meadow and plant the beans.
Carefully climb up the magic beanstalk to Cloudland.
Go east twice, then south, then east twice.
Look in the tree to the right of the screen to find a slingshot.
Go north once and west once.

Hide behind a tree near the bottom right of the screen or rub the magic ring and wait for the giant to fall asleep.

Or you can shoot him with the slingshot (but get fewer points).
Then take the magic chest.
Climb back down the beanstalk.
Go east three times and south once to the well.
Use the dagger to cut the rope and take the bucket.
Stand near the handle and lower the rope, then climb down the rope into the well.
Dive down and swim to the left and up again.
Get out of the water and fill the bucket with water.
Go west and throw the water on the dragon, who will move a boulder and run out of his lair.

You can also kill the dragon with the dagger or approach him while under the fairy godmother's protective spell (she appears to the east of the garden).

Take the magic mirror and leave through the cave opened by the departing dragon.
Go east once and north once.
Knock on the door of the gingerbread house.
If no one answers, go in and hide in the bedroom to the right.

When the witch comes in and goes over to her cauldron, walk up behind her and push her into the pot.

Go back to the bedroom and take the note and read it (It's a clue to the gnome's riddle, which you've already solved).

Go to the kitchen and open the cupboard to get the Swiss cheese.
Leave the house and eat some of the gingerbread.
Now go north twice to a beat-up old shack.
Enter and talk to the woodcutter.
Now look at your magic bowl to see the word fill written on the bottom.
Fill the bowl and give it to the woodcutter for his wife.
In gratitude, he will give you his fiddle.
Take it and leave.
Now go south three times and west once to the cave that leads to the dragon's lair.
A condor will swoop down (if he doesn't appear, leave and come back).
Jump up when he passes over you and grab his feet.

He will deposit you in a formerly inaccessible area just south of the castle and northeast of the gnome's house.

Go west and take the mushroom growing there.
Go east and jump in the hole.
Follow the tunnel to the rat.
Give him the cheese, but don't get too close.
Walk up to the door and it will open for you.

As soon as you enter the room, play the fiddle for the leprechauns, who will dance themselves out of existence (if you don't have the fiddle, they will disappear if you have the four leaf clover).

Go into the throne room; the king and his court will also disappear.
Take the shield, and if it's there, the scepter.
Continue past the throne room to the small hole.
Eat the mushroom and go through the hole.
Go north twice and east three times to the castle gate.

Open the gate and enter the castle and return the treasures to the dying King Edward and receive the crown.
2. Differences
The condor will appear anytime during the original version, but only after you have the first two treasures in the enhanced version.

In the original version, the answer to the gnome's riddle is the name Rumplestiltskin spelled using a backwards alphabet where a=z, b=y, etc. So the answer would be: IFNKOVHGROGHPRM

Also, in the original version to plant the magic beans you must go in front of the cave where the dragon lives and not where the clovers are. The points differences will be noted in the points list.

The location of the pebbles in the original is one screen west of the fork in the river south of the castle.
3 comentarii
BayconStrips 22 iun. 2022 la 11:50 
Just curious; Did you figure this all out? It took me 20 minutes to figure out you have to type "Swim" to not die xD
VolnuttHeroP64  [autor] 10 mai 2021 la 13:28 
what version are you using?
VGA, SCI in ScummVM or SCI in DosBox?
ingrid.windsor 10 mai 2021 la 12:19 
How does one save the game and go from there if one dies